An open letter to Tyler Black, MD regarding Kammerer et al.
Tyler Black has taken offense to all of this DNA contamination research. He is recycling old bromides capped of with an ad hominem smear at the end of his ‘substantive’ critique.
Let’s start with his last point first. If you don’t care to see Dr. Black dismantled by his own performative contradictions… skip to the end where I demonstrate he is lying about the literature.
Point F is an ad hominem attack you should know to ignore by now. So lets get the ad homs out of the way and give Dr Black a black eye of his own. He blasts the journal, author and editors.
NEJM and the Lancet brought you Surgisphere. The higher the impact factor of the journal, the higher the retraction rate. We do not care about journals. We care about reproduction. I don’t know who continues to fall for this nonsense 4 years into this pandemic where its well known the government spent $1B censoring to limit vax hesitancy. If they were censoring X and Facebook, you better believe they were censoring the journals.
Likewise, you should never make an argument that is a performative contradiction.
If you claim a bunch of researchers are anti-vax bonkers, you better have more citations than them in the subject matter otherwise your entire argument implodes on itself.
So does Tyler Black have any publications in molecular biology or genomics?
He doesn’t have a Google Scholar listing which means you really have to dig to find his paltry academic contributions. You can find an ORCID ID that seems to list everything including citation free letters to editors and his conference posters.
He has papers with Susan Oliver that have never collected a single citation. Not surprised. I guess when Susan Oliver is last author, he can be a first author.
He is usually a middle author contributor with zero citations.
Letter to Editors are “just like your opinion man” - No citations
Single Author papers with zero citations
A Preprint.
Preprints are harder to cite. Some editors push back on using preprints as a citation so when they do exist there is a higher chance someone went to bat for early work. But Dr. Black doesn’t have citations on this preprint.
Oooh wait, We found a commentary about COViD schools closures that got 8 people to cite it.
Alas, the citation are return volleys in a commentary. Like a twitter fight in a journal.
If you are really pathetic academically, you can nurse these outrage farming editorials and comments to get many citations as each person who disagrees with you must cite you. Round and Round the Tyler Black academic scam goes.
This commentary has the same person citing it as the last one.
Another citation free POS paper.
LOOK- he got 4 citations!
Notice he’s always middle author and only first author if its a commentary or editorial piece.
5 citations.. its on the same topic so they are nursing the controversy.
When your CV is this thin you start making ORCID entries for Draft papers that have no DOI number.
More Zero citation work
More zero citation work
He’s really nursing this HEARTSMAP project
Nurse that HEARTSMAP.
Another citation free commentary..but look, its Pre-Covid.
6 years ago. 12 citations. Still nursing HEARTSMAP.
Same theme. Probably the same 14 authors all citing each other over a topic no one cares about but themselves.
Now we finally got one from 9 years ago that has 129 citations.
No recent citations but popular 9 years ago.
Not much here either
And when you are this desperate you should add your conference posters.
So Dr Black has no academic career ever touching DNA. But like a good Dunning-Kruger maxi, he cant resist weighing in on a topic he’s so far over his skis, he a slow motion yard sale.
Let’s contrast this to the academics he smears. 81,000 citations.
Makis is published in nuclear medicine and is a better source on Cancer than this child psychologist posing as a genomics expert.
All of my citations are in the field of genomics.
Never pick an ad hominem fight that dirt-naps you more than Evel Knievel. Its an own goal.
Now lets look as his overt lies.
A) The methods do not over measure DNA. This is another citation free assertion. Georgiou et al demonstrate Picogreen fluorometry under measures the DNA 70% once you digest it with DNaseI.
He claims these are against the manufacturers recommendations. FALSE!
From the manufacturer (Invitrogen) measuring the RNA to DNA cross talk. They don’t advise against it. They measure it and teach the boundaries where it works.
So Citation Free Dr. Black just lied to you. And he probably won’t address why the regulators allow Fluorometry to measure the RNA. He’ll just pretend that inconvenient contradiction doesn’t exist.
B)RNaseA doesn’t present a clean sample. Yes it does. This is standard practice in the field.
The above charts from Invitrogen suggest its not even needed but the authors are being thorough as N1-methyl-PseudoU makes more secondary structure which can recruit minor groove binders. The authors performed a time course on RNaseA demonstrating all signal is decayed in 3 minutes and they let the assay run for 30 minutes.
Evidence free assertions can be dismissed without evidence.
C) This is also an evidence free assertion. To date, the regulators are still redacting 100% of the method documents surrounding this testing. He provides no documents that would survive a peer review or replication that many others have done in this field (McKernan, Speicher, Konig, Raoult, Kammerer, Buckhaults, Lee, Chakraborty).
He cites qPCR as the standard despite Moderna’s own patents advising against the use of qPCR as it under measures the problem.
This is covered in Rebekah Barnetts reply to the TGA.
D) This is just a sign that he’s commenting confidently on a paper he didn’t read. He claims these SV40 fragments are broken down and removed in manufacturing.
Kammemer et al show 362bp amplicons in PCR after these are transfected into cell lines and washed and grown. The DNA isn’t cleaned out of the manufacturing process and can even be found in cells post transfection, division and washing. He’s just ,once again, dead wrong about this.
Chakraborty shows these fragments are even found in 3 different studies’ blood samples that were published in the NCBI-SRA. The authors didn’t know about this. It took Chakraborty sleuthing through public datasets to find these vaccine sequences in patients blood. Ooops.
He then goes on to claim SV40 is in flu and HPV vaccines! LOL. What a clown. Citation free again.
ChatGPT points out the lie. There is DNA in the HPV vaccine that Dr. Sin Lee discovered but its not SV40.
He tries the tired canard of these sequences being non-functional.
Nope- They are Nuclear Targeting sequences as published by Dean et al. This was cited in the Kammerer paper he refused to read but seems to have many loud and heavy Dunning-Kruger opinions about.
They are also known to bind to P53 (Drayman et al).
They are also known as hypermutability elements.
E) If your argument is that a particular field is dubious at best, never cite a fact-checker.
50 years later committees are still advising this be monitored and he brings out a fact checker.
Hilariously, he points to a paper that warns about SV40 being in so many lab leaks that it confuses PCR tests over if it came from the polio vaccine or some other exposure. This is not the endorsement you think it is. Very sloppy work from Dr. Black.
In Fact Beck et al leaked one of these SV40 plasmids in Seattle. This doesn’t make SV40 safe. The fact that its used in plasmids that transfect people and expose them to risk isn’t an argument against its cancer causing properties. Its an admission of absolute recklessness in the biotech space.
G) Billions of cigarettes smoked, we see no cancer. This argument is juvenile. Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence particularly if you are not looking for it.
John Beaudoin can see the signal in the FOIA’d death records. Ed Dowd has noted the cancer drug sales are on the rise since the vax program. They both come up with similar numbers as Ethical Skeptic. And we can see the pharma M&A activity gobbling up cancer companies for $43B a piece.
In summary, Dr. Black just handed you 6 points, all of which are bullshit. He capped off his critique with ad hominem attacks of people far more accomplished than him (own goal). He casts these stones into field he’s never published in (only Dunning-Kruger morons do this).
Charlatan and Carnival barkers all need engagement farming to full fill their shallow narcissistic egos.
No one consented to this.
They hid it from regulators.
They are liability free.
They were mandated.
People lost their jobs.
Given to kids who don’t need them.
And Dr. Black ignores all of this while pretending he cares about “First do no harm”. It doesn’t get more Pharma Shill than this.
Tremendous response. I knew he would hang himself, he can’t help but smear and cast aspersions, probably because he is paid to do so.
As a serial medical researcher hobbiest...where a large chunk of these details are way over my head, I do relish in your brilliance and thank you for the delicious vocabulary as you intellectually punch this dingledorf in the throat! BRAVO! 👏 👏 👏 👏 🩷💜🧡