If you want to understand the recent Project Veritas videos, you should spend the time and read the prior Nepetalactone newsletter threads titled “Directed Evolution I & II”. These are threads from August 2021 and I think you will see they had fairly strong predictive power. They are a helpful starting point for this thread.
I cannot comment on the veracity of Jordans role at Pfizer. I will leave that to more talented investigative journalist to polish. On the surface, Jordan appeared remarkably naive to be director level material and/or likely intoxicated and not speaking with any level of maturity you’d expect from a senior level pharmaceutical executive.
What I can comment on is that his remarks about Pfizer performing GOF are a smoke grenade for the experiment already underway on the human population.
This is meant to distract the population on GOF lab regulation.. even thought it was the very omniscient Science TM who laundered money around their previous rule book on the topic.
Work the public up into a frenzy to vote harder for regulators that better regulate themselves, while Pharma marches on releasing C19 ‘treatment’ drugs that actually mutate the virus so they can milk more liability free mandated vaccines.
Jordan preferred to euphemize their GOF work with the phrase “Directed Evolution”. Technically “Directed Evolution” is a method one could use to achieve GOF but not all Directed Evolution would results in a Gain of Function of a pathogen.
What the public, and what Project Veritas may not realize is that there is no reason for Pfizer to build expensive GOF labs as they already have the experiment running on the human population… the sickest irony of it all is that they have found a way to make the victims of C19 pay for it.
GOF labs are expensive and they tend to leave bread crumb trails back to them. A far more insidious plan… given we know that they know several important conditions to this experiment.
1) The boosters drop white blood cell counts and make you more susceptible to C19 infection (See Cleveland clinic study)
2)The vaccines are always 4 variants behind the scariant du jour..
3)Molnupiravir, remdesivir and even Paxlovid are variant generators.
Under these circumstances, the addition of RdRp nucleotide analogs that “code for catastrophe” will generate all the GOF they need. Just make it illegal in states like California to wander from the play book and you get yourself a perpetual hot trash mouth booster brigade.

Here is the evidence of the prescribed GOF…. and it was knowable from the outset.

Paxlovid is a 2 drug combo. One drug is a protease inhibitor while the other drug inhibits the liver enzyme (CYP3A4) that would normally break down the first. This is like drinking grapefruit juice to boost your CBD or warfarin blood levels. These are not nucleotide analogs that directly create mutagenesis but any drug that induces rebounds is a variant factory. Don’t let any pencil neck fiat virologist tell you otherwise. More viral replication during rebound = more chances for the RdRp polymerase to make additional errors.
So the same fiat virologists that lamented about the immunocompromised being the source of Omicron, will quickly catcall you a cacophony of conspiracy if you point out paxlovid rebounds are happening in far greater numbers. Are you getting a sense of how this works?
Your physician will lose their license if they spread “covid misinformation” in California (Jenin Younes et al may have reversed this as of this writing) and you better believe any drug that isn’t a C19 mutagen will be misinformation.
So Pfizer doesn’t need an expensive GOF lab you can vilify, glue yourself to or hack. The physicians will prescribe all the GOF they need. Paying 75% of the FDAs budget through the PDUFA act of 1992 is far better money spent.
And if they can deflect the public outrage towards revolving door gordian knots, the game goes on while you thrash around with feckless ballot boxes.
In this world, you and your insurance company pay for GOF. They just pay for politicians and bureaucrats.
Whats the cure? As I mentioned on the Project Veritas Spaces..
We need to take a chapter out of Buckminster Fuller. You don’t change the system, you build a new one that makes the old one obsolete. Also take a chapter out of Clayton Christensens’ “Innovators Dilemma”. You don’t march into an 800lb gorillas front yard and declare yourself competitive. You flank them and build something disruptive in their blind spot.
This new system needs to be decentralized. Direct Primary Care physicians that are free of insurance companies. Ignore the AMA and all of these certification nazis that are simply pharma censors in sheeps clothing. Decentralize Peer review with Blockchain based transparent direct peer to peer, peer review. The journals are Pharma gatekeepers through their ad dollars and deserve every ounce of disintermediation we give them.
We need to embrace on and off label use of off patent drugs and further open access plant, fungi and other natural medicines you can grow in your backyard. We discuss many of these topics at CannMed. This is a community of physicians, growers and entrepreneurs that have been evading the fascist fiat medical cartel for decades. We can learn a lot from them.
And No! Nationalizing Pharma isn’t the answer. It’s exactly the poison we have now. Its just camouflaged Nationalized medicine as the average citizen doesn’t see the PDUFA act, vax mandates, liability waivers, forced obamacare and a president that is now an over glorified Pfizer sales rep as National medicine. We need free markets in medicine and the medical legalization efforts for Cannabis and Psilocybin are the model we should explore more.
Threats to licensure need to be dealt with. Big Pharma has long arms. Here in Tennessee we have outlawed mandates and masks, and I've asked the legislators to pass laws allowing doctors to practice medicine free from the fear of de-licensure by a Pharma-pwned board.
AB 2098, in Commifornia was just overturned. Thank God there are people fighting this tyranny!
I never thought I’d see something like this pushed in the USA. It’s very frightening.