I had the pleasure of catching up with my friend Bretigne Shaffer on the Project Veritas bombshell. There is a good hour long video on this topic that is worth a watch
What is interesting is that many of these mutagenic drugs are getting relaxed regulations from the FDA right as Science magazine is starting to hint at some problems. Now, you don’t need to have any evidence of your C19 infection for you to capture a ‘Hot Trash Mouth’ drug known as Paxlovid. You can just identify as a COViD patient and they’ll fill you with C19 mutagens. It is such an emergency in 2023 that we wouldn’t want any diagnosis to get in the way of dispensing these RdRp mutagens.

I wonder what other viruses present with SARs-CoV-2 symptoms, yet have an RdRp?
So not only are we performing on GOF on C19 with human subjects, we may in fact be pushing the evolution of many other RNA based viruses with indiscriminate use RdRp mutagens. Note Moderna has an RSV LNP in the works and Pfizer plans to have an influenza/C19 multivalent LNP in the pipeline as well.
Of course, Science magazine gets a cold water opinion on the mutagenesis risks of molnupiravir from someone at Emory University. I did my undergraduate at Emory. It’s a powerhouse in drug development. The CDC is adjacent to its campus as is Yerkes primate center.
So it should come as no surprise that Molnupiravir was developed at Emory and perhaps Science magazine could have found a more neutral party to weigh in on the mutagenesis concerns voiced by Bill Haseltine.
These authors may have had some insight.
May the GOF be forever in your favor.
Not just rdrps, anything that is copying or expressing genes can theoretically be interfered with by Molnupiravir depending on which derivative. So mutant RNA viruses, mutant DNA viruses, mutant bacteria, mutant humans, mutant embryos, mutant mitochondria, mutant RNAs, maybe it gets into cell walls instead of CTP, and what is even the environmental half-life, who knows. Maybe we're all already taking it.
And also from Philanthropy to Medizin to Eugenics to Genozide to Vaccines