Jessica Rose
had a great write up on this topic.Rebekah Barnett also broke this down for the lay audience.
Jeff Childers weighed in at
Clare Craig highlighted an interesting Paper from Bruce Pattersons lab. Spike protein and even mutated Spike Protein found in the Long-Vax patients 245 days later. Mutated Spike is a sign of Translational fidelity issues. N1-methyl-PseudoU is gumming up the works and making the ribosomes mumble.
Long Discussion with Nick Jikomes on the Vaccine. Nick always has profound questions.
In other news, Rebekah Barnett received this gem of a comment on her article above.
My… how the goal posts have shifted!
Vigilant News also picked up on the topic.
Perhaps the most thorough review of the basic biology behind the DNA integration issue. This could be a book and really digs into the some of bio-basics for those who need a Bio-101 refresher.
This is a great idea! A week in review, from mine point of view!
Yep, it took me awhile to wade through it, but the dig deeply article was super-helpful. I am glad to see more writing like this - aimed at a lay level - to help those of us who are genetically impaired from understanding PhD level science speak! 😁