A most excellent post Kevin. Thanks very much. You have inspired an MIT EE guy from the 1980's to study biology in order to understand exactly what is taking place. I appreciate your scientific objectivity. Thank you for always telling the truth. Real science and politics do not mix. Have a good time in Florida; I bought a book on Cannibis so I can get up to speed and attend next years CANN MED - I live a couple of hours away from Marco Island. Am I correct in recognizing another pattern where big pharma does not like the solutions offered by the Cannibis industry? May there be peace on earth. :-)
While I'm no biochemist, the article is written so well I can follow it as a lay person and I'm so grateful for your skill in explaining it all. It's a very engaging piece and I suspect we'll hear more about this RNA ligase issue as time goes on, though most of it will be disinfo. Thanks for your work.
Very interesting article. I have to say I am surprised that the genomics/biotech community is so clueless about complex systems science.
Even a novice systems scientist could tell you that it is very difficult to predict inter-component interactions in complex systems that consist of thousands of interacting parts. I haven't taken courses in biology in a couple of decades, but I recall that proteins are often involved in hundreds of different interactions.
Predicting the impact of intervention in such systems is next to impossible. The simple truth is that it is difficult to perform systems analysis in artificial systems like airplanes or civil infrastructure. If we don't have particularly good control over artifacts like the US power grid, what makes biologists think that they can predict the impacts of intervention in living organisms? I thought scientists would have learned some lessons from the dismal failure of cybernetics and control theory when applied to other types of complex systems.
The irony, of course, is that systems science owes a tremendous debt to researchers in the biological sciences. Apparently no one listens to systems biologists.
We're missing thousands of proteins by now we know they must be there. But "the science" is not really interested in understanding systemic biology or the consequences. They're interested in big money and selling products.
Thanks for the links, the first looks readable but the second might require a bit of effort to digest.
As for surprise, I'll just give one reason. I have read quite a few papers on scientific modeling in earth and environmental science---in particular, climate science. The researchers in those disciplines are very careful to discuss various forms of uncertainty in their models. I've also read a lot of the transportation and land use modeling literature, and the same is true in those fields.
I'm sure similar discussions take place in the life sciences community, but perhaps they are marginalized or downplayed for the reasons that you mention.
I like to ponder the calculus of water surface waves on a lake. Pebble in a pond sets up all sorts of fascinating patterns as waves interact, just add countless other forces acting in various places & directions ... and then understand that there IS an equation that describes the motions of the water surface.
And God KNOWS that equation ...
We know so little about anything, human arrogance constantly seeks to place man as the ultimate being. The globalist technocrats think they are going to “enhance themselves” and ‘evolve’ ... I just wish they would jump in whole hog, inject themselves with every new biological, let Elon stick a chip in their brains, and leave the rest of us alone! Hubris always causes downfall. They will learn one day, only it will be too late.
You should speak to Dr. Sabine Hazan, who has published people who are vaccine injured & severe Covid have their bifidobacteria levels drop to zero. Raising it back up is therapeutic. This may be connected to the DNA plasmids entering the GI tract and being expressed there..
I want more information on the bifidobacteria. I'm aware of DNA plasmids being in the shots but I'm intrigued by your remark that they enter the GI tract and express there. Sadly, a good number of my friends chose to vaxx and are experiencing unusual symptoms including stomach issues. Can you direct my inquiry further?
You are confusing her study of who got Covid infections, comparing my stool samples from family members. It’s interesting preliminary data, but if I recall she didn’t have many of those families. The plasmids are in the jabs, not the illness.
Make up your mind: are you addressing infection or jab? I am not aware of any evidence (or of anyone even suggesting) that reproduction and shedding of plasmids can occur. Please be careful about this kind of endless speculation, it is the sort of thing that cripples our efforts to change minds. There are plenty of broadly validated issues we can approach without getting too far off in the weeds.
I confess that I tire of Dr Hazan’s interviews where she discusses some of her findings, but then says “you have to buy my book.” After the 2nd or 3rd time, I decided I would simply watch for published material. I applaud her studies of human poop, it is important - although microbiome is only one of multiple factors involved in spike protein disease. I look forward to her formal publishing (refereed or otherwise) of professional material on the subject. I am not interested in yet another “read MY book” appeal. This is my own, quirky style & I don’t expect others to necessarily agree. I come from an era where research findings were made readily available - and even then inertia still had to be overcome!
I'm so sorry you've been harassed to this extent. Kudos for keeping a cool head and pinning these pigs down before exposing them. Hope you bite back VERY hard! Love your newsletters although I don't understand a lot of the technicalities, you have a gift for conveying in layperson language what the issue at hand is. Thank you!!
Such is the reality of the limited understanding of human beings. We don’t know everything—the tiniest fraction. We are like children wandering through the most expansive library imaginable. Trillions upon trillions of books lining innumerable shelves, browsing…and all we have are the first digit of an infinitely complex dewey decimal system.
Such reality should teach us abject humility and precaution. Reverence, really.
Keep on keepin’ on—such important work you’re doing!
Thank you for your work Kevin. I listened to all the debates and followed your work and saw how racism was weaponized and how they attempted to doxx you. I have long said that genetics is like giving a monkey a gun. There is so much complexity and fools rush in where angels fear to tread. I appreciate your thoughtful and thorough approach and will keep promoting your work etc on my website and on twitter. Thank you.
Kevin, this is quite troubling that some online clown wants to create such a threat. Glad you handled it well.
As to the RNA ligase, our lack of understanding in medicine is something we used to take for granted - we were to ALWAYS be learning, be willing to question theories & consider alternatives, to engage in the ART of Medicine. This has been lost with cookbook, expert consensus guidelines, and a plethora of tests/imaging that replace actual examination & formation of a differential diagnosis. It’s a parallel to what happens with your car: they plug it into a computer & start changing parts as it instructs them until they hit upon the answer. These guys are not mechanics, just like many-to-most MDs are not physicians. Ethics are gone, the doctor-patient relationship is intruded upon by .gov, by Pharma, by administrators, and by insurance companies. It needs to change!
Issue here is...We're saving the horse and riding cowboys.
Impossible to perform experimentation with HUMAN GENOMICS WITHOUT ACTUAL HUMANS.
Hey Kevin, do you know if the RNA and dsDNA in those mRNA jabs are integrated into the nucleus genome, can they be identified by those genetic sequencing test on people in the future?
A most excellent post Kevin. Thanks very much. You have inspired an MIT EE guy from the 1980's to study biology in order to understand exactly what is taking place. I appreciate your scientific objectivity. Thank you for always telling the truth. Real science and politics do not mix. Have a good time in Florida; I bought a book on Cannibis so I can get up to speed and attend next years CANN MED - I live a couple of hours away from Marco Island. Am I correct in recognizing another pattern where big pharma does not like the solutions offered by the Cannibis industry? May there be peace on earth. :-)
While I'm no biochemist, the article is written so well I can follow it as a lay person and I'm so grateful for your skill in explaining it all. It's a very engaging piece and I suspect we'll hear more about this RNA ligase issue as time goes on, though most of it will be disinfo. Thanks for your work.
Very interesting article. I have to say I am surprised that the genomics/biotech community is so clueless about complex systems science.
Even a novice systems scientist could tell you that it is very difficult to predict inter-component interactions in complex systems that consist of thousands of interacting parts. I haven't taken courses in biology in a couple of decades, but I recall that proteins are often involved in hundreds of different interactions.
Predicting the impact of intervention in such systems is next to impossible. The simple truth is that it is difficult to perform systems analysis in artificial systems like airplanes or civil infrastructure. If we don't have particularly good control over artifacts like the US power grid, what makes biologists think that they can predict the impacts of intervention in living organisms? I thought scientists would have learned some lessons from the dismal failure of cybernetics and control theory when applied to other types of complex systems.
The irony, of course, is that systems science owes a tremendous debt to researchers in the biological sciences. Apparently no one listens to systems biologists.
Why surprised?
We're missing thousands of proteins by now we know they must be there. But "the science" is not really interested in understanding systemic biology or the consequences. They're interested in big money and selling products.
Thanks for the links, the first looks readable but the second might require a bit of effort to digest.
As for surprise, I'll just give one reason. I have read quite a few papers on scientific modeling in earth and environmental science---in particular, climate science. The researchers in those disciplines are very careful to discuss various forms of uncertainty in their models. I've also read a lot of the transportation and land use modeling literature, and the same is true in those fields.
I'm sure similar discussions take place in the life sciences community, but perhaps they are marginalized or downplayed for the reasons that you mention.
I like to ponder the calculus of water surface waves on a lake. Pebble in a pond sets up all sorts of fascinating patterns as waves interact, just add countless other forces acting in various places & directions ... and then understand that there IS an equation that describes the motions of the water surface.
And God KNOWS that equation ...
We know so little about anything, human arrogance constantly seeks to place man as the ultimate being. The globalist technocrats think they are going to “enhance themselves” and ‘evolve’ ... I just wish they would jump in whole hog, inject themselves with every new biological, let Elon stick a chip in their brains, and leave the rest of us alone! Hubris always causes downfall. They will learn one day, only it will be too late.
You should speak to Dr. Sabine Hazan, who has published people who are vaccine injured & severe Covid have their bifidobacteria levels drop to zero. Raising it back up is therapeutic. This may be connected to the DNA plasmids entering the GI tract and being expressed there..
I want more information on the bifidobacteria. I'm aware of DNA plasmids being in the shots but I'm intrigued by your remark that they enter the GI tract and express there. Sadly, a good number of my friends chose to vaxx and are experiencing unusual symptoms including stomach issues. Can you direct my inquiry further?
Have you noticed stomach issues in non vaccinated people? Either through shedding or Covid itself ?
I have noticed stomach issues in my circles..
Lipid nanoparticles go to the large intestine
You are confusing her study of who got Covid infections, comparing my stool samples from family members. It’s interesting preliminary data, but if I recall she didn’t have many of those families. The plasmids are in the jabs, not the illness.
True yes. But shedding may allow for the symptoms to occur in non vaccinated.
Make up your mind: are you addressing infection or jab? I am not aware of any evidence (or of anyone even suggesting) that reproduction and shedding of plasmids can occur. Please be careful about this kind of endless speculation, it is the sort of thing that cripples our efforts to change minds. There are plenty of broadly validated issues we can approach without getting too far off in the weeds.
I confess that I tire of Dr Hazan’s interviews where she discusses some of her findings, but then says “you have to buy my book.” After the 2nd or 3rd time, I decided I would simply watch for published material. I applaud her studies of human poop, it is important - although microbiome is only one of multiple factors involved in spike protein disease. I look forward to her formal publishing (refereed or otherwise) of professional material on the subject. I am not interested in yet another “read MY book” appeal. This is my own, quirky style & I don’t expect others to necessarily agree. I come from an era where research findings were made readily available - and even then inertia still had to be overcome!
Brilliant as allways, sir. One can only be glad that you kept your coolness and that you did not allow yourself to be corrupted.
I'm so sorry you've been harassed to this extent. Kudos for keeping a cool head and pinning these pigs down before exposing them. Hope you bite back VERY hard! Love your newsletters although I don't understand a lot of the technicalities, you have a gift for conveying in layperson language what the issue at hand is. Thank you!!
Wow, your writing I improving with each essay! More explanations and commentary supporting your opinions, extremely helpful and nuanced. #KeepGoing
Such is the reality of the limited understanding of human beings. We don’t know everything—the tiniest fraction. We are like children wandering through the most expansive library imaginable. Trillions upon trillions of books lining innumerable shelves, browsing…and all we have are the first digit of an infinitely complex dewey decimal system.
Such reality should teach us abject humility and precaution. Reverence, really.
Keep on keepin’ on—such important work you’re doing!
Many thanks from Finnish 🇫🇮 surgeon
Thank you for your work Kevin. I listened to all the debates and followed your work and saw how racism was weaponized and how they attempted to doxx you. I have long said that genetics is like giving a monkey a gun. There is so much complexity and fools rush in where angels fear to tread. I appreciate your thoughtful and thorough approach and will keep promoting your work etc on my website and on twitter. Thank you.
Kevin, this is quite troubling that some online clown wants to create such a threat. Glad you handled it well.
As to the RNA ligase, our lack of understanding in medicine is something we used to take for granted - we were to ALWAYS be learning, be willing to question theories & consider alternatives, to engage in the ART of Medicine. This has been lost with cookbook, expert consensus guidelines, and a plethora of tests/imaging that replace actual examination & formation of a differential diagnosis. It’s a parallel to what happens with your car: they plug it into a computer & start changing parts as it instructs them until they hit upon the answer. These guys are not mechanics, just like many-to-most MDs are not physicians. Ethics are gone, the doctor-patient relationship is intruded upon by .gov, by Pharma, by administrators, and by insurance companies. It needs to change!
Issue here is...We're saving the horse and riding cowboys.
Impossible to perform experimentation with HUMAN GENOMICS WITHOUT ACTUAL HUMANS.
Hey Kevin, do you know if the RNA and dsDNA in those mRNA jabs are integrated into the nucleus genome, can they be identified by those genetic sequencing test on people in the future?