95.3% ^1252. This is 7.86E-27. Not a mistake. Lets hope this is a mistake that takes down the entire death cult. Big thank you to Jim Scott, gives me hope we can win this war.

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Two brilliant minds coming together, kaboom❤️👍

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The real crime is the traffic to your substack. Despite the heavily technical nature being accessible to only a very narrow group, the bigger picture is quite clear.

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Hi Dr. McKernan, could you have a look at this post of mine and maybe give a feedback whether it's a good idea to look for those hinted components in the mRNA/DNA soup of "contaminants"?


2+ years later, but never too late? If indeed there, that would be the final stick of dynamite under the foundation of the WARP speed?

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I posted that osf link on fb and it was ok until recently. FB started censoring all post/links with it. They really don't want people to read the journal.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Just something random that popped into my mind...... because it was also a little strange when I'd stumbled across it. One of these ORFs come closest to a lasso protein when you put it in a protein generator to try to tell what it is. I never really could find much material about lasso proteins. I thought they were rather neat as a concept just for their shape. The purpose they would serve? Mysterious! Just some random thought that passed while reading this.

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Post on FBIbook was removed because it discusses scientific process, which needs to be looked at. Can't have any critical thinking out there.

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Someone should focus on savingvthe Pfizer, Moderna etc patents till they don't erase them from net.

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Read this famous essay. It perfectly describes the criminals at work today:


Protect yourselves at all times; they are truly stupid, in the Bonhoeffer sense of the word. Peace.

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layman here. i wonder, are natural viruses more random, being less prone to OLGs? i mean, for exemple if the two strands are in phase, if for any reason you don't use those codons that on the other strand would become a stop codon, then you don't have a stop codon?

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Here is the working link


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So, is this why Disney is still in business?

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Somebody in R&D has a dark sense of humour.

Marvel Comics Everyday Heroes presented by Pfizer and BioNTech


Spider-Man is a Marvel superhero.

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