Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

The exhaustive replacement of U with N-1-methyl-psuedo-U and excessive GC optimisation was done with the singular myopic desire to hoodwink our cell biology and max out protein translation. Concerns raised by McKernan, Kyriakopoulos and McCullough in their pre-print https://osf.io/bcsa6/ highlighted a host of problems with this approach. Sixteen months later and backed by solid experimental science, we find out the s**t show just got a whole lot worse. The lack of foresight, consequence of action and hubris by Pfizer and Moderna is unbelievable.

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I think this Substack is published by Kevin McKernan?

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Am I understanding correctly that the vaccine used in the trial was manufactured in a different way than the vaccine given to the general public?

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Yes. It says so in the EMA approval documents way back...

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I eagerly await part 2 of this... Although I suspect part 2 might contain more bad news... My very basic understanding of mRNA and its critical functions in cellular biology was enough to make me avoid the vaccines on offer, more than ever I do not regret that decision.

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I gotta Substack this soon.

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