Kevin, Thank you for your tireless efforts in doing this work. As the battle goes forward, it will be important to have such articles for a reference. It must get tiresome having to repeat yourself, though.

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I really don’t understand why these people keep fudging the issues. Who are they trying to protect and why? I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE that all governments use the manufacturer for answers. Even they can’t be that stupid knowing full well the history of lawsuits against pharma. What, not even a shadow of doubt? This is madness. Kevin you have been a dog with a bone. Your tenacity knows no bounds. Thank you.

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Vivien, Ed Dowd is likewise puzzled. Today (1/8/24), he wrote on X, "Why do government health authorities across the globe with billions of dollars in annual budget allocations continue to remain silent on excess deaths?" It seems that you're in good company.

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Jan 8, 2024
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Ty, no one who's been here for a while is way behind. Kevin is an excellent teacher, so my friends and I have learned tons.

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Great read, thanks Kevin.

You ask the question:

"Did she not watch the presentation or just not understand it?".

From https://point.zastone.ba/govornici/ana-benacic/:

"Ana Benačić is a journalist at Faktograf.hr, first Croatian fact-checking website.

She holds a degree in journalism from the Faculty of Political Sciences at Zagreb University"

Like so many fact checkers she has a nothing degree and she almost certainly does not understand anything she is talking about. She's just another shameless, midwit, regurgitator.

It's criminal that so much time and energy is wasted by these people.

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🎯💯 nailed it...

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I wondered the same

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No True Scotsman fallacy: "No reliable evidence... ." "Not aware of... ." In this case, the strategy uses weasel-word qualifiers to invalidate evidence or facts. Very lawerly as they can use the weasel words to dismiss evidence that doesn't support their conclusion and they can use lack of awareness to defend themselves in court (if we ever get there.)

Motte and Bailey: Conflating SV40 virus with SV40 promoter/enhancer then explaining why the promoter/enhancer isn't dangerous, only the full viral sequence is. There are other ways this is employed such as blurring the lines between the process 1 and 2 and what was tested for each.

And then of course we have appeal to authority: post-marketing monitoring systems operated by the implicated agencies themselves. Also, "not peer reviewed" is a form of appeal to authority as well and equally as laughable with the current state of science journals.

And then you have batshit crazy stuff like a guy who puts a big qualifier -at the end of a sentence- that means [if regulators were competent and well-intentioned], thus invalidating everything he said before.

It's all so tiresome.

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"Lawyerly" is exactly correct. Factcheckers are professional liars, just like lawyers! One of their biggest tricks is the use of "strawman arguments" by responding to arguments that nobody is making. They hope to dupe the stupid and lazy with this trick.

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The fact checkers are indeed paid propagandists; however, I am more interested in the quotes from experts and regulatory bodies. Their use of these fallacious qualifiers as shields is evidence of their intent to protect themselves not just in the field of public opinion but also potentially in court. When a regulatory body says "No reliable evidence" that means that they are aware of evidence that they deem unreliable that is contrary to their preferred conclusion. When they say "Not aware of" that is equivalent to Hillary Clinton saying "I don't recall" dozens upon dozens of times. I would argue that these are a form of evidence of awareness of guilt as they serve to produce an artificial realm of knowledge selected as a subset from the available facts in order to produce a false pattern of innocent ignorance. 'The facts we picked support our case entirely.'

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I don't think so many people would take those shots if they knew the contents was E. coli juice. And in the you-can't-make-this-shit-up department, one of the side effects is sepsis.

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“The only contest is how much DNA is present and is it a clinical risk?”

This is the single most important question that these agencies need to address. They have the resources, staffing, and funds to research the answer to this question. That they won’t, and furthermore that they remain silent on the issue speaks volumes. Time is not on their side.

Thank you Kevin McKernan for your steadfast work 🙏.

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Thank you Kevin for your valuable work which will help to bring down the whole criminal medical and Pharma network of killers

I have 2 dead sisters a dead son in Australia and a dead friend in the USA all vaccinated

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wow, so sorry to hear that. That's horrible, so many people in your family and close to you killed by the shots. Sister of close friend of mine died in her sleep two days after Murder-na shot. I know of two other deaths. My own sister had serious heart damage, nephew has had peripheral neuropathy for 2 years, brother also has heart damage. These things are poison, there is absolutely no doubt. And yet the mass murderers keep the cover up going. Will any of them ever be brought to justice?

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In answering the "fact checking" Kevin supplied a great review of the COVID jab, DNA adulteration issue which must be shared widely.

Most illuminating is that there was no real follow-up on the testing of 'Process 2' COVID jabs in that tiny cohort of humans.

The FDA wants to expand its regulatory tentacles towards over the counter supplement makers, as well as small farms and home industries. Meanwhile they totally dropped the ball on mandated jabs which were administered to billions.

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we have to remember that the FDA is a fully captured "regulatory" agency. As such they are a marketing arm for Pharma. They have not worked for you and me for decades. Their job is to give FDA approval to new poisons that Pharma produces.

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FDA is unfit for purpose for over 30 years

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I just read an article by David Gortler senior research fellow from The Heritage Foundation called “ Are Safety Reports from Covid mRNA shots due to lack of FDA ingredient clarity.” I’m stunned by all the covert behaviour by the FDA. FOIA requests are redacted to the point of being useless. According to Gortler this is new. WTF is going on? How can non establishment scientists assay these mystery damaging shots without full disclosure???

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Jan 5, 2024
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This last 3 years has given me a rude awakening. In 2014 the Toronto Star did an expose’ on fraudulent clinical trials. (New owners now, and make fun of the conspiracy theories). I am so angry at myself for getting the shot. All the lies and covert behaviour is mind blowing.

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I'm sure you know about protocols for healing vax injury, right? FLCCC has one, Dr. McCullough also. Let me know if you don't know about these and would like links, or you can just google FLCCC protocols.

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Jan 5, 2024
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If viruses don't exist, SARS Cov-2 does not exist, therefore, neither does the spike exist, nor do the four sequences from the SV40 virus exist, which Kevin has sequenced in detail. Therefore all the work that Kevin has done, according to you is total fraud, because covid doesn't exist, so he can't possible have found anything if there is nothing to find.

That being your mantra, exactly why are you commenting on a substack you so obviously consider to be a delusion?

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You have your eyes open, Jack!

And your closing question; Does it make any sense to anyone, should be paramount, and will lead to the "secret" agency which wields control over all. Your overview of the situation and conclusions drawn thereby are stellar in my view. It's much like deciphering the intricacies of nature; ie ALL flora and fauna, and with devoted, unobstructed, true scientific resolve toward "origins." The result, if honest, will ALWAYS be that an overwhelming flood of dependable scientific facts render the taught "naturalistic" theory viable only for the proverbial toilet, and minds benumbed; insanitized by propaganda.

In exact fashion, the series of events in history's sordid past excludes "chance" as being its creator. Secrecy is paramount in the making of warfare tactics in any war room, and so it is with the global theatre of "war" in this life. A secret "society" by the name, "The Society of Jesus" (believe it or not!) is in reality the society of Satan's construction with a purpose to deceive and corrupt all that is good, and to promote the RCC, which by the way, is corrupt and evil in all her doings. Being led by her captain, Satan, she has had the advantage of centuries of honing and shaping her long-term agenda, which involves the destruction of anything which is rightfully Christian. False (Babylonian; Pagan) Christians, being useful to her "plan" become spiritually lost for having followed the Jesuit-created false doctrines they willfully espouse during their lifetimes. (And preach those bald lies to others!)

Take a coin. Flip it until it shows the opposite side. Then start over. Your goal is to have the coin render one side or the other ONE HUNDRED TIMES in a row. How long do you suspect it would take to bring about that "chance?" Correlate that with the number of "things" which "just happen" in our governed world, and see if you don't find a parallel. Corruption is a present force, by Satan, but requires cooperation. Left alone it will always come up in accordance with the originator's desire. In the absence of Divine Assistance, the void finds itself filled with Satanic infusion.

Just look at the results in society, and ask yourself if all this "chaos" could have all come about by mere chance. And prepare yourself for the eye-opening revelation poised to blossom shortly.


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Thank you so much for your work, and for your continued responses to these issues. People I know will find a single source which appears to refute any point they disagree with - no matter how many falsehoods it may contain - and consider their due diligence complete. I find it fascinating to watch the back-and-forth on these contentious issues. That is how science functions; and that is why the suppression of dissent has been so damaging to truth.

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Love this post - I'm so over fact checker propaganda agents with their transparent avoidance of truth in plain sight.

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This is all backwards. The onus is on the Health Agencies to prove and demonstrate that there are no endotoxins in the “vaccines”. I’m already thinking they literally don’t understand or refuse to hear the SV40 promoter argument because the normies just won’t understand how it is ap53 suppressor. That is too complicated to write in a tabloid or MSM. BUT, contaminants in the vials should be a no-brainer, an absolute no-brainer. I’m thinking, given the genuine aversion to all things contaminated in Germany (land of the OCD), you might be more fruitful forces further inspection through BioNTech. They will be loathe to do it, but it seems to be a topic that the German public could latch onto. I know Aussie17 had some good clips of German tv and talk shows going over the contamination and the need for further testing. Maybe that is the weak link in the Pharma industry?

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Corrupt to the bone, these people!

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fact checking is a liberal con

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Death rates from Pertussis jabs exceeded those from Covid19 jabs.

Time for more Endotoxin analysis of a variety of vile vials.


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Vile vials! 🎯🎯🎯

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I never saw the death rate from whole cell pertussis vaccines that I've seen after covid.... and in the case of wholecell pertussis, e.coli wasn't the culprit. The whole cell pertussis vaccines certainly didn't come with the "add-ons" that mRNA shots dish up for years on end.

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good scientific debate is happening.

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Yup. Our congress people either have no clue as to what is happening to the population, or they are being paid to not care.

It is so hard to overcome the bought and paid for media and these big tech fact checkers.

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