I asked ChatGPT about SV40, and it broke:

“Is sv40 contamination a concern in any other vaccines, besides polio?



No, SV40 contamination is not a concern in any other vaccines besides polio. The contamination of polio vaccines with SV40

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For those interested, the YouTube video suggests that the meeting was over 8 hours long. I was able to find Kevin's segment at the ~4:58:45 time stamp.

If you'd like to share watch it on YouTube, this link should be formatted to take you to the section where Kevin is introduced:


This can be ideal for sharing on FB because the thumbnail will show that it's "official" (since it's an FDA meeting), and it should start playing from where Kevin is introduced (so that the viewer doesn't have to sift through nearly 5 hours of content).

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Thanks so much for the link with the time stamp! It was buggy over a cell network just now (on the road & the main video is long), but it worked fine after a nudge. ||

How wonderful/scary it is that the description of the video was, “ Join us at 8:30 a.m. ET on June 15, 2023, for a Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting to discuss and make recommendations on the selection of strain(s) to be included in the periodic updated COVID-19 vaccines for the 2023-2024 vaccination campaign. This discussion will include consideration of the vaccine composition for fall to winter, 2023-2024.”

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Oh, no problem. Anything I can do to help make it easier for people to discover the truth.

I have my own Substack where I have a series called The Activist Reports. Right now, I'm working on Activist Reports #4, which will be about this very topic, and I hope to complete it soon.


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Thank you for posting the links! While listening to some of the other 'safety' affirming talks, in particular for the elderly, I'd have this one fact for them, 3 covid injected relatives of mine, all in their ~80's are now DEAD, after receiving >2 of the shots. Why the criminal lies of these 'approving' agencies are never ending?

Also, would like to ask that one simple question, why is everyone calling injections of purely synthetic genetic material, 'vaccines'??? That is the deepest DECEPTION of all, in the entire manufactured 'covid business model'. More on it at:


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Your presentation knocked my metaphorical socks off. Thank you, Kevin!

I have shared it far and wide.

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Anandamide, I put this film up for someone else, but I think you may find some interesting correlations in here, with regard to Bernice Eddy's work, and what you are doing now.

You are facing the same thing:


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George Webb says : "...I asked Kevin McKernan to compare this SV40 promoter insert in the Pfizer mRNA to the previous appearance of the SV-40 gene sequence in the 1957-1963 polio vaccines. Kevin McKernan responded only cryptically saying, “It’s a DNA virus” which doesn’t address what the SV40 promoter sequence is in the Pfizer vaccine at all. I responded that I had some strong evidence that Alchem did the DNA plasmid work for Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J, and he has not responded yet to my request for sequences...."

Did George also ask you to scrub his bathroom and detail his car ? Just curious , as I'm always on the lookout for free sources of labor.

As I recall , you provided links to the sequence databases in your paper. Guess looking even that far was too much actual work for George.

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BTW , Kevin's response was only "cryptic" to George. It was in response to his stupid query about reverse transcriptase capacity somehow residing in the SV40 promoter sequence :


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Hi Kevin, excellent 4 min overview, and article as usual.

Particularly damning that Pfizer removed the SV40 promoter annotation from their disclosed maps.

It would be most interesting to run some qPCR on some genomic DNA from volunteer vaccinated via buccal swab to see if you can detect the SV40 promoter sequence (though it might be in other vaccines), and/or an assay specific for the Pfizer/Moderna expression vectors (a duplex assay allowing Mod recipients to act as internal unvaxxed controls for Pfizer and vice versa would be really nice if the sequence differences permit, or even a 2 shared primers + PZ specific probe / MRA specific probe assay to a region with a few SNPs between the vectors).

It occurs to me that cheek swabs might a bit messy with multiple genomes from oral flora, but at least they are easy to take.

A more attention-demanding follow-up demonstration should genomic integrations in the cheek cells of volunteers be detected at an appreciable rate, might be to ask the male subset of volunteers to donate dna samples, via a - polite cough - “different” method, as a plentiful supply can be generated much more easily than via biopsy, and then an assessment of how regularly the blood/testis barrier is penetrated could be made.

If spermatozoa can be detected containing integrated parts of the expression vector, then that would surely make the public appreciate just how reckless this situation is.

Harder to get, but not impossible, from Ryan Cole for instance, would be tumour samples. It would be very intriguing if they were found to be enriched for integrations (especially for the SV40 promoter region). If you are in touch with him, and/or he has his own qPCR machines, then he could run an expression vector screen on each tumour sample as part of the routine.

Even a few positives would drive the message home, that this mass-transfection experiment with unbelievably shoddily manufactured products was incredibly unsafe (as well as ineffective).

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Is whole genome sequencing cheap enough these days that tumour biopsies are fully sequenced to see what rearrangements, integrations etc have happened? Or are there sequence dumps from specifically from tumour reads around for researchers to look for similarities?

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If he already routinely makes DNA preps in his path labs which I’d guess is likely, Ryan might even be able to provide a couple of 96 well plates with DNA from tumour samples - or run a vector specific assay across them himself. That might even be the best way to start such an investigation, given the possible enrichment. And he’s probably one of the few path labs that even ask for vaccination status.

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A search on “whole-genome tumor sequencing” in Google (even though Google search is disappointing and cluttered post-recent-update) or in Google Scholar might give you some indication. You might quietly recruit some volunteers/funds and quietly write Dr. Cole.

To paraphrase, path slides from an impeccable source/lab/technique would be worth a thousand words.

I suspect the impeccable sources are quietly way ahead of us, but day jobs and spare dollars are important.

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Well done Kevin.

I see the trolls are out in force: https://twitter.com/justin_hart/status/1669476573676990464

Also, people have ZERO idea about Bernice Eddy and what the DBS put her through, - the years of being gagged - no one standing with her except Dr Anthony J Morris, who the DBS was also trying to crucify. A lot of that came out in a senate hearing and a documentary many years ago, no doubt assigned to a dustbin somewhere.

If it took YEARS for the authorities back then, to even admit the existence of SV40, how long will it take for them to face facts with your work?

And to this day we have no idea of "where" SV40 really is, because it had a hand in creating so many stealth viruses at the time.... And if this 2020 article is correct, then going where no man has gone before, really does apply:


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Would you have a link or other reference to the senate hearing and the documentary? Would like to learn more.

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This could be too much information, but it might help you understand, why someone on the other side of the world worked with an American Scientist, but first, to answer your direct questions..

Dr Morris gave me a video of the film in the 90s, but it got shed syndrome so couldn't be converted into Mp4. The original version as filmed was called "The Monkey business" , but the various TV stations edited a lot of stuff out and called it different other names, so I have no idea how to find that now, if it even exists now... .

I don't know if the Senate hearing is digitalised or not, because I have the paper version. It is called: Hearings before the subcommittee on executive reorganization and government research of the Committee on Government operations United States Senate. Ninety-second congress, second session on Titles i and ii of S. 3419. April 20, 21 and May 3,4 1972.

It's actually a damning indictment of the corruption that always existed in the DBS. Nicolas Wade also wrote a lot on the topic with several articles in pubmed. Here is one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17781055/

As a result of the Senate Hearing, the DBS was "ordered" to clean itself up, and it then became the FDA. They were forced to rehire Dr Morris, which they didn't want to do, and when he blew the whistle on the lies and dangers of the swine flu vaccine on the Phil Donohue show, they instantly changed the locks on his laboratory, destroyed his mice and consigned him to the basement, which lead to a 7 year court case for unfair dismissal. James S Turner was his lawyer and he won that case, but there was no way he was going to work back at the FDA.

They didn't want an honest scientist on the books, who could spill the beans on their machinations with big pharma. So he then set up the Bell of Atri, which had a governing board of which he was the chairman, the vice chairman was John O Nestor, MD, the sectary treasurer of John Chriss Hoffman, PH.D and the sponsors were an array of doctors, many of whom were ex DBS employees who left the DBS in disgust at what was happening.

So how do I know this? I worked with Dr Anthony J Morris from 1983 onwards, after being introduced to him by Dr Robert Mendelsohn, who was a sponsor of Dr Morris's organisation called "The Bell of Atri" which was located at Maryland University. The Bell of Atri came about because Dr Morris won his legal battle against the DBS ( you can read some of that first battle here: https://collections.nlm.nih.gov/ocr/nlm:nlmuid-101647507X158-leaf ) and then a second legal battle against the old DBS which was renamed FDA. As Dr Morris said to me, all that happened was that the DBS stripes changed to FDA spots, but the corrupted animal remained the same.

I got involved with him because I wanted to fight the vaccine injury compensation act, because I could see the implications for not just USA but also my country and the rest of the world.

That legislation was at that time, being "co-sponsored" by Dissatisfied Parents Together", ( now NVIC ) lead by Barbara Loe Fisher, and lawyer Jeff Schwartz (who wrote the indemnity legislation for the 1976 swine flu vaccine, then disappeared into the sunset... ).

I remained friends with Dr Morris up until he death.

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If you want to know a bit more about Dr Morris, here is an interview that was done with me about him:


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Hi Kevin,

Now that it's been more than 3 months since your presentation, I'm wondering, did you receive any feedback or response?

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And for dsDNA derived from Plasmid DNA, why is it a matter if those plasmid DNA are fragmented or full length and circular DNA? Like what difference does it make to its effect?

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Have you gone back and looked at previous Substacks, then Googled or “Look up”-ed unfamiliar terms? (That helps.)

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At least you didn't say "google is your friend". Remember when that was a thing?

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The CIA pharma military industrial complex are also experimenting with self-assembling nanoparticles. Are they causing the massive bloodclots we have been seeing worldwide?

More here;


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For what Pfizer provided, it looks like the the vector is ~same size as what you pulled out. What's taking up the space of the SV40 in theirs? Their map doesn't make sense, why would you have Neo w/o a promoter? Is it otherwise the same vector backbone as what you found, or something completely different?

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