Jun 23, 2023Liked by Anandamide

First, Thank you Kevin for working with Dr Lee.

Second, To Thomas Lewis.

In 2011, an international group of concerned citizens formed an invisible collaboration with Dr Lee, in order to access Merck's Gardasil vaccines from all around the world, which was no easy feat because for whatever reason Merck chain of custody was tighter than a nuclear bomb bunker. But it had to be done, because the first samples came from only one factory, and Gardasil was made in several factories on different continents. Dr Lee needed samples from everywhere to be able to see whether it was a "one-factory" flaw or a world-wide pattern implicating the vaccine design.

The results were the same, world-wide implicating the vaccine design itself. Girls are still being damaged by Gardasil to this day, but it's "all between their ears" as well....

Because the Gardasil adjuvant was joined via the phosphate backbone, to the L1 Proteins in an unusual way, it took a long time for Dr Lee, to be able to get any results, because he had to experiment with different detection methods.

Dr Lee also obtained autopsy samples from two cases, which enabled him to perfect his methods, and go back to the vaccines and find two types he had not previously found.

These results were spread far and wide throughout the world. In the world of people keeping an eye on all the previous vaccine disasters, Dr Lee's work and his publications were well noted, fully discussed and sometimes printed in alternative media as well as discussed in videos.

Dr Lee went one step further and wrote a book about the whole tortured lies surrounding the HPV money making machine.

But who took any notice?

Gardasil was fully discussed and publicised by the Vaxxed bus



And the same doctor appeared on HIGHWIRE discussing Gardasil as well.

Dr Lee's observations about autopsy results here https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=25840 shows the importance of doing similar work with those who "died suddenly...

Parents all around the world know the damage that Gardasil had caused but they were all branded by the provaccine who said, "Well, nothing happened to me..." as stupid nutters.

People were not punked for believing the unbelievable.

People were punked, because for decades they did not pay attention to the real science being done in the real world, or believed all that science was conspiracy theories perpetrated by antivaxxers.

There is a very large control group existing now, who were not punked, because they paid attention.

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Thank you for your putting in the time and effort to not only do what is right but to advance this much needed discussion. Your efforts and that of your colleagues doing this work will be looked upon with great respect and admiration well into the future.

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The Vaccinated Have Been PUNKED

For Believing

The Unbelievable.


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Outstanding! Thank you Kevin. There's nowhere to hide if you are a "scientist" today and you lie for profit. Peace.

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thank you Dr Lee and Kevin

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“...could describe unexpected sequence in future genomes.” Does this mean due to integration into the genome of people who received contaminated “vaccines”?

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Are there any nerds out there who follow this account that can translate it into English for idiots like me? About 60% of the time I read this I have no idea what is being said. Maybe some of the 130 IQs can break this stuff down for us 99ers?

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McKernan - Ya got em by the short hairs Laddie. Now do this... https://youtu.be/bz9OcRHumAg?t=86

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Thank you!!!

Passing this on.

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