The fact of DNA contamination in mRNA COVID jabs is leaking out into mainstream media, and is being presented to governments. Kevin McKernan and others presented in this one to MA legislators, and it's good for understanding what has been kept hidden while the Jabs were marketed plus forced into the unwilling.

'Sharing is caring.'

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Kevin, if we survive Our Battle of Britain moment then let it be said that never have so many owed so much to so few as you!

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Well at least we substack supporters did our part!

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Yes you did and thank you very much for the support.

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These guys are going to be written up in the history books one day!

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Kevin's important discovery of DNA contamination/SV40 promoter & enhancer sequences was fuel on the fire.

Even prior to Kevin's work, there were concerns regarding nuclear entry. So the critics may need to read more and nit-pick less.

January 2023


"Furthermore, despite the assumption that there is no possibility of genomic integration of therapeutic synthetic mRNA, only one recent study has examined interactions between vaccine mRNA and the genome of transfected cells, and reported that an endogenous retrotransposon, LINE-1 is unsilenced following mRNA entry to the cell, leading to reverse transcription of full length vaccine mRNA sequences, and nuclear entry."

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This position of “medical interventions are safe until proven otherwise” is akin to “people are guilty until proven innocent.”

The onus of proof is on the person making the assertion; in this case that the injections are safe.

A potential risk has been identified so now it’s up to the proponents to show definitively that the risk will not occur in this context.

How can this even be an argument?

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To say that without context or history is to enable to the view that it is a simple matter of competing political or social philosophies. Ie what kind of society do you want to live in, one that f*s around and finds out or one that argues for years before advancing one step?

In other words, i would preface your question by pointing out that there are many decades of past mistakes with technology and especially medicine/drugs for why the precautionary principle is important.

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DNA contamination (and the related potential risk) was known about before authorities asserted the injections were safe and effective (and mandated them). Did the manufacturers or regulators check for integration? Now they have flipped things around 180 degrees and are saying it’s the public’s job to confirm if this risk is actually occurring in people.

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It does feel a bit like the wave is cresting;


"Biologist Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kammerer from University Hospital of Würzburg shares her concerns about DNA Plasmid Contaminations"

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Thanks very much Kevin.

Looking forward to seeing your Endotoxin analyses on various brands of Jab.

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Thank you so much for giving your testimony, and for sharing it here-- and for all you do.

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I call that troll account "Debunk the Truth".

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Special K - Liars gonna lie?

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Whose the biggest paid liar (ho) of them all?

Funk be blinded by starin way too much.

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The illnesses have ALWAYS been IN the various vaccines.

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Yes that was how they allegedly worked. A lot of research is now re-examining the supposedly successful childhood vaccine schedule on more comprehensive criteria such as all-cause-mortality and all-cause-morbidity. And new versions of vaccines are being trialled against previous versions rather than placebos.

You will see recent headlines from Scotland crowing that they have zero cervical cancer cases since they implemented their HPV program (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c19132k8ke0o ), but they dont mention any serious adverse event data or if they are even tracking such a thing. One study i saw noted that the number of jabs needed to prevent a case of HPV was around 1757, while the number needed to cause one serious adverse event was only 140 (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-017-3768-5#citeas).

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SIDS + Autusm 4 kids

SADS + Dementia 4 adults

(Short list-there's more of course.)

The diseases have ALWAYS been IN the vaccines.

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At the age of 71 I was reluctant to submit to The Jab back in 2021 as much because of the uncertainty of its efficacy as because of the nature of the procedure to manufacture it. Not a true vaccine this thing but something quite different yet supposed to provide some degree of immunity. Eventually I yielded to domestic pressure, had the Pfizer #1 & #2. #1 knocked me off my feet for the better part of the afternoon the net day. #2 a couple of months later knocked me down and out for the entire next day.

Came down with COVID for Thanksgiving 2022. Fairly mild (according to Worst Case; I survived) lasting about five to six days. Then bronchitis for Christmas, lasted thru New Years.

2023 was uneventful, disease-wise. Then on New Years Eve I was afflicted with something upper respiratory in nature. Diagnose on 1/2 was for RSV, something that's endemic, affects pretty much everyone at some point in their lives. Often more than once because it doesn't leave one with any natural immunity.

Last year saw news of a "new vaccine" for RSV announced in the spring, that became avialable around early September. My medical provider's advocating it for Seniors.

I asked whether it's a "true" vaccine or another mRNA creation. (Keep in mind there's been research going on literally for an RSV vaccine for decades.) Answer came back as I'd suspected: mRNA again.

So the magic Geni's out of the bottle now, the technology's proven. This is the first new jab to come to my attention since the introduction of the COVID product. I've heard there are others but little about the pitfalls of the technology used to produce them until reports of contamination from DNA and residual RNA fragments and / or errors that come about from the use of flawed mRNA technology going on in vitro, inside the cells of the vaccinated.

So I'm over the RSV, recovering as well from the bronchitis that came a few days after. I did note this bout of bronchitis was particularly noxious, so there's an element of "what if" in my mind whether vestigial effect of The Jab had something to do with how my immune system reacted once I became a host for RSV.

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Interesting, this will definitely take awhile to get sorted.

Also if you know of any early career researcher such as Post-Docs, PhDs, and Students(current and aspiring PhD and Masters students) please send them to subscribe to my newsletter as I have a lot for them in their career moves: https://gradinterface.substack.com/

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Being vaccine injured from 1-P, I’m livid that there was no informed consent. Pfizer’s document of reported side effects were known before I and many others got the toxic jab. Pushing pregnant women to be vaccinated when that cohort wasn’t even included in the clinical trials makes me bat shit mad. The governments had zilch evidence but pushed them regardless. My pregnant daughter in law at the time had a shot and breast fed. I live with that anxiety daily. I haven’t mentioned it to her. This whole circus from start to finish is diabolical. Censorship of ethical science leads me to believe there’s more at stake than meets the eye. Products have been removed for far less than this Pandora’s box.

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Have any of the representatives reached out to you? Did any of them ask questions?

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You know it's all over with the counter-narrative when Junk The Honk is the best they've got🤡

More SV40 stuff:


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