You write that they believe they were safe because, "they would have a liability shield to protect them." The fact is that liability shield is only if they acted in good faith with due care for the individuals who received their treatments. They in fact, lied, lied and lied again in deceiving all on what was in these treatments and the risks involved. They changed the process of manufacturing for what was approved and changed it several times thereafter making little the same under the initial falsely obtained liability shield. To bankrupt these companies and their management teams would be a light punishment. A public trial to make transparent all that they did with sentencing to match that given to serial killers would be a fair outcome.
The Brooke Jackson case is an important one to follow. Even with fraud demonstrated in the Pfizer trial the judge ruled that Pfizer was ordered by the DOD to perform this. This was a biological countermeasure and they may have more liability shield than just the Prep act. Time will tell.
That they had a ready 'vaccine' indicates they were likely part of the initial development of the virus as all were connected to WEF and Gates. If this can be credibly proved, then any liability shield was fraudulent.
There is still an enormous amount to unearth that is being protected from transparency. Time will tell yes indeed.
From what I've read of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts the perps are shielded as a result of the whole shebang being orchestrated by the US Department of Defence as a "Countermeasure".
What do you not believe? That I read this? That Sasha and Katherine lied? That the US government DOD created the campaign of murder? Please be verbose as you please.
By reading what others have to say you can go beyond belief and achieve understanding.
My understanding is its about 4x local councils that are recommending to stop supply and asking the federal and state governments to pull the shots. Not saying it's not the case, very happy if a state leadership has ACTUALLY commanded a halt. But can you advise so we can confirm?
Thanks mejbcart🤗 I couldn't find the translation at the rumble link.
If anyone can translate german and confirm whether they say it's local councils or an actual state for me, I'd be much obliged. Or point me to an audio translation app...🤔
Dr. Julie Sladden, West Tamar City Councilor and Family Physician, presented evidence and detailed reports from leading experts, including Kevin McKernan, and moved the majority of the City Council to immediately suspend DNA-contaminated vaccine vaccinations. This is the second place in Australia to follow these recommendations and issue a ban on Covid vaccinations until the outstanding issues are finally resolved.
It's not an entire state, but it's 6x local councils in Australia (see various Substack sources, like Geoff Pain, Mark Neubauger, Philip Altman, and Alison Bevage), so hopefully we can build momentum.
I'm in search of a cure for a disease which ails my young Pfizered son.
6 months ago, after numerous misdiagnosis here in Canada: He was finally correctly diagnosed with "rheumatoid arthritis" after nearly losing an eye due to bilateral "Posterior Necrotizing Scleritis". (Both his eyes are being attacked.)
Upon which he was immediately prescribed prednisone (to CALM the inflammation) and the worst afflicted eye was (temporarily) saved.
He also self-injects himself with Methotrexate, an
Immunosuppressant drug prescribed to patients undergoing CHEMOTHERAPY cancer "treatment".
"Methotrexate may cause very serious, life-threatening side effects. You should only take methotrexate to treat cancer or certain other conditions that are very severe and that cannot be treated with other medications. Talk to your doctor about the risks of taking methotrexate for your condition."
It's no longer effective, obviously, so he's currently awaiting for his rheumatologist to greenlight a new drug which his opthalmologist wants to prescribe for him...
And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on.
My son has also been pretty much ghosting me for the past 6 months.
He wants no part of all the investigations I’ve been conducting, and linking him to, (PubMed peer reviewed papers...) for 10 months now, even though his "specialists" clearly have no idea what TRIGGERED his autoimmune disease.
"No idea" what CAUSED the EFECTS he has been suffering with. (Cytokines storm? Caused by WHAT??)
My son's (double 💉💉) immune system has been ATTACKING many areas of his body:
Testes, eyes and spine. (As far as I know...)
He's 27 ffs!! He was a VERY HEALTHY, UNVAXXED, FIT young man, prior to 2 injections of a poorly tested, unsafe and ineffective genetic therapy products in the 3rd & 4th quarter of 2021.
(By the way: You & Dr. Craig rocked it on Rumble recently... ❤️ Thank you.)
All my son's "specialists can do is "diagnose" and prescribe (ineffective) drug treatments for his SUDDEN ONSET INCURABLE DISEASE which I fear will likely permanently disable my suffering only begotten child sooner rather than later.😭
Am at my wits end here Jess.
Can you possibly point me in any new direction other than this one?
I don't have the funds to pursue this (possible) avenue of treatment in either Mexico or Dubai.
Nor does my Care Aid son who is "covered" by BC medical, via his job, but not for "unapproved" treatments...
I realize you're not an MD Jessica. I also know you have access to knowledge which I do not. A human blood-hound.
Can you (or can any of your subscribers) possibly point me to any glimmer of HOPE for my vaccine injured boy, which I might not already have explored to date?
Mille Grazie, a thousand thanks, to you, and to your readers, in advance.
Do you love your child enough to ask God for healing?
Do you remember the lesson of the woman who went to physicians for years and years and they made it worse until she had faith to touch the hem of His garment? What about all the children Jesus' healed just because the parent asked Him to do so?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a mitochondrial compensation mechanism, in response to acute toxic overload. Dr DK is forefront in detoxification strategies, in our modern environments.
Focus on his mitochondrial health and lowering any deuterium within the mitochondrial cells that are not destroyed or struggling.
I get 'rheumatoid arthritis', tingling and numbness in my hands and wrists everytime I touch something enough that vaxxed have touched enough, due to shedding. The 'arthritis' goes away as soon as I clean my blood enough of the spike proteins (i wasn't dumb enough to take the mystery injections, but alas am quite sensitive to the little mutant proteins accumulating in our environment. ). It's not permanent, it's just due to the spike proteins overloading the blood and tissues and can accumulate locally. I later was given 'Covid Pink Eye' by a quadruple-vaxxed cousin who was sick with Covid and coughing a lot. I cleared it using (VERY sparingly) Sovereign Silver drop (one a day) in the affected eye. My eyes are more sensitive to the spike protein ever since the viral eye infection ('long-Covid pink eye?) and I have to be REALLY CAREFUL to not rub my eyes with my hands (which are often touching spike-contaminated objects)
My heart breaks for you. I understand your deep frustration. No matter how old our kids are, they’re still our kids and we have this innate drive to protect them. To add to your frustration is his reluctance to connect the dots. I too am injured from the one and only pfizer shot. I lost vision and have a vibrating fog covering my eyesight. I went through a terrifying nightmare in 2021. There is no help but also have been entertaining Dr. Adeel Khan’s Eterna Health which would entail a trip to Mexico. But, I think to myself how could it work when the injuries are at a deep molecular level? Anyway, I’m in Ontario and feel your angst for your child.
❤️ Sending you strength for your battle, U.Me. You are a warrior. And this is a war of the worst kind. We will not dance on the graves of our loved ones ! Ever!
Didn't see anyone mentioning that seed oils (high Omega 6) are a major contributor to an inflammatory milieu. He should be 100% off any seed oils from all sources. Substitute with animal fats like tallow or lard. This video explains in a simplistic kind of way, but still good.
Have you tried DMSO? A midwestern doctor ( ) has recently published a lot about this forgotten side of medicine. Maybe use it in combination with collodial silver? There's lots of literature out there about DMSO and DMSO itself is cheap and very safe to use. Also, maybe you should reach out to Cody's mom who is in the same awful situation as you are ( I'll be praying for you....
I didn’t let them jab my little girl. I didn’t let them jab me. I read the Pfizer trial, and it put me off.
It was worth all the hatred and death wishes I endured for being one of the filthy unvaxed.
I can’t adequately express my gratitude to you brave scientists who are sticking your necks out in pursuit of truth and reason. I hope you have some inkling of how much you mean to so many people.
My heart goes out to all those who were jabbed against their will in order to keep their jobs / access medical care etc. And all the children who were jabbed so that they fitted in with their peers.
Amen and God Bless you and your little one! "All the hatred and death wishes" were real for me too, as unvaxxed. One source was housemate & his Harvard biology graduate school daughter/PhD son-in-law, both of whom were absolutely scornful when I suggested the mRNA vaxxes could change our DNA and offered to counsel me through my ignorance. They seem to have no idea about the SV40 promoter sequences, nor the DNA plasmid contamination found in the vials, and I am certain they are up-to-date with boosters per CDC recommendation. Now, I sit in disbelief as the two have announced they are expecting.
One by one my friends have been quietly admitting to me that their health has crumbled since the jab, and they are filled with regret. I tried to warn them, but I understand why they would have listened to the ‘experts.’ In a sane world, the experts should be reliable. The world does not feel very sane right now though.
I so hope that your friends’ baby is born healthy.
Why is there such profound commitment to using the term vaccine for what has been known for decades in labs and vaccine development as TRANSFECTION and even go so far as to refer to transfecting cell culture as "vaccinating" the cell culture?
If you are transfecting cell culture there's no doubt you know that syringe delivery is the only shared trait with traditional vaccines. Nobody gets smarter when the basic concepts are twisted like a pretzel and transfecting humans is hidden behind vaccine mythology.
If I’m not mistaken, Buckhaults was all in favor of the jabs. He set out to prove McKernan wrong and was horrified when his work proved that McKernan was right! He regretted that he and his family were jabbed.
Sometimes, your strongest and bravest soldiers were once your enemies, ones that have seen the light!
He was never my enemy. Its helpful to have people with different view points agree that gravity is real.
Keep in mind there are over 1M C19 and Vax papers and none of us have read them all. We tend to read what is circulated in our own echo chambers and I have no doubt I would come to his conclusions if I was in his environment. There is significant censorship and the 'high quality' papers actually stack in his favor as a result of this journal capture which is pernicious and hard to detect unless you have been burned directly by it in the past.
The enemy part of my comment was rhetorical, I probably should have referred to him and others as those with differing opinions. Unfortunately, writing has never been my strong suit!
I love the goading 'don't even need a pipette!'. You reckon a big fat idiot like Hotez, who loves wearing a lab coat, will get a bit vial-curious? Or is he content shitting bricks like 5 billion other people?
An exquisitely detailed description of the mental cytokine storm unleashed upon our critical faculties and our ability to prioritize our response and resistance to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its hundreds of global public-private partnerships and NGO’s and Young Global Graduates all backed by our tax and consumption dollars to the tune of $10 trillion dollars. And all the while, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, John Kerry et al, continue to manufacture crises in order to manufacture our consent to their hostile, global, totalitarian technocracy.
What system have they spared? Our coin operated Congress, our election integrity based upon two electronic machine counting companies with checkered ownership, destroying our food supply with H5N1 injections, killing healthy farm animals, restricting the supply of nitrogen, destroying prime farmland for carbon capture, injecting our meat with fart reducing poisons, eliminating our reliable, safe, and affordable energy sources for chasing windmills like Don Quixote in the dead of winter, injecting us with m-rna poison that killed lab animals for 20 years, unleashing the censorship industrial complex upon us and sentencing an Irish school teacher to over a year in prison for not using the correct gender pronoun of which there are 53, etc..
In order to better understand the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its global public-private partnerships is not a benign cancer, but a very lethal metastatic cancer, read this website that 14,000 city leaders are signing their communities up to without their “informed consent” (as Reagan would say, “there you go again”).
Did any of you vote to limit your amount of meat, caloric intake, articles of clothing allotted per month? I didn’t think so. Now as for prioritization (and memory retention) here are my suggestions.
1) We frame our struggle correctly, as did Lincoln, as The Divine Right of Kings (WEF) versus the Common Right of Humanity (Declaration of Independence principles adherents).
2) We neutralize the inherent strengths of the Divine Right of Kings forces which is their expertise in each manufactured crisis area (transnational governance, pandemic preparedness and vaccines, food, energy, 15 minute cities, etc.) and we match up our “Common Rights” experts in each area to break down these societal “mental spike proteins” because us laypersons are incapable of it by ourselves particularly when they are hitting us all at the same time like Baghdad.
3) We organize an organization called the Common Right of Humanity and appoint a Board of Directors (like civilian Generals) who study the battle front, appoint expert Colonels to lead the fight on each battle front (Healthcare, Energy, Food, C40, Election Integrity, etc,.)
4) Establish a Common Right of Humanity website where us laypersons can fund this war of freedom decided by the “invisible experts” with a $5 donation and a Map of the Battlefield on how we are doing against the Divine Right of Kings and their global public-private forces.
5) As Lincoln said, our problems are new so we must think anew.
You write that they believe they were safe because, "they would have a liability shield to protect them." The fact is that liability shield is only if they acted in good faith with due care for the individuals who received their treatments. They in fact, lied, lied and lied again in deceiving all on what was in these treatments and the risks involved. They changed the process of manufacturing for what was approved and changed it several times thereafter making little the same under the initial falsely obtained liability shield. To bankrupt these companies and their management teams would be a light punishment. A public trial to make transparent all that they did with sentencing to match that given to serial killers would be a fair outcome.
The Brooke Jackson case is an important one to follow. Even with fraud demonstrated in the Pfizer trial the judge ruled that Pfizer was ordered by the DOD to perform this. This was a biological countermeasure and they may have more liability shield than just the Prep act. Time will tell.
That they had a ready 'vaccine' indicates they were likely part of the initial development of the virus as all were connected to WEF and Gates. If this can be credibly proved, then any liability shield was fraudulent.
There is still an enormous amount to unearth that is being protected from transparency. Time will tell yes indeed.
From what I've read of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts the perps are shielded as a result of the whole shebang being orchestrated by the US Department of Defence as a "Countermeasure".
I don’t believe that! They all lied and people died!
What do you not believe? That I read this? That Sasha and Katherine lied? That the US government DOD created the campaign of murder? Please be verbose as you please.
By reading what others have to say you can go beyond belief and achieve understanding.
Why would honest chemists and pharmacists need a 'SHIELD? It stinks! Unjabbed Mick (UK).
They don't but if you read what Sasha and Katherine have explained many times already you too will understand.
Kevin, thanks to your work, one of Australia's states is pulling the jabs right now!!!
BUT, why did it take so long to respond, when it's probably too late by now? The foreign genes integration into the human genome is completed.
It's never too late, considering that more are coming down the pipeline.
Which state?
My understanding is its about 4x local councils that are recommending to stop supply and asking the federal and state governments to pull the shots. Not saying it's not the case, very happy if a state leadership has ACTUALLY commanded a halt. But can you advise so we can confirm?
I got the news today from:
there is german translation there though...
Thanks mejbcart🤗 I couldn't find the translation at the rumble link.
If anyone can translate german and confirm whether they say it's local councils or an actual state for me, I'd be much obliged. Or point me to an audio translation app...🤔
Only have synopsis translated here, sorry:
Dr. Julie Sladden, West Tamar City Councilor and Family Physician, presented evidence and detailed reports from leading experts, including Kevin McKernan, and moved the majority of the City Council to immediately suspend DNA-contaminated vaccine vaccinations. This is the second place in Australia to follow these recommendations and issue a ban on Covid vaccinations until the outstanding issues are finally resolved.
🎤Politicians & Experts
👉Joska Ramelow (
🎤Dr. Julie Sladden
👉Dr. Carola Javid-Kistel (
🎤Maria Zee
👉Simone Voss (
The presentation in the article is the personal opinion of the speakers and does not have to agree with the editorial staff
Please follow us on Telegram
Thanks @webstersmill🙏
It's not an entire state, but it's 6x local councils in Australia (see various Substack sources, like Geoff Pain, Mark Neubauger, Philip Altman, and Alison Bevage), so hopefully we can build momentum.
Only 443 more councils to go in Australia.🤗
boy, that's a long way to go, BUT if the first are making a huge impact, the rest might follow with increasing speed;)))
Dear Jessica Rose, (who got me here...)
I'm in search of a cure for a disease which ails my young Pfizered son.
6 months ago, after numerous misdiagnosis here in Canada: He was finally correctly diagnosed with "rheumatoid arthritis" after nearly losing an eye due to bilateral "Posterior Necrotizing Scleritis". (Both his eyes are being attacked.)
Upon which he was immediately prescribed prednisone (to CALM the inflammation) and the worst afflicted eye was (temporarily) saved.
He also self-injects himself with Methotrexate, an
Immunosuppressant drug prescribed to patients undergoing CHEMOTHERAPY cancer "treatment".
"Methotrexate may cause very serious, life-threatening side effects. You should only take methotrexate to treat cancer or certain other conditions that are very severe and that cannot be treated with other medications. Talk to your doctor about the risks of taking methotrexate for your condition."
Despite being on these 2 heavy drugs (and experiencing various of the black box warning "side effects" of BOTH drugs);
He suffered a "flare-up" 2 weeks ago.
He had been tapering off prednisone but that corticosteroid was immediately upped again.
It's no longer effective, obviously, so he's currently awaiting for his rheumatologist to greenlight a new drug which his opthalmologist wants to prescribe for him...
And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on.
My son has also been pretty much ghosting me for the past 6 months.
He wants no part of all the investigations I’ve been conducting, and linking him to, (PubMed peer reviewed papers...) for 10 months now, even though his "specialists" clearly have no idea what TRIGGERED his autoimmune disease.
"No idea" what CAUSED the EFECTS he has been suffering with. (Cytokines storm? Caused by WHAT??)
My son's (double 💉💉) immune system has been ATTACKING many areas of his body:
Testes, eyes and spine. (As far as I know...)
He's 27 ffs!! He was a VERY HEALTHY, UNVAXXED, FIT young man, prior to 2 injections of a poorly tested, unsafe and ineffective genetic therapy products in the 3rd & 4th quarter of 2021.
(By the way: You & Dr. Craig rocked it on Rumble recently... ❤️ Thank you.)
All my son's "specialists can do is "diagnose" and prescribe (ineffective) drug treatments for his SUDDEN ONSET INCURABLE DISEASE which I fear will likely permanently disable my suffering only begotten child sooner rather than later.😭
Am at my wits end here Jess.
Can you possibly point me in any new direction other than this one?
I don't have the funds to pursue this (possible) avenue of treatment in either Mexico or Dubai.
Nor does my Care Aid son who is "covered" by BC medical, via his job, but not for "unapproved" treatments...
I realize you're not an MD Jessica. I also know you have access to knowledge which I do not. A human blood-hound.
Can you (or can any of your subscribers) possibly point me to any glimmer of HOPE for my vaccine injured boy, which I might not already have explored to date?
Mille Grazie, a thousand thanks, to you, and to your readers, in advance.
🙏 ❤️
Do you love your child enough to ask God for healing?
Do you remember the lesson of the woman who went to physicians for years and years and they made it worse until she had faith to touch the hem of His garment? What about all the children Jesus' healed just because the parent asked Him to do so?
Contact Dr Deitrich Kleinhart.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a mitochondrial compensation mechanism, in response to acute toxic overload. Dr DK is forefront in detoxification strategies, in our modern environments.
Focus on his mitochondrial health and lowering any deuterium within the mitochondrial cells that are not destroyed or struggling.
Wishing you and your son well.
Fasting is worth a try
Research autophagy and it's ability to destroy errant/damaged cells
Please watch Dr Mike Yeadon's short video ( and tell everyone, including your son, to watch it. I am sad that so many people believed the lies out of fear...I do not post on social media, but please pass it on those of you who do. & Walter Chesnut has been posting many articles about treatments for the "adverse events" caused by these damned injections. Please pass this link on to others who need help, too (
I get 'rheumatoid arthritis', tingling and numbness in my hands and wrists everytime I touch something enough that vaxxed have touched enough, due to shedding. The 'arthritis' goes away as soon as I clean my blood enough of the spike proteins (i wasn't dumb enough to take the mystery injections, but alas am quite sensitive to the little mutant proteins accumulating in our environment. ). It's not permanent, it's just due to the spike proteins overloading the blood and tissues and can accumulate locally. I later was given 'Covid Pink Eye' by a quadruple-vaxxed cousin who was sick with Covid and coughing a lot. I cleared it using (VERY sparingly) Sovereign Silver drop (one a day) in the affected eye. My eyes are more sensitive to the spike protein ever since the viral eye infection ('long-Covid pink eye?) and I have to be REALLY CAREFUL to not rub my eyes with my hands (which are often touching spike-contaminated objects)
My heart breaks for you. I understand your deep frustration. No matter how old our kids are, they’re still our kids and we have this innate drive to protect them. To add to your frustration is his reluctance to connect the dots. I too am injured from the one and only pfizer shot. I lost vision and have a vibrating fog covering my eyesight. I went through a terrifying nightmare in 2021. There is no help but also have been entertaining Dr. Adeel Khan’s Eterna Health which would entail a trip to Mexico. But, I think to myself how could it work when the injuries are at a deep molecular level? Anyway, I’m in Ontario and feel your angst for your child.
I pray for you and your son. Perhaps this group can provide you some answers/research to your son's issues.
❤️ Sending you strength for your battle, U.Me. You are a warrior. And this is a war of the worst kind. We will not dance on the graves of our loved ones ! Ever!
Didn't see anyone mentioning that seed oils (high Omega 6) are a major contributor to an inflammatory milieu. He should be 100% off any seed oils from all sources. Substitute with animal fats like tallow or lard. This video explains in a simplistic kind of way, but still good.
HBOT may help (see Bolus Theory substack by Marc Girardot) - he has found it to be helpful for vax injured folks.
Try inducing him to get treated by hyperbaric oxygen in the first instance.
Try ivermectin!
move to the sun, south far south, equator far
Have you tried DMSO? A midwestern doctor ( ) has recently published a lot about this forgotten side of medicine. Maybe use it in combination with collodial silver? There's lots of literature out there about DMSO and DMSO itself is cheap and very safe to use. Also, maybe you should reach out to Cody's mom who is in the same awful situation as you are ( I'll be praying for you....
I didn’t let them jab my little girl. I didn’t let them jab me. I read the Pfizer trial, and it put me off.
It was worth all the hatred and death wishes I endured for being one of the filthy unvaxed.
I can’t adequately express my gratitude to you brave scientists who are sticking your necks out in pursuit of truth and reason. I hope you have some inkling of how much you mean to so many people.
My heart goes out to all those who were jabbed against their will in order to keep their jobs / access medical care etc. And all the children who were jabbed so that they fitted in with their peers.
Amen and God Bless you and your little one! "All the hatred and death wishes" were real for me too, as unvaxxed. One source was housemate & his Harvard biology graduate school daughter/PhD son-in-law, both of whom were absolutely scornful when I suggested the mRNA vaxxes could change our DNA and offered to counsel me through my ignorance. They seem to have no idea about the SV40 promoter sequences, nor the DNA plasmid contamination found in the vials, and I am certain they are up-to-date with boosters per CDC recommendation. Now, I sit in disbelief as the two have announced they are expecting.
One by one my friends have been quietly admitting to me that their health has crumbled since the jab, and they are filled with regret. I tried to warn them, but I understand why they would have listened to the ‘experts.’ In a sane world, the experts should be reliable. The world does not feel very sane right now though.
I so hope that your friends’ baby is born healthy.
Why is there such profound commitment to using the term vaccine for what has been known for decades in labs and vaccine development as TRANSFECTION and even go so far as to refer to transfecting cell culture as "vaccinating" the cell culture?
If you are transfecting cell culture there's no doubt you know that syringe delivery is the only shared trait with traditional vaccines. Nobody gets smarter when the basic concepts are twisted like a pretzel and transfecting humans is hidden behind vaccine mythology.
$cience means altering the human genome forever with no idea what the consequences may be. Stop being a hater.
If I’m not mistaken, Buckhaults was all in favor of the jabs. He set out to prove McKernan wrong and was horrified when his work proved that McKernan was right! He regretted that he and his family were jabbed.
Sometimes, your strongest and bravest soldiers were once your enemies, ones that have seen the light!
He was never my enemy. Its helpful to have people with different view points agree that gravity is real.
Keep in mind there are over 1M C19 and Vax papers and none of us have read them all. We tend to read what is circulated in our own echo chambers and I have no doubt I would come to his conclusions if I was in his environment. There is significant censorship and the 'high quality' papers actually stack in his favor as a result of this journal capture which is pernicious and hard to detect unless you have been burned directly by it in the past.
Mea Culpa!
The enemy part of my comment was rhetorical, I probably should have referred to him and others as those with differing opinions. Unfortunately, writing has never been my strong suit!
Kevin well said. Thankfully in life we can change our minds.
Possible typo:
"MGI sequencer which is known to how lower index hopping rates".... known to have
thank you. should be fixed
I love the goading 'don't even need a pipette!'. You reckon a big fat idiot like Hotez, who loves wearing a lab coat, will get a bit vial-curious? Or is he content shitting bricks like 5 billion other people?
Pandemic of the unvaccinated....
There will be no solution until these disease perpetrators suffer and die like their victims. Institutional Justice is A.W.O.L.!
. .
There is no moral issue. Fauci, Baric, and the worst of them fit both the standard and medical dictionary definitions of pathogens.
In the health field, it is both established precedent and standard operating procedure to kill pathogens to prevent human deaths.
. .
These cloven-hooved bastards have created and established 2 ENTIRELY NEW CRIMES, not merely against humanity, but against its emergence and existence.
They have not only sabotaged the womb, where life originates,
but the genome which enables, guides, maintains, protects and assures human survival and proliferation.
If we don't "take the gloves off", the undertakers will.
Fuuuudge. I saw Phil’s tweets about this. Not good. :(
An exquisitely detailed description of the mental cytokine storm unleashed upon our critical faculties and our ability to prioritize our response and resistance to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its hundreds of global public-private partnerships and NGO’s and Young Global Graduates all backed by our tax and consumption dollars to the tune of $10 trillion dollars. And all the while, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, John Kerry et al, continue to manufacture crises in order to manufacture our consent to their hostile, global, totalitarian technocracy.
What system have they spared? Our coin operated Congress, our election integrity based upon two electronic machine counting companies with checkered ownership, destroying our food supply with H5N1 injections, killing healthy farm animals, restricting the supply of nitrogen, destroying prime farmland for carbon capture, injecting our meat with fart reducing poisons, eliminating our reliable, safe, and affordable energy sources for chasing windmills like Don Quixote in the dead of winter, injecting us with m-rna poison that killed lab animals for 20 years, unleashing the censorship industrial complex upon us and sentencing an Irish school teacher to over a year in prison for not using the correct gender pronoun of which there are 53, etc..
In order to better understand the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its global public-private partnerships is not a benign cancer, but a very lethal metastatic cancer, read this website that 14,000 city leaders are signing their communities up to without their “informed consent” (as Reagan would say, “there you go again”).
Did any of you vote to limit your amount of meat, caloric intake, articles of clothing allotted per month? I didn’t think so. Now as for prioritization (and memory retention) here are my suggestions.
1) We frame our struggle correctly, as did Lincoln, as The Divine Right of Kings (WEF) versus the Common Right of Humanity (Declaration of Independence principles adherents).
2) We neutralize the inherent strengths of the Divine Right of Kings forces which is their expertise in each manufactured crisis area (transnational governance, pandemic preparedness and vaccines, food, energy, 15 minute cities, etc.) and we match up our “Common Rights” experts in each area to break down these societal “mental spike proteins” because us laypersons are incapable of it by ourselves particularly when they are hitting us all at the same time like Baghdad.
3) We organize an organization called the Common Right of Humanity and appoint a Board of Directors (like civilian Generals) who study the battle front, appoint expert Colonels to lead the fight on each battle front (Healthcare, Energy, Food, C40, Election Integrity, etc,.)
4) Establish a Common Right of Humanity website where us laypersons can fund this war of freedom decided by the “invisible experts” with a $5 donation and a Map of the Battlefield on how we are doing against the Divine Right of Kings and their global public-private forces.
5) As Lincoln said, our problems are new so we must think anew.
C40 Knowledge Community
Is anyone looking at the mitochondrial DNA integration?🤔😐
No kidding. And where is it going to end up? The following post has a LOT of details about it:
Hey Jessica
I just saw this posted on the Thread social media. Do we know why it was withdrawn.
Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the
U.S. Vaccine Adverse
Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with
COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products
Jessica Rose PhD, MSC, BSCa g L, Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH b