“If you fight every scientific discovery based on what evil might be empowered by it, you will end up in cave.”

Heavy sigh. Of course you’re right. It’s prudent to realize that is going to happen for a multitude of reasons.

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Look at what his profession has done. Of course we must fight them.

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There are people who don’t know who their actual opponents are.

There are egos who hate competition.

There are people who create controversy as clickbait.

There are fedbots and ngobots dissipating creative energy in order to preserve the status quo, or to divert attention from actual crimes.

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Exactly. There are idiots who don't challenge Robert Malone despite his record of mRNA, cancer, oncogenes, etc. I know who my opponents are. Do you?

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I don't think you understood what I wrote.

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It is all about intent. One does not need advanced science to cause harm and commit evil. Poisoning wells and other primitive poisoning methods worked well in the past.

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“These denialists obviously didn’t read the paper to notice this isn’t modeling.”

Four years of Covid has revealed a great deal about human psyche. The “no virus” cult exhibits the Dunning-Kruger effect, a “cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.” (Wiki) Competence in molecular biology takes decades to acquire through intensive study and years of productive laboratory work, data analysis, and publication (sorry but those are the facts). The “no virus” cult has skipped all the dedication and hard work, and simply jumped to a major scientific proclamation without the hard earned ability to do so. By doing so they have played (or been led) right into the hands of the perpetrators of gain-of-function and the resultant SARS-CoV-2 chimeric weapon. The structure and functions of this amazingly complex weaponized virus proves that it was artificially created. To the the cult and their followers, it does not exist, because they do not understand biology. A person may believe what they choose, but to join or lead a cult with disinformation that the person does not understand is just what the perps want. They cannot be accused of creating something that does not exist.

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Precisely! I have been trying to gently counter this ever since I investigated it for myself. "Germ Theory" vs. "Terrain Theory" is a false dichotomy. Both contain valid truths and are essential to understanding the whole elephant. False dichotomies are at the root of the millenial-old 'Divide and Conquer' scheme of the Rich Scumbags (formerly known as 'the Elites'). Yes your environment matters AND yes, viruses exist.

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"Germ theory" never reached the level of theory - which requires successful testing of falsifiable hypotheses. I challenge you to cite a valid scientific study showing any "virus" exists.

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I do not believe any scientific study showing the existence of viruses will be valid for you. The only way you will know for sure if you study it yourself. If you are very serious about this you can get an internship in some academic labs where people are doing work with viruses routinely. Or you can become a virologist. This is not meant as a disrespect to you but rather a challenge.

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Lol, it's called changing the topic instead of citing valid scientific evidence, and appealing to authority.

Did you not notice in the "Science" article that Kevin previously cited on the topic of "obelisks and viroids", that it describes a so-called "obelisk" that they say has a genome SEEMIINGLY composed of loops of RNA?

And a quote about CREATIVE work by researchers on "viroids"?

And the statement that "the Stanford search yielded nearly 30,000 PREDICTED RNA circles, each consisting of about 1000 bases and LIKELY representing a distinct obelisk"?

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As I said it above no scientific study showing the existence of viruses will be valid for you. Your mind is set. Please do cite a few of those "invalid" studies that "claim" viruses exist so that we can go over them.

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So you don't know me and you aren't familiar with the arguments against virology but you "just know" that I would reject any "virus" study no matter how logical, valid and scientific? You have no grounds for that assertion.

I'd be fine with a study that is actually logical, valid and scientific.

If you can't pick one, let's do the Fan Wu study that is the foundation of the "SARS-COV-2" mythology where they made up the "reference genome". You can explain how the "genome" is actually real and shown to come from a "virus".


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Nothing slows down progress like manufactured reasons for infighting. So I could imagine some pharmagov hacks fueling a disbelief in legitimate findings about these various types of stripped down genetic particles.

The cult behavior rejecting so much of molecular biology mirrors the cult behavior that supported nonsensical COVID policies. Maybe there are common origins?

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The Cult won't talk about Hospital Protocol murders in the name of COVID. That's your Cult, and you know who they are.

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The hospital COVID protocols are variable, and contain various elements ranging from helpful, benign, futile, incompetent, harmful, and fatal. Compliance with them was also variable. They are being addressed by whistleblowers from the inside and by those who were subject to bad medical practice, and some excellent lawsuits are ongoing. I discuss those issues in other locations, because they’re a different topic than what is addressed here.

I have concluded that encouraging people towards health practices that keep them out of hospitals, is the best personal path forward.

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No that's not quite it weedom. These people committed murder and blamed it on a virus. Whether viruses exist or not they are not what killed people. By obfuscating the truth you are the problem.

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Calling every death attributed to COVID as premeditated killing does not fit with what I observed. You have not earned my trust any more than the idiot hospital administrators who concurred with jab mandates, even after Rochelle Walensky announced that the jabs don't stop infection.

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Not all of it but enough. So why defend murder!

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It is people like you who have the Dunning-Kruger effect. Anyone can see that no virus spread around the world, whatever the nature of the computer-generated sequence from unknown genetic material. The PCR tests match to common materials taken from a person's lung. Hospitals killed in the name of COVID. Your Cult of Science will not admit the truth of the crime. Not Anandamide, Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, or the rest of the Cult will say that Hospitals have committed large scale homocide. AND WHY NOT? You want to blame Fauci for gain-of-function, instead of your own stupidity.

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get 'em boy

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sincere question: what is the point of rejecting the existence of viruses? I still don't understand the motivation of this fight? Is it just that "everything's just a psyop" is an outcome conclusion of the "covid" psyop? What is the point of fighting for this new view of disease wherein viruses don't exist in the context of fighting the "covid" psyop? Is it mere redirection of outrage by the real psyop masters toward a pointless (at this juncture) argument? Is it to discredit opponents of the "covid" psyop by painting them as "don't even accept viruses exist" akin to calling them flatearthers? I'm sincerely confused by this vehement skirmish.

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Suzanne, the goal is to create division via confusion. Confusion is not a state that most people would like to be for long. Eventually they will pick a side. This means more division. Now people are not only divided by religion, nationality, color, gander, political views, cis/trans, vaccinated/non-vaccinated but also globe vs flat earth, viruses vs no viruses, COVID exist/or does not exist etc. This creates more suspicion among people. Someone who does not believe in viruses will be reluctant to unite with someone who believes in viruses to fight against something important. If viruses do not exist then those labs did not do anything wrong and it absolves the perpetrators of their crimes. Someone who does not believe in viruses will take no precautions and will spread it around. And people who believe in viruses, without fully understanding the importance of the viruses in immune training, will be scared and will be getting all possible "solutions" to protect themselves from viruses. This is a win-win scenario for the controllers.

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very useful perspective. Thank you LA! Confusion is definitely fear-generating for us humans. The cabal want us confused about every one of our foundational beliefs. Some definitely need examining ... "elections" for example ... some can hold. But you're right it's a win-win for the cabal to sow yet another crop to yield confusion and fear. They don't care who wins this skirmish as long as the fighting continues. Like Ukraine.

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Yes exactly, the mind is easier to manipulate in fear and confusion, people freak and give up more $ and rights, crisis, reaction solution. They spin hate to keep people divided and waring their neighbors. Oldest trick in the book, 1 Samual talks about it when the people wanted a king, God said “you’ll lose your rights and $”… but they wanted to group think and be like the other countries. The next crisis will be another “shock and awe” ppl will accept the biometrics and tracking. It’s clear biology is not taught these days, all by design

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The main way to avoid taking sides and dissipating energy is to avoid association with ANY people who demand that you adhere to all of their views, and who exhibit abusive behavior if you don't. People with a common basic purpose should be able to work together. Lockstep in thought should never be required, because that's a hallmark of a failed and dying system.

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Absolutely. Have you noticed how regular folks are calling each other shills and treating each other like enemies simply because they belong to different belief systems when it comes to viruses, shape of the earth and COVID? As if controllers have any interest in regular people to use them as shills. The vaccine alone was able to brake the relationships and bonds between parents and children, husbands and wives. My favorite is when they demand citation of studies as proof of existence of viruses when they have no expertise in the field and are not even able to read and comprehend the very study they want you to cite.

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So much has been done with viral transduction in biotechnology, that it's weird to think of people not aware that viruses exist.

At this point, there's such pathology, probably exacerbated by COVID isolation, that many people have become willing to enter into abusive relationships.

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What is the point of investigating what is true or so about anything?? Maybe as you allude there is no point! My thinking however is that if you assume a deadly virus exists, where none has been found, then you model a hypothetical genome for said virus that has never been proven to be pathogenic whatsoever, you could create the illusion of a pandemic and kill and mame million of people. This is easy to do as we have just seen because most people not only accept without questions, but get offended by others who demand proof. Calling this group of people a cult does not further the investigation of truth (covid never proven to exist)

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if we know it's entirely a psyop, as so many already do, whatever they used to orchestrate said psyop is really not the central question. They could've used "infected bananas" or "alien technology" or "space gas," if we believed in any of those things. The point is that there was never a threat -- from viruses or swamp gas -- and they pretended there was a threat and implemented a narrative to brainwash everyone into believing a dire threat existed, virus based or otherwise. If no one believed viruses existed they would've made up another vector. The important questions right now imo are who's running this psyop and how can we become immune to psyops? I absolutely do believe there are many other factors going on that put bodies into disease states, but the energy spent arguing this viruses don't exist point right now seems to be unproductive.

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I agree, but because you are not interested in whether viruses exist or not does make it an irrelevant question. Mind control Psyops have existed for at least 5800 years because people are simple and assume the experts know better, they scapegoat corrupt politicians and greedy CEO’s but is goes way deeper than this. ‘Reality’ is the psyop and discovering this is a interpersonal process, it requires a progression of steps, s peeling back of the layers one at a time, not casting blame.

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it's not that I'm not interested. I have a lot of expertise, as it turns out. And yes, I'm fully aware of the "reality as psyop" idea and mind control legacy etc. I'm saying the fight as a drain of energy and time is counterproductive at the current moment. It looks to me as it's achieving exactly what the mind control folks want us to do -- fight.

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It doesn’t help that human’s are so contentious by nature. The no virus ‘cult’ may be correct but its members who are belligerent are not fully as ‘awake’ as they think. But why blame them for wasting energy? It’s seems their opponents are the energy wasters for defending what is technically a pseudo science.

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I think Cas Sunstein wrote the book on this method, Q anon was the first time I noticed .. then the Stu Peters “water” movie.. w Ardis. People believed it and that’s scary

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I have backgrounded Q, Stu, and Ardis and sadly, all 3 have markers of psyop by ignorance or design. Todd Callender quite skilled at psyop; another one I have backgrounded with a whole lot of WTF in the traces of him that exist online.

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Lol, we've read the "virus" studies and your appeal to authority doesn't cut it.

I challenge you to cite a study that is valid and scientific, showing a "virus" natural or manmade (also one showing contagion!).

Logic is logic and the scientific method is not complicated. Children understand it and the need for controls.

Once people realize it's all pseudoscience they will no longer live in fear of imaginary health threats and can no longer be manipulated that way, and they see the real enemies (who are protected by those defending their pseudoscience).

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In a serious debate it is of no use to accuse the opponents of cognitive bias, because the only way to find out is by first showing that they are wrong. It is wrong if defenders of viruses get angry at 'virus deniers'. Such disagreements are part of science, they are necessary for increase of knowledge. It must be allowed, even encouraged to challenge established assumptions. The virus critics do present arguments. The defenders of viruses also have to present their evidence. Is it really true that this has been done, and the virus critics are ignoring it? As I wrote in my previous post, please refer me to a good presentation of the evidence.

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how did you get a PhD in microscopic orgasm biology? That's fascinating...

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Keep believing in your fear based cult. I never got this all powerful super scary bio weapon. Just as they have shown people with diverse healthy micro biome are immune. Low BMI, regular fresh air and exercise, avoid processed foods, sugar. Miraculously those of us who take care of our immune systems don’t need to live in fear of whatever nonsense superstition you believe in

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Why would they not exist? The perfect evolutionary pathogen which uses all the hosts energy to procreate. If they hadn't evolved over billions of years, you would have to ask 'why not?'.

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So how did man survive withouth the great lying scientists for so long? As for what a "virus" is, I can go along with simply saying "coding RNA," as he did. "We know viruses exist.(coding RNAs)." But here's the catch. In the human body, these coding RNAs would not evolve to kill us. In fact if you'll look at Robert Malone el al's 1984 cancer paper, you'll find that the mice with the "mouse mammary tumor virus" were the mice more resistant to developing cancer after the Scientists gave the mice a cancer producing substance. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/hyperplastic-and-neoplastic-changes. So mankind has hacked RNA/DNA and blamed all the evil results on nature and evolution.

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charles would love to correspond -- efc@planetwaves.net

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Until they are proven, ‘they’ are hypothetical. Sorry, I don’t know anything really. I’m just going on logic and the scientific method.

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Wait, if someone points out a fact you disagree with, your defense is to claim that it's a trope of a cult? Why should that enter the discussion? What about, "here is your proof"? They can't be wrong without being a cult?

By the way, I've covered this thing you refer to for three years running. They barely talk to one another. But they have, independently of one another, arrived at the same conclusion: starting with MN908947 is indeed an in silico model of a claimed viral sequence, which has never been shown to come from a virus, match a virus or cause a disease.

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You have to start from the fact that the public has been lied to about so many things that it is hard to keep track. Clearly the public was poisoned with substances that were said to be safe and effective. At some point the lies go all the way down to the theory of what these substances are and what they do. If you can't or won't explain the truth then you are the one in the Cult of Science.

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McCullough still peddling his "spike protein remover" elixirs?

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Thank you for the details about genetic material floating inside of the human bodies, NOW, after having injected BILLIONS with different, SYNTHETIC genetic material...

Stanford, MIT, Berkely et al. are always ahead of everything, in particular when one looks WHO PAYS for their science... A science paid by special interests is QUESTIONABLE! And it is even more so, when suddenly new RNA structures shows up which have ANALOG features to the new injected TOXIC (REPROGRAMMING THE ORIGIN) crap..

There is LOT of COVER UP in science, and genetics is and was the big elephant in the room, always.

A Stanford ex-insider.

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Been around these gene theory nut jobs for twenty years in the Ivy League- the high priests of science.

These people soak up vast amount of public monies and produce nothing but one unproven crank postulation after the next. They avoid biological reality at all costs.

How about we get McCullough and McKernan out in the open in a public forum and have a debate on these matters. They avoid the light of such discussions as it would expose them for the phrauds that they are.

"We missed these in biology for a very long time, I think largely because DNA sequencing technologies didn't handle these hairpins very well."

"This was all computational searching that discovered this."

- K McKernan

But not in the real world Kevin. Sorry man, your electronmicroscopy comic book isn't reality. At least there's a pretty-in-purple spirally picture though.

"In the case of viroids we typically get pulled into studying the ones that cause catastrophic crop yield issues."

"There's gotta be an evolutionary reason these persist."

This guy knows less than zero about agriculture. I would fancy that he would advocate for Biotech agribusiness though I don't know that for sure- can you confirm Kevin?

In all but exceptional circumstances- drought, floods, chemical saturation, volcanic eruptions etc.....catastrophic crop yields has all to do with poor agricultural practices- chemical poisoning, mono-crop industrial agriculture impacts, soil erosion, soil depletion and so forth.

"The point I'm making for the listeners is this isn't just all you know pie in the sky science these concepts are being applied to some therapies and the therapies I've mentioned so far are safe and effective so I don't want people listening to think that every single piece of RNA is bad that comes from a pharmaceutical company."

- P McCullough

McCullough gives us the classic baby/bathwater trope. Staged interviews do not suit this guy. Oh and BTW only paid subscribers get in the door. That alone should tell people these characters don't want to face the public- only their captive fan club.

Their latest interview was rife with a-priori assumptions and circular reasoning. These guys are salesman for the mRNA gravy train upon which their fortunes rest.

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I'd be curious to know who runs McCullough! Someone is not only paying him but provides him with all sort of support. Just look at the headings of his substack. I am pretty sure he does not run it let alone set it up. It seems to me that McCullough is the font, the facade of an organisation. And it's another level of organised crime.

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He recently received donations from 2 anonymous donors that total around $1 million.

If he were truly man o' the people he would be transparent with all of this but he has avoided disclosing his funding sources to this point.

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Well, not surprising.

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McCullough's post is not available to those of us who don't pay. You and PM have zero valid scientific evidence of any "virus". It's disgusting that you imply otherwise.

So you engage in endless theatre to keep people confused and distract from the fact that no-virus people have been right all along.

My comment on Ana Milhalcea's related article:

The Science magazine article describes as a so-called "viruslike entity" (referred to as an "obelisk") that they say has a genome "seemingly" composed of loops of RNA. And a quote about "creative" work by researchers on "viroids":

"The Stanford search yielded nearly 30,000 PREDICTED RNA circles, each consisting of about 1000 bases and LIKELY representing a distinct obelisk."

It doesn't sound like they're very certain about any of this LOL.

The quantum dot article also uses the term "obelisk" but makes no reference to "virus like particles" or "viruses" and show structures that look very different from the "VLPs" shown in the earlier diagram.

They actually looks like obelisks, those structures found in Washington D.C. and elsewhere built by Freemasons...

Also, even if "viruses" (which have never been shown to exist) did exist, how could one open up a nanoscale particle, remove the genetic material, put something else inside - including bacteria and mammalian cells that are larger than alleged "viruses" - and then seal them back up? Sounds pretty ridiculous.

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"how could one open up a nanoscale particle, remove the genetic material, put something else inside - including bacteria and mammalian cells that are larger than alleged "viruses" - and then seal them back up? Sounds pretty ridiculous."

YES, that is ridiculous. Please prove to me that this was a claim. Post a link to a credible source. In the meantime, I think you have a MS in statistics (I looked you up briefly a couple of years ago as I thought I could help you understand viruses and you told me to "fuck off"). I bet you never studied molecular genetics let alone worked at the bench. Prove me wrong.

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If I told you to "fuck off" there was definitely a reason for it.

Interesting how you've ignored all my comments about the genomes "seemingly" composed of loops... the "creative" work by researchers on "viroids", the PREDICTED RNA circles, LIKELY representing a distinct obelisk lol.

As I already stated, I shared a comment that I'd already made on Ana's substack. There, she wrote about "virus like particles" (when no "virus" has ever been shown to exist) and included a cartoon suggesting that "VLPs" can hold bacteria, mammalian cells, etc.

I challenge you to cite valid scientific evidence of any "virus".

No one needs a special background to recognize pseudoscience that lacks both a valid independent and dependent variable, used irrelevant methods and relies on circular reasoning.

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I remember what elicited the FO. You had asked me to show one paper that claimed to have isolated a virus and I responded that "there are loads of them". Then, the FO response. Well there are, they use that terminology, "we isolated SARS-CoV-2". I had some in front of me when I wrote to you. More recently I put together a response to the "no virus" claim. I will post it below right now. I will also make you an offer to engage with me outside of this venue, via email. If you are not an operative for the cabal, and you will give my arguments an open mind, perhaps I can help you realize that you allow yourself to be an operative for the cabal. Here is my last version. I will check back tomorrow.

UPDATED 12_22_23

“There is no virus” is a psyop, which seems intended to confuse, to “muddy the waters”, to divide, conquer, and discredit those who challenge the official narrative. The virus is real and infectious, and is not an influenza virus. Please note that the evidence I provide here does not indicate that a severe pandemic occurred.

PHYLOGENETIC TREES ARE PROOF POSITIVE OF THE EXISTENCE OF SARS-COV-2 VIRUS: The evidence presented here indicates only that SARS-CoV-2 does exist and my own personal experience is that the infection in some individuals is quite serious. It damn near killed me, did apparent permanent damage, severely sickened my daughter until I found her a doctor that prescribed ivermectin (she recovered in hours), severely sickened and damaged some friends. This is not “sniffles” as some have said. Easiest way to prove the virus—do an internet search for "phylogenetic tree of SARS-CoV-2". You will find that many independent research groups from many nations around the world have amplified, sequenced, and analyzed full viral nucleotide sequences of variants from tissues of patients and deceased, deposited these sequences in public data bases, and published analyses in peer reviewed journals. These are independent research groups using standard methodology and this cannot be faked (not on this global scale). I am a professional molecular phylogenecist and I have generated and published many such analyses over the years and taught this methodology to graduate students. For the most part, people who promote this "no virus" trick have never done this kind of work, which includes intense educational background, many years at the lab bench including PCR and nucleic acid sequencing, data analysis, and publication. Their misguided followers have never done this either. Those who say proof of virus is not a valid question have zero real world experience or comprehension in molecular phylogenetics, or any related science for that matter, and spread disinformation. Without comprehensive real-world, productive experience they cannot and will not knowledgeably address my point about proof of the virus using phylogenetic analyses. I will be glad to debate those with extensive expertise, but I cannot imagine that there is such a person, as anyone who fully understands what I am saying will agree with me. If you wish to challenge my comment, please begin with a valid refutation of my phylogenetic method of proof so as not to waste time and space advising me to read articles or visit a website, etc.

ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SARS-COV-2 VIRUS: PCR primers isolate the viral genetic material. Transmission electron microscopy provides images. DNA sequencing identifies the isolated PCR product. Just as PCR and sequencing isolate and identify the viral genetic material, the same methodology is used in crime labs in every state, federal government, and around the world to isolate and identify genetic material from a contaminated crime scene to either exonerate or convict an accused suspect. In forensics, both direct nucleotide sequence and short tandem repeat (STR) analyses are used. STR analysis provides the number of tandem repeats at each locus, from which the nucleotide sequence is inferred. The validity of this methodology is established and accepted by the entire global scientific and legal system. If PCR and sequencing is reliable enough to isolate nucleic acid in order to identify a criminal perpetrator, the same method is also reliable enough to isolate and identify virus genetic material. If a critic does not accept this reality, then by default they do not accept forensic analysis. There are many convicts in prisons around the world that must be released if forensic methodology is flawed. If forensic methodology is not flawed, then virus genetic analysis must be accepted. It is the same methodology. One cannot have it both ways.

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So you claim, without evidence re the FO. And no kidding there are tons of papers claiming to "isolate the virus" - I've been talking about this pseudo 'isolation' since 2020. So there is no way on earth I told you to FO simply for pointing this out.

I'm not interested in your insults and unsubstantiated claims re a "psyop".

Getting sick happens all the time and doesn't tell you why you got sick. You conflate an effect (sickness) with an alleged cause ("virus").

"PHYLOGENETIC TREES ARE PROOF POSITIVE OF THE EXISTENCE OF SARS-COV-2 VIRUS:" -- anyone can create a so-called "phylogenetic tree" - it's just a diagram supposedly representing alleged "virus genomes" never shown to exist in reality. The genomes are made-up (assembled) in silico, fraudulent and meaningless. The 1st "SARS-COV-2 genome" was made up by Fan Wu et al., after they detected over 56 million sequences in lung fluid. They used 2 softwares to overlap the millions of sequences in different ways to make longer sequences ("contigs"). One software created/assembled over 300,000 different contigs, the other created over 1.3 million. One was chosen as the "consensus genome". Nothing to do with a virus, nothing to do with reality.


All subsequent "SARS-COV-2 genomes" were also assembled.

If you claim otherwise, the onus is on you to cite a valid scientific study showing that the "genome" actually exists and is shown to come from a "virus". You've not cited any studies whatsoever.

Indirectly detecting little sequences with PCR could not demonstrate the presence of a "virus", even if "viruses" existed. All it does is (allegedly) make copies of target sequences.

It can't tell you whether they are part of a longer "genome" or from a "virus". This is logic 101.

Even the virology literature acknowledges this, along with documentation from CDC etc. For example in a study by Bullard et al., "supported by... Manitoba Health and Cadham Provincial Laboratory (CPL), and the Public Health Agency of Canada and the National Microbiology Laboratory" the authors admitted:

"RT-PCR detects RNA, not infectious virus".


I'm not reading your entire comment when you start paragraphs with such illogic.

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"Getting sick happens all the time and doesn't tell you why you got sick. You conflate an effect (sickness) with an alleged cause ("virus")."

Growing up in the 1950s, I had all the childhood virus diseases: measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, scarlet fever, influenza, and the common cold, as these viral infections spread around school and the neighborhood. Some of the kids became infected with polio. Then years later as my son and daughter grew up I lived with a repeat of the spread of viral illness. Everyone understood, stay away from those infected due to contagion.

“The genomes are made-up (assembled) in silico, fraudulent and meaningless.”

With many years of working through intense undergrad and grad coursework in chemistry, molecular biology, genetics and other relevant subjects, and after protein biochemistry lab research, I went on to DNA. First with ultracentrifugation (isolation) of mitochondrial DNA, then to sequencing of PCR products. For the first five years I did manual sequencing using P32 radio-labeled fragments separated by electrophoresis, then on to automated sequencing. The sequences were assembled by hand. Computers have taken over much of this time-consuming drudgery but that in no way indicates the results are “fraudulent and meaningless.”

I do not mean to insult you. Since you never studied and worked in molecular biology you are not aware of how erroneous is your understanding. Apparently you never considered my method of proof, phylogenetic trees, as apparently you think that researchers in labs in many countries all over the world are publishing “fraudulent and meaningless” sequences. There are two possibilities: 1) either you are a paid or ideological disinformation operative, or 2) you are grasping at straws trying to piece together what seems to you a logical argument when in fact you do not know what you are talking about. If you are an operative then have fun misleading thousands of people who seek answers. If you are sincere, then I can try to coach you via email, one point at a time, until you (hopefully) have a gee-whiz moment where the science begins to make sense. I will address all the points you have raised as best I can. I have not done molecular lab work for 19 years so I am not up-to-speed on some latest techniques so some of the newer technology will be difficult for me, but I think I can get the concepts across.

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From a quick scan I can see that you've not cite any studies, s and you admit to "assembling".

Trees are meaningless until the "genomes" in them are proven to exist in nature and to come from a particle fitting the definition of "virus".

Thanks but I don't have time for your appeals to authority.

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In your post you have not presented evidence for the existence of viruses. Instead, you turn to an ad hominem attack. That people get measles is not evidence, I don't need to be a virologist in order to understand that. Perhaps one can use electrophoresis in order to provide evidence. I do not know because I am just a philosopher. But you would have to explain that. It needs to be shown that people who do electrophoresis and who assume that viruses exist are not wrong in that assumption. What is the evidence for the belief that there are not just the short sequences but complete viral DNA strings?

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Thank you for your clear statement of what the evidence for the existence of viruses is. I will try to get an idea of what phylogenetic trees are and whether they are evidence for the existence of viruses.

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Still don’t get it do you Kevin? But keep strawman-ing as apparently it gives you something to do. And keep posting those fuzzy Bigfoot photos.

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This no-virus woman can't access McCullough's paid-access-only post and I don't see you posting links to any studies.

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It isn’t “no virus”, it is whether you believe germs are the primary cause of disease, or health is determined by the integrity of our own cells. GOF is a fraud. They can “infect” people and animals who are impaired - chronically ill, stressed by trauma, locked in cages and fed unnatural diets, damaged microbiome etc.

The evidence supports terrain theory over this irrational superstition that invisible beings are flying around attacking and that people are spreading disease. People are predisposed to disease and create the conditions for disease.

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Maybe the word virus gets these people all worked up. I like the term self replicating chemical, as it removes the notion of life and the boogeyman stigma.

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Actually it comes back to the thiing about koch's postulates and not meeting them, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been 'isolated.' AND it comes back to people not possessing basic critical thinking skills. I am active in the massive Telegram VaxxShedding forum and am astonished at what several individuals who I have determined over time are NOT bad actors who post all sorts of unverifiable crap to the group. The forum of course contains both dupes and knaves. I'm in there posing as the annoying 'skeptic' and always searching for better ways to activate people's critical thinking skills.

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The virus genetic material has been isolated from infected individuals all over the world and resulting sequences are deposited in data banks. PCR primers isolate the viral genetic material. Any time I mention this the cult starts screaming about PCR, number of cycles, Kary Mullis, etc. with obvious lack of understanding and experience. I quickly learned to avoid these useless confrontations. I also do not debate flat Earth or existence of nuclear weapons.

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Biology 101: viruses are not living things.

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PS. Would anyone please refer me to a good presentation of the evidence for the existence of viruses. As a philosopher, I have studied criticisms of virus existence, e.g. by Stephan Lanka, and found that they have a point. However, I am prepared to accept not only Koch-style proof but also indirect evidence. Somebody of the virus defenders needs to sit down and present the evidence, understandable also to researchers of other disciplines. Has this been done?

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Please address turbo cancer mRNA technology.

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Mirroring evil state behavior... Yes! You're spot on.

The No-GOF zealots communicate exactly like government "misinformation experts", aka censors and propagandists.

It's almost as if they're auditioning for the part.

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