Just impeccable work my friend. If the bloody captured organizations had real scientists working for them, none of their 'products' would make it into arms. Oh, wait now. Right. I see the problem. Ethical high quality science conflicts with the 'business world'. :D So be it.

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Mar 9, 2023
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They need to reduce population to reduce survivors and competition post the upcoming cataclysm.

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Money, power, control. The 3 operant words for virtually everything.

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Money is but a tool of the powerful. They don't need it because they control it. These psycopaths are only interested in increasing their own power.

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Yup. Nothing more than a game of one-upmanship. They all want all of the money, power, and control. Oops. There can only be 1 top dog and that won't be enough. They will never be happy (real happy) because they are so inadequate. All the external goodies on this earth will never be enough.,

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Mar 10, 2023
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I knew a lot of it, I thought. NOT! Thank you so much. You many need to put a caution on the information, warning those with heart problems to proceed at their own risk.

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Mar 10, 2023
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Tell me about it. How can you fight a war if you have no clue who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. The biggest enemy is within, too apathetic. Then they end up a dollar short and a day late. C'est la vie.

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This is nonsense... or apparently somebody forgot to tell China. Lol. If the world is running out of energy why are the globalists so keen on selling the world's coal to China. At the same time screaming the world is going to end from climate change...


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Jessica for the lay folk. What is this showing? Contaminanation of the vaccines?

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If EVER there was a post that needed an "Executive Summary"... it's this one.

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And if ever there were perpetrators (greenlighting this) warranting a Summary Execution, ...

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I should think that a competent Nuremberg-style Military Tribunal would be in order, first... But yes, Genocide, and the other various Crimes Against Humanity, typically call for the Death Penalty.

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Nuremberg-style Military Tribunals mean shit, unless the death penalty is executed immediately. Otherwise you get people like Otto Ambros, who got the highest jail sentence during the trials, to be released after two years and hired by the US and the then new German government as a consultant (he developed SARIN gas amongst other stuff...). Or you get people like Günter Hellwing, who was sentenced to death by a Marseille Military Tribunal in 1954, because of the thousands of Jews he send to the extermination camps as head of the Gestapo in Marseille, becoming member of the federal committee of the second largest political Party , the SPD, in 1958. Or the highest decorated Nazi fighter Ace becoming head of the NATO military, or a member of the SA becoming UN Secretary General.... Nuremberg trials are kind of overrated, when you know how many tens of thousands of Gestapo, SS, SD and others were hired by US , Britain, Germany and others after WWII.

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The biggest criminals beat the rap entirely...

But that's not the fault of the process - that's the fault of the people in charge.

No. My goal would be to see the Gallows working overtime. But you need the Tribunals for the benefit of history, and to establish that the executions were legitimate...and to prevent a "reign of terror", like you had during the French Revolution. I'd want to do it all 'nice and legal'...

And Military Tribunals would be appropriate - instead of civilian courts - because these were Warcrimes and Crimes Against Humanity, and the programs are all Military, like "Warp Speed".

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The military is so deeply involved in this, that there is no way a military tribunals would find anything wrong with what is going on.

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Jessica cross posting it with the header

"This is likely the most important Substack written to date on COnVID subject matter."

and then not providing an explanation for ordinary humans is a teeny weeny bit arrogant.

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Or maybe Jessica is just really busy but wanted to get the word out to everyone because of how important it is?

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Maybe I'll unsubscribe from her then and let others interpret things later for less important people like me.

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I'm a layman too. While I broadly share your anxiety about having my own biology essentially 'placed beyond me', we cannot reprimand others for possessing a subject matter expertise we ourselves don't have.

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Not punishing, but maybe a little impatient

Anyway...isn't the source of this whole pseudopandemic with people who want to put our own biology beyond us? Not to mix up Jessica with that, but why not appeal to non experts as well?

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OK, simple explanation:

Proteins are nano machine tools that your cells use to do absolutely everything. When a cell needs a protein, it flips through the catalog (your DNA), gets to the correct page with the blueprint (the gene for this protein), makes a photocopy of the blueprint (a strand of mRNA), and throws it on the factory floor (cytoplasm). Every time a worker (ribosome) bumps into this blueprint, it reads it, assembles a copy of the protein, then throws the mRNA blueprint back on the floor, and the process repeats. Eventually the mRNA degrades, so each mRNA blueprint will result in the creation of a number of protein copies. If the cell needs more, it'll make more blueprints.

The mRNA "vaccine" is like dumping a crate of spike protein blueprints (mRNA) on the factory floor. Every worker (ribosome) that picks one up will assemble a covid spike. In theory this causes the immune system to think the cell is infected with covid, kill it, and learn to recognize this foreign protein better to make you immune.

These mRNA "vaccine" blueprints are also supposed to degrade so the cells that aren't killed don't keep making spike forever. Whether that actually happens or not is another matter...

What you would NOT want is for this mRNA spike blueprint to reverse-transcribe into your DNA (ie, insert itself as a new page in your "catalog") because if that happened, your cells would be able to manufacture spike whenever they feel like it. And that would not be good because that spike is horrendously toxic, makes blood clot at extremely low concentrations, etc.

For this to happen, the "vaccine" mRNA would need to be copied back into your DNA by an enzyme (retro-transcription) ; it was shown to happen in vitro but supposedly "rare enough that you shouldn't worry about it".

However the mRNA "vaccines" are manufactured from DNA, that's how mRNA is made, just like when your cells do it. What nepetalactone found is they didn't remove the original DNA correctly, there's plenty of it left in the product.

The hard part of integrating spike code into your DNA is to get the retro-transcriptase in the mood to do it. But if the product already contains spike DNA, this difficult step does not need to occur. All that needs to occur is that one of these trillions of DNA plasmids in the product tangles with DNA in your cells, and ends up inserted into it. When that happens, this cell now has the DNA code to manufacture spike when it feels like it, and it will transmit this to all its descendants when it divides.

If this happens to cells that divide a lot, and the immune system doesn't get them in time, you become a walking spike factory. In other words, you're very very screwed.

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You do you, man, but their work is exceptional and important, and that's what I try to support with my (modest) membership. I wish I understood more in the paper, but I'm happy it's out there for biologists to interpret.

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It's not written for lay people. It's scientifc brains writing for the like-minded. If they had to slow down to explain everything to us they'd never get anywhere. We're just lucky enough to be able to look on. A good medical dictionary helps.

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The Hundredth Monkey, I agree. I also read Walter Chesnut’s substack, & he often writes above my head. But I’m just so appreciative to have access to this information, even if I don’t completely understand it. I’m better off even knowing the gist of this info than being clueless.

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This is the attitude that leads to "I am the science" type thinking.

Only a few sentences are required.

Jessica is only a technician here. Humanity rules.

Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt make it clear that according to the Harma co's *no* testing was required anyway. *Those* are the more important posts.

The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in "covid countermeasures" enterprise.


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I picked up on what you said earlier in this thread. We're maybe a little impatient. As I'm sure you know, legitimate science can be very exacting. Personally, I think it's important to get the nitty-gritty details out quickly and precisely so other scientists can read, verify, debate, etc. Verification is a critical step. As Pierre has shown (also in this thread), explanations for the layman can follow the technical writeup pretty quickly. Have a great day.

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Health literacy helps everyone.

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I’m a lay person, too but usually someone (or more) in the comments can explain the technical parts enough to grasp it. Jessica is doing the heavy lifting...

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I think it's more agitation than arrogance.

I fully expect an explanatory post when she has time.

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Arrogant? Might there been other reasons?

Fortunately there is a community here contributing to understanding (rather than criticizing).

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“Who knows himself a braggart, let him fear this, for it will come to pass that every braggart shall be found an ass.”

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Mar 9, 2023
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Now for the really stupid lay folk, what is it showing...

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Katarina C., I might be off some, but I think Jessica wrote something before about how these mRNA jabs may be causing the bacteria in people’s bodies to also be producing/expressing spike. I have to read through the whole article when I have more time, & obviously, much of that is quite complicated to grasp. But, I’m pretty sure what I’m mentioning & other concerns in this article are just more bad news about these toxic injections.

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Yep, and that antibiotic resistance genes, used in the making/isolating of bacterial strains, will spread farther and faster thru one's gut bacteria. I highly recommend reading Dr Sabine Hazan. She's a "poop specialist" and in a good way.

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…when I take a look on the .pdf ‘spars-pandemic-scenario’ from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (October 2017),

they wrote something about antibiotics, old- antibiotics, new antibiotics and so on … hmmmm

It’s not a bug – it’s a feature! :-)

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Running before we can walk, scientifically.

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That is technically correct, but at the same time, it's how bacteria ALWAYS function.

And the gut biome because of it's incredible diversity and proliferation will hold on longest.

But then again, do you know what else does? A natural infection can do it as well. Bacteria like to ingest the remains of other dead micro-organisms that they pass by when it looks beneficial to them.

"Events" like this is part of why the gut biome changes with age naturally, although with a lack of predictable direction from person to person.

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Genomic integration means the DNA from the bacteria contaminating the injections becomes part of your DNA, forever.

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Evil is a totally inadequate word for what they have done.

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Not yours, some of your bacterial biome.

But of course, the same happens for ANY OTHER MICRO ORGANISMS IN YOUR BODY.

Bacteria scavenging plasmids is literally completely typical and routine. Even if you lived in a bubble with ZERO exposure to the outside world, your bacterial biomes (mostly in the gut) will still evolve by plasmid exposure over your lifetime.

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Yes, and this mechanism is of course why genetic modification can have unintended consequences. What are the unintended consequences here? I have had bad gut cramping (not stabbing pain like with gastro, but my stomach muscles form hard knots and nothing wants to move through because it’s all rigid) since the second vax. With every meal.

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It can also mean being introduced to antibiotic resistant bacterial strain(s), that we will have no probiotics left anymore, because constant use of antibiotics are deadly for your probiotics and gut health...

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Unnamed experts already making noises that by 2050, antibiotics will not work anymore - due to over-prescribing. Looks like there will be more to it than that.

From Feb. 16:


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Hahahaha! Agree 👍

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Thank you so much! I understood this. Oh man....I understood this. It not only causes all manner of issues, like inflammation and autoimmune issues, but it changes the fabric of your cells and what they express. Oh no.....

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Mar 9, 2023
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Hey Wesley! Good to see you around on substack. Still working on getting my LinkedIn unbanned 🤡

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Can you explain to me like I'm driving in my car by myself, wearing a mask?

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Right pedal, GO. Next pedal, STOP. Watch for black ice.

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Fanstastic and ground breaking work Kevin.

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Helloooo super person you!

Am I correct in my understanding that the monovalent Pfizer & Jansen shots also show contamination?

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Kevin hasn't analysed them yet.

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Thank you

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Seeing real science done and evolve, in real time, online, is just mind blowing, This is the future, made absolutely necessary by the horrors of the present. Thanks for this. I just wish I could understand it more!

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Lay person here. Not sure what all this means. Is this a new concern for the health of humanity?

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More nice work. Have you considered testing whether it's possible to transfect a human cell line with the original product (made up as per the manufacturers instructions), and then select cells for G418 resistance? The LNP should allow the DNA into the cells. Unless I'm mistaken neoR should confer G418 resistance, which should be active in human cells due to the SV40 promoter, plus cells that stay resistant should have plasmid permanently integrated into their genomes.

This would be a finding with major shock value, since it will show that this product can permanently alter the host genome, something that we were told was "impossible".

Edit: Updating my previous calculations, your latest estimates indicate µg quantities of dsDNA present in these products. A typical experiment in a 6-well plate (growth area 9.6cm²) would use ~1 µg of DNA complexed with a lipid-based transfection reagent, to transfect ~10⁶ mammalian cells. In this set up, stable transfectants (with genomic integration of the vector) are produced at the rate of ~ 1 in 10⁴, although this varies by cell type. Linearised DNA should still be active in such a set up, unless the cut effects the expression casette.

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Excellent suggestions. I unfortunately dont have mammalian cell culture incubators with CO2.

Yes. 3-6ug of DNA are likely in each dose. Recall we purified a 300ul dose and eluted in 300ul so the ng/ul could be estimated. We see ~10ng/ul of DNA and 23-55ng/ul of mRNA. So there is some yield loss (50%) in the DNA purification as they claim to have 30ug mRNA in pfizer and we the most we see is 55ng/ul *300 or 16.5ug. This could be a result of us failing to fully lyse open the LNPs or saturating the magnetic bead capacity for DNA/RNA. So while we see 10ng/ul (3ug) on the gels, the vials may in fact have 20ng/ul (6ug per dose).

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I do have access to a TC lab with everything needed to do the transfection experiment, except the vaccine itself. I'm not based in the US so will have a chat with people I know to see if it's possible to get access to a vial here; otherwise feel free to ping me if you can't find anyone else more local who could do the experiment.

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Awesome! Are you by any chance in the UK? I’m in a group with concerned docs and scientists here in the UK, and one of the docs in the group might be able to fix you up with some. It’s v v hard to get hold of for research for some reason - can’t imagine why...

I guess it would be ideal to use the same batch that Kevin has analysed, but unfortunately given that both Moderna and Pfizer seem to have the same shoddy production standards, I suspect the “quality” will be similar...

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Unfortunately not the UK, but little old New Zealand. It's the same situation here with regard to accessing the vials - very hard to get hold of for research. I plan to try going through our version of your concerned doctors group to see if there's anything they can do.

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Ask in NZDSOS, but it could be harder now, than it once was when vaccine stations were tents everywhere. There was a lot of talk over a year ago by one NZDSOS doctor, about quite a few scientists in NZ looking at "it" under the microscope

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What a shame you don’t have access to mammalian incubators. If I still had a TC lab I’d be all over this. Maybe someone else on this stack can help.

If you have the space in your lab, I’d be up for crowd funding one. Or maybe you could get a demo model in if you have a friendly rep. On the current scale of dubious ethical behaviour, that would be undetectable against the background of Pfizer’s actions, and would be for a very good cause.

How about picking a second hand one up from dovebid like this, if there are any near you.


If they go for that sort of price I’d be more than happy to send you the sats to cover it myself, so you could run the experiment.

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Hmm you’d need cell culture medium, trypsin, G418, PBS, water baths and various other bits and pieces - might be too tricky if you don’t already have most of it, and someone with basic TC experience.

If there’s a uni nearby with someone you know and trust, it might be simplest to send them a blinded set of tubes with the vaxx / controls to transfect on to a 12 well plate and put under selection. It would certainly cause a stir if you get Neo resistant colonies popping up...

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This is a great idea, TJ Lees. I hope Kevin still has supplies to try this.

Transfected cells with integrated plasmid DNA should definitely become G418 resistant - SV40 is often used as a wide-spectrum promoter.

I'd expect linearised DNA to be much more efficient at integration than closed circle plasmids, as the bare ends will trigger/enable non-homologous-end-joining DNA "repair" in some proportion of cells. Then the spike expression cassette will act similar to an exon trap / gene trap approach (depending on the linearisation point), and if it lands in frame into an exon will be expressed, if there are cryptic splice acceptors around (there pretty much always are) then there is a chance of expression from intronic integrations, and if the T7 promoter does actually leak in mammalian cells (that's new to me, but I defer to Kevin's far superior knowledge, then there is even more likelihood of spike expression. The exon trapping possibility would be enhanced if they have used the rare 8-cutter PacI to linearise the plasmids, leaving the spike ready to fuse into a locus with no upstream stops and plasmid sequence etc upstream of the 5' end.

It's totally wild that there is so much DNA contamination. Is there any indication that any clean up / purification of the RNA has been attempted at all?

If they haven't deactivated the enzymes fully (at all?) then whatever they have linearized with might be in there at high levels too.

Not sure I'd really want to be transfected with a few trillion molecules of a restriction enzyme either.

Anyway, fantastic work Kevin et al. Mind-blowing that this info is only emerging now, and from independent researchers rather than the "regulators".

P.S. What's the deal with the 3' polymorphism in the Pfizer T7 promoter shown in figure 8 (but not commented upon). Is that a previously known-to-function SNP, or just an indication of even more incredibly shoddy work, and Pfizer didn't even sequence check their final clones before rolling straight into production?? If the latter, then did they even check the spike was as they intended? It's like this project was cobbled together by a summer student, and a pretty shit one too.

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I initially had a comment on that T7 promoter SNP perhaps explaining the poor DNA/RNA ratio in Pfizer but then Moderna came back just as bad. I just felt I should leave it in there in case someone with more experience on T7 knows something about it. In terms of homologous sequence facilitating integration..If you BLAST these vectors against the human genome will find a 242 bp hit (3e-121) to Alue/SINE. This paper demonstrates SV40 sequence integrating into these repeat elements. Dont yet know what it all means.



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Yes I wondered about that v low ratio. If the T7 pol production step was working properly there should be way more RNA than DNA template.

Maybe the pseudo-U results in much poorer yield?

The whole thing looks so shoddy to me. I wonder if some vaguely competent molbio types put it together and then a protocol was transferred to the mass-production team with little understanding of what they were doing and why, and who then skipped some purification/QC steps completely.

One things for sure, someone somewhere skipped a whole boat-load of QCs...

The decision not to include a synthetic polyA stretch in the vector is definitely a head-scratcher. Did both Moderna and Pfizer choose this?

Why add a complex extra series of steps that could be avoided? Less cost, less hassle, less purification loss, and perhaps most importantly less variation in product, with each and any RNA polyadenylated to varying levels.

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Couple of small typos I picked up (not material but what a great paper so thought I'd mention them!)

*Method 1)..... Circular plasmid will be provide....

*Text in para below fig 2 ..... method can also lead to truncated mRNA synthesis as see in many .....

As always, blown away by how well you distill down these complex issues and although I don't always understand the detail, as a lay person, the message is very clear 👌fascinating work and a big thank you from me for being smart enough to do this and to have the integrity to do this work even though you have a day job 👏

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So we will become a two state data stream of "scientific" information! Probably better in the long run? Thus, we will compete with the state sponsored data information. Lets see who wins!

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Great work, Kevin! I have a few comments/suggestions. I am very surprised by the absence of a polyA sequence from the vector, because it is present in the Pfizer patent (not a perfect poly A as often is the case with vector polyA : aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaagcatatg actaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaa) and because adding a poly-adenylation step or ligation step is inefficient and costly from a manufacturing point of view, when it is so much simpler to have it in the vector. And as you mentioned, it would lead to poly-adenylation of truncated mRNA and their more efficient translation. A head scratcher. Btw, shocking that they can publish the result of a phase III without describing how their product is manufactured. The issue of the state and integrity of the DNA present in the mix is worth further investigating and I would suggest an old technique, the Southern blot! You could run the DNA sample as such, unmodified, as well as a few restriction digests with single cutters, for instance MfeI, BspEI and SpeI would tell you if the DNA was properly linearized, and then probe one blot with a vector probe and another with a Spike probe. Nowadays it can be done without radioactivity and given the amount of DNA present, sensitivity won't be an issue. The merit of this approach is that it will directly ascertain the state that DNA is in, how degraded it is or not, which is important to evaluate the risk that this DNA integrates in the genome of a transfected cell. Congratulation on this important work!

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Yes, That odd Poly makes me think they didnt use a terminal transferase or poly A polymerase. If they use a ligase, they may direct the ligation with a guiding oligo on the other strand or a 'splint' which would limit truncated ligation. Then they would have another clean up step to manage though? I dont have any radioactivity in the lab and am hoping the deep illumina sequencing of the RNase library will offer some clues here.

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Maybe these mRNAs don't even have polyA tails? The pseudouridine modification might already confer enough stability that they found the polyA tail unnecessary for good expression. Homopolymer tracts can be difficult to maintain in vectors, and it could have been that this was enough of an issue for large-scale production that they decide to forgo the use of polyA tails.

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You may not need it but this recent study found that LINE1 was also being upregulated:

Transcriptomic study reveals lncRNA-mediated downregulation of innate immune and inflammatory response in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination breakthrough infections

...While some studies highlight the accumulation of LINE1 upon viral infection, LINE1 is reported to activate the antiviral response in specific instances (50, 51). Besides, the antisense LINE1 is reported to regulate the expression of surrounding genes (52). The LTRs help in viral replication, and it is also reported to activate host immune response (53, 54). Since the interacting lncRNAs are expressed in the VBT group, the higher abundance of Alu, LINE1, and LTR elements within the interacting lncRNAs suggest a possible regulation of antiviral and immune response by the interacting lncRNAs in the vaccination breakthrough individuals.


Full review:


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Natural spike (for most) stays in the lungs. To me, injecting a synthetic mRNA that over-expresses itself (enhanced promoters) and generates a spike protein that resists degradation is very problematic in itself, but an IM injection has already bypassed the bodies natural defenses (respiratory epithelium, blood barrier). Vaccination basically causes "systemic disease" while most with natural infection (fortunately) do not.

Stephanie Seniff's work has shown spike protein in dendrite cells which do not have ACE receptors. She believes all the excess spike expressed in dendritic cells is secreted as exosomes which track up the vagus nerve into the brain where the Wuhan spike has neurodegenerative properties. Omnicron variants apparently do not have the same "prion-like" properties.

I've called Omicron, and its variants, "God's gift to humanity" -- broad immunity to coronoviruses with low risk for systemic disease, unless one is vaccinated (multiple times in particular) because vaccination disrupts normal T cell mediated immunity.

Risk of contact from vaxxed body fluids is unknown. Spike will be around, but I don't know about intact mRNA which is the real risk to 3rd parties. The body can heal itself, aided by proper nutrition and sleep. I would think the 3rd party risk is very low for those who have avoid the direct harm of IM injection of LNPs and synthetic mRNA-->artificial and deadly spike protein.

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Hi Kevin, great work. Please can you clarify for me – do you expect the plasmids/vectors to express the spike protein in mammalian (human) cells? If so, what mechanism(s) do you see that happening by – by being transcribed in the genome, or by expressing it independently of that? If the latter, why do you think that is happening – why is the plasmid/vector able to express the spike protein in a mammalian cell? (I think I understand you to say that you do not think the plasmid will generally express in bacterial cells inside a human body - is that right?). Thanks.

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Peer Review and t he idea of unbiased scientific publication went out the window in 2001. There are more than 3000 scientists and engineers that have been trying to get a discussion paper published in the same journal as Zdenek Bazant. This effort has been suppressed for years now.

It was the first example of scientific capture by the perpetrators.

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Congratulations for your work and thank you for sharing it!!

I do not understand how the organizations involved in the massive vaccination have not analyzed what was being injected all over the world.

Yours results are very very important!!!

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Better not to know when one does not want to get unwanted results...

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Because they would incriminate themselves?

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