My father, a professor of electrical engineering with a career of over 50 years at a Research I university, consultancies with major corporations like Motorola, ADM, NASA, etc., submitted a publication to one of the IPCC's journals showing that climatologists made a major error in their regression models of atmospheric temperatures, and estimates of anthropogenic CO2 in that the data was never adjusted for nonstationarity (time-varying means) as must be done rigorously for regression analysis.

He used the same time-series of temps, and CO2 and did the regression as it must rigorously be done and the R2, or correlation coefficient, drops to below 0.5 from well over 0.9 in the flawed models meaning there's no significant correlation between anthropogenic CO2 , and slightly increasing atmospheric temps measured over time. Anthropogenic climate change is a scam.

After 50 years of publications in top journals for the first time in his career he had to call the journal editor to even get a review which was basically yeah, we're not interested.

Science has alot of gatekeepers, and with the Covid19 and modRNA bioweapon operation we all saw how crimimal the NIH, FDA, and other gatekeepers are.

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Great article/takedown of the corrupt “science” publishers!

Why not do a video teaching us all how to do this genomic sequencing if it really only costs a couple thousand? Please take the time to do this! You can could have an army of citizen scientists in no time!

“Like” should have been likened by why quibble.


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Wow, wow, wow, what complete lack of ethics at every turn. Mind boggling and either jaw-droppingly brazen or ignorant beyond words. Likely all of the above. The day is near when we will dismantle the corrupt facade of parasites with their installed agents to build a just and rewarding world with congruent checks and balances. Can’t wait, I am so done with wading through surface scum.

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Should turn it into a horror movie (lolz). How frustrating. Gate keepers.

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Name and Shame is appropriate sometimes.

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Awesome work, there are three people that spring to mind who MUST read this — Dennis McKenna, Paul Stamets & Joe Rogan!

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You just couldn’t make this stuff up!

I follow Dr Jack Kruse with interest.

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'.. school yard spats, sand bagging competitive papers and dishonesty in peer review ..'

the jungle of the schoolyard .. it never leaves us .. the props only change to the same wing-pulling mean kids holding up their shiny PhDs as badges of virtue .. mortals dare not speak ill of the science clergy

.. like all the Covid jabbing doctors who tell everyone they know how to say Primum non nocere, so they are squeaky clean A'OK good doctor material .. so shut-up

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Prime example of the banality of evil!

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Your story just adds to the mountain of corruption we live under, this mountain is going to blow apart apart or crush us; I don't know which is it is going to be but the answer is not far away.

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Special K - When the State owns "The Science", they can make it up as they go along and cult members must toe the line.

"We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”

The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, in a discussion with the World Economic Forum during October 2022.


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Great and illustrative article of the absurdness from a machine created from once upon a time good intentions. The book "Tarnished Gold" by Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts is an excellent take on a system gone corrupt.


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It happens a lot, the public is generally unaware. Thanks for exposing the situation you found yourself in.

Another view of genomics, taking a step back:


Is it being used wisely? Are we on the wrong track?

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This story of corrupt peer review illustrates how far the research community has fallen.

A secured and decentralized repository of preprints is vital for assigning proper credit for research and innovations. It will disincentivize dishonest researchers from holding up earlier work so that they can steal credit.

Some people don't have an indwelling conscience, and need always to be externally monitored.

When a corrupt hierarchy forms, it has to be bypassed, and starved out.

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Not that I know you but from seeing you on video and your writings, I know you are a trustworthy person. During these last 3-4 years I’ve come to understand what a dirty business science is including medical journals. I don’t understand how there can be so many rotting people out there, and I do mean rotting. Their only concern is me, myself and I. I for one appreciate you but that doesn’t make you money or prestige. I think you have a bit of a fan club behind you.

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Outrageous corrupt peer review tactics are well known.

If Jack Kruse is close with Jack Dorsey, I don't trust the platform. The platform will start out open, but over time it'll be controlled by the State. Old Twitter was loyal to the death to FDA, CDC, NIH. Now we know it wasn't a mistake. Even when Twitter knew they were killing people, they still supported the State. Maybe my read of Kruse is totally wrong, but he also seems like a fruitcake.

It's crucially important someone with Kevin's temperament and personality is the founder. Kevin strikes me as repellent to State corruption. If the founder isn't incorruptible, the platform will be corrupted.

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