The longevity of spike protein in humans is still a controversial topic. Remember when Pfizer and their muppet brigade all assured us the mRNA was degraded in 24hours?
This study shows they were 28 fold wrong and they stopped measuring at day 28.
It is hard to know the exact nature of the study, as this study landed behind a paywall. You must now pay $49 to see how long this shit might stay in your body. I’ve attempted to purchase this with 3 different credit cards on Wiley’s site but they reject all 3? It’s not on Sci-Hub yet and I have reached out to the authors via researchgate offering to pay any journal fees to get this open access.
Maybe we’ll have more information in the next week but I did manage to find their supplemental data which has a table of Illumina reads that map to the Spike sequences in the vax. Keep in mind the vaccines RNA sequence is significantly diverged from C19 such that this IS NOT contamination from C19 infection. This is truly vaccine sequence.
Many may write this off pointing to the column on the right that itemized Bp covered with 1X showing 390 and in some cases 3828 bases of the vaccines genome covered more than once. This is because no PCR amplification was used to enrich these samples and they are only sequencing 5M-20M reads deep. Most of the DNA is human Genomic DNA. Increase this depth of sequencing 10X and you’ll get complete coverage of the vaccine genome.
This cat happened to sniff this out in 2021 as the authors put the consensus sequence for their project into NCBI. I was of course terrorized by vaxholes for utilizing “non-peer reviewed” data in this tweet. As if the peer reviewers were going to change the sequence or alter the collection dates of the data in NCBI? These criticisms came from people with zero to bleak experience with Peer review. One specialized in “equity in science” and never stopped to reflect on how paywalls and peer review ensure scientists with smaller funding from poorer countries can’t afford to play the game of Fiat Science she endorsed.
Another nail in the current Peer Review system emerges. It is very likely this work was funded by government and after you paid for it, you have to pay their corporate publishing cronies a few more bucks to see the results of the work you funded.

This lines up with the large amounts of mRNA found in Breast Milk.
Why is this “Fragile” RNA sticking around for so long?
Because you were lied to. You were led to believe that RNA spontaneously combusts when that is a mirage. Some RNAs are susceptible to RNase digestion and your hands are coated in RNases. These are fairly ubiquitous enzymes but they dont do a very good job digesting modified RNA, circular RNA or RNA with quadruplex Gs.
But the Pfizer EMA and TGA documents show Fragmentation and poor RIN numbers?
Once again, RNases are not the cause of these fragmented Vaccines. That is simply an artifact of the polymerase choking on N1-methyl pseudoU during In Vitro Transcription of the Vaccine mRNA from a DNA plasmid backbone. Their manufacturing can’t make 100% full length mRNA so we are left with a library of mRNAs which presumably make a lot of truncated peptides once injected into their victims.
Many like to dismiss circulating RNA data as they see a few small studies (Ogata et al) show spike cant be detected after the second shot. This is an artifact of the technologies being used to detect Spike. ELISA assays rely on antibody binding to spike to to detect it and once spike is coated with the hosts antibodies, ELISA’s can’t see them. If spike is localized to the mito or the nuclease, these ELISA’s will also deliver a non-detect answer.
Yonker et al optimized an assay to address this using DTT to dissolve host Antibodies from spike so they could properly measure free spike and Host Antibody bound spike.
If you dig into the supplement and many of the figures you will note a few patients that don’t see spike drop over the course of a month. Granted the 33pg/ml is arguably a low concentration but its a just a canary in the coal mine. The germinal centers and other tissues may be chronically expressing spike and we can only detect 33pg/ml in the tissue being surveyed in this study. It is very likely higher and lower in other tissues.
Note the X axis is out to 24 days post vaccine and some patients are flat or rising!
Again, this is measuring spike in one tissue and we know it localizes to germinal centers where it likely has access to the vagal nerve. We also know the Japanese bio-distribution study showing this hitting many organs including the adrenals which can lead to dysautonomia.
This doesn’t imply that Spike persistence is the only problem and it certainly doesn’t imply that all patients experience this persistent spike expression. If that were the case everyone injected would have evident spike pathology and we clearly don’t see that. Many of these studies are under 50 patients so we are not going see examples of adverse events with less than 1:50 in frequency. It is very likely there are other variables are at play such as the Bolus theory of injection from Marc Girodot and even LNP toxicity more recently covered by Christine Laura Grace.
Overlay the genetic diversity of the human population and some of the genetic predispositions to long covid/vax and we have what looks like a Russian roulette game.
This requires intricate detective work to smoke out the actual culprits. Meme shamelessly stolen from Gato.
The mechanism is academic. The harms are now evident with the Cleveland clinic study and the reanalysis of the Pfizer and Moderna trial data that Andrew Bostom highlighted in a Twitter Spaces.

Couple this with the recent papers on IgG4 class switching and OAS and we have quite a storm brewing. Its now clear this is a disease of vaccinated. They are brewing the variants and are now risk to unvaccinated class.
May you live in interesting times.
Sasha Latypova makes the case that it is technically impossible to scale up mRNA technology at present, and that AE variations in batches may be down to stratification in the vat, where all the broken fragments are floating in the nanolipid at the top, and the bottom consists of more inert material.
"Nobody Knows What is in the Vials"
and that the DoD refers to the injections as "prototype demonstrations"
and that "Fake Western Blots Submitted by Pfizer to Several Regulatory Agencies"
"WHAT IS IN SO-CALLED COVID-19 "VACCINES"? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity"
There are 52 covid vaccines in clinical trial in the US alone, 29 of which are mRNA/DNA
And, in what I'm certain is merely a coincidence- "MRNA Cocktail Can Make Old Tissue Specific Cells Young"
A very interesting read!