"When science requires a restriction of information flow and a silencing of allowable questions under the banner of protecting the public from their own fear… you are dealing with scam artists, not scientists."
May I share that with my doctor? He needs a better understanding of those concepts.
I paused at that same sentence/concept. KM is absolutely correct. After living through the last three years, where most people blindly followed mindless rules (mask-up; stay six feet apart; one way in grocery aisles, etc) out of fear stirred in large part by gov’t, it is understandable why some would wonder if protecting the public from their own fear does not have some benefit. But any such benefit is, of course, fleeting; the truth will out. Had there been no “restriction of information flow,” i.e., censorship (by the same gov’t that instilled the fear), humanity would be in a better place on so many levels. Questioning must always be permitted; speaking as a lawyer, cross-examination (questioning) is considered an indispensable method for the discovery of truth. When critics of gov’t policy are silenced, suspicion is warranted.
Frank Herbert wrote that “fear is the mind-killer.” Indeed it is. What happens when the public’s fear turns to anger?
Funny you mention that line from Frank Herbert … I read Dune many, many, MANY years ago, and that line has stuck with me all these years. Whenever I experience pain or fear, that’s the line that pops in my head.
Do they, in the case of vaccines though? I've seen multiple vaxophiles post that 'even if it turned out the vaccines are harmful', they would remain proud of themselves for "having done the right at the time'! Can you imagine the level of indoctrination these people underwent to reach such a conclusion?
No, not the level. But we have all been through similar indoctrination and I suspect many of us believed it at one time or another; Govts. have your best interests at heart; doctors will keep you healthy etc. etc.
Prior to turning 18 I did. It's like they know, but cannot just shatter their whole world-view overnight. It is a slow affair, but I believe many are getting there, and many more will. Once the tipping point is reached, things will likely move very quickly. And there will be a lot of anger; if the various governments continue along their present path, people will seek their own brand of justice.
This is a crucial point about anger. When one has shot himself in the foot with a gun he loudly recommended to everyone he knew, and is now suffering, the feeling of stupidity/being fooled is so deep that most will only feel shame. To transform that reaction to anger, you have to prove they were told BLATANT lies. (Not that they were not smart enough to assess the available science. That only makes the shame thing worse.) Because if they were directly ‘lied to’ then they can kind of psychologically get out of feeling so ashamed/feeling stupid.
A liar is someone people can get mad at.
A ‘well intentioned scientist who was trying to protect me but made a mistake’ is less likely to be charged and crucified.
In other words, prove there was intent.
Also - when they see thoroughly convincing evidence of what it has done to innocent children - that will get a lot of people mad. Parents especially.
This film covers children who died abruptly after their shots. No previous medical issues. If you tie this to evidence of CLEAR and ourposefully crafted LIES, anger shall blossom.
Even better, if some benevolent hacker can get internal documents showing them talking amongst themselves about the lies/acknowledging the lies being told to the public, THAT will get even more people VERY VERY MAD. Evidence from their own mouths that it was *intentional* would be the golden anger key here...
Fast Eddy, just want you to know that I’m both vaccine injured and a Canadian, also so fking angry. When I’m alone in the house I often scream out seething with hate and yelling at those fking bastards. I feel so impotent because there’s nothing I can do to change what has happened to me. And to add more insult to injury is the fact that pharma is ever so artful in their deception, and that governments and mainstream is silent. People don’t know that there is such a thing as vaccine injury from these toxic shots. I am totally frustrated and hate those manipulative bastards.
Fast Eddy, I hear you. But, that guy was in front of you. But, in my case, Pfizer isn’t standing in front of me. They’re well insulated and protected. Taking the one and only toxic shot is the biggest mistake of my life.
Not sure this is relevant, but Dan may want to read this 1993 paper before taking that next jab. Although it discuses hamsters and the whole virus, the jury is still out on what exactly is going on with the jibby jab contamination.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I try and follow but must admit I haven’t a clue about what is being said. On twitter X Christie Laura Grace might as well be writing in German. As a vaccine injured person I have this hunger to understand what happened to me. But, I get down often because the mountain to climb against the power, influence and obscene wealth is spirit crushing.
Sounds like you already figured it out: Those with power, influence, and obscene wealth committed a crime.
Last night, I was reading FOIA info (on X) that was damming. It's clear the "regulators" knew what was in the jibby jabs, but they let it slide.
Microbiologists will sort this out, and then we'll see effective lawsuits against the Covid Criminals. May take time, but eventually the real science will speak. It always does.
This is all so complicated. What I do know is that the last 3 + years have been so divisive. The government and pharma in an effort to control their narrative, have created an environment pitting one faction against the other. Hence the birth of these now ingrained weaponized terms, anti science, anti vaxxers, racists (lab leak), and the populace have no idea they’ve been brain washed, they are now the carriers of this particular brand of propaganda. In an ideal world, research would be done in a collaborative manner. However, instead it’s bomb the messenger, undermine the findings, belittle the intelligence and smear the reputations. Doctor’s have been threatened with license removal, penalized for not toeing the line. Who is this guy named Dan? Is he just a cog in the wheel of people hired to do damage? He’s comes across as insecure rabidly protecting the shell of himself.
What a most distasteful way to spend one’s time. He must be a real joy to meet in person. He obviously thinks he’s an important person. It certainly would not surprise me if he was hired by pfizer.
I’m just spit ballin, but I wonder if “Dan” is just fishing to find out what science Kevin has. Kevin is showing his hand. Who knows where this goes but it might be arming Dan.
Don't mean to blather on, but how anyone (Dan) can be so disrespectful is beyond us. In the lab, we used to kid each other, "Your criticism of my work reveals an unsound technical background", so maybe that's what is going on with Dan - or maybe he's just a hater!
I did some looking into this Dan guy early on as his youtube videos were used by a lot of pro-vaxers against any valid suspicions. He was working at pharma in a lab that produced pcr tests. Only real PHD I could find was in "philosophy". He went to carnegie -melon, which as we know is corrupt since early 1900's. He is so annoying and I'm happy to see this take-down of his BS.
That’s why I wonder if he’s just a hired guy paid by pharma fishing for what Kevin has. Yes, I’ve seen his over the top rudeness on X which is curious. My life experience taught me that usually rude and attacking people are covering up and may have something to hide. In my younger years when faced with this type of person I’d think I’d said something to offend or try like heck to get back into their good graces. Later in life I’d learned they had something to hide or they were covering up for their own inadequacies. It’s a defence mechanism.
A tiny part of my mind is starting to wonder if the "contamination" wasn't motivated by penny pinching laziness, but rather by a desire to turn the public trials of the vaccine into an even grander experiment than we were led to believe. And after reading this article - https://medika.life/is-the-covid-vaccines-spike-protein-killing-us/ - I can't help but wonder what the thinking was that led them to pick the spike protein as the encoded viral element in the mRNA vaccines? As the article explains, the mechanism of ACE2 in regulating the RAS has been clearly understood by scientists for quite awhile, so how could they not be aware of the potential systemic danger it would create in the vaccinated? And while I hate to fall into anything that resembles a fringe conspiracy theorist, I can't help but draw the conclusion that the mRNA vaccines are as inadvertently as close to a biological weapon as it gets, especially if recent articles by Pierre Kory about shedding of spike protein are correct. Inject mRNA into host, mRNA gets transcribed into host DNA and starts endless production of spike protein, leading to ill health, shortened life and early death, vaccinated host spreads spike protein to community, including those who attempted to avoid vaccination to protect their health. This is a truly Malthusian nightmare in my mind. Be safe and take care!
The question that also bugs me is - when was the decision made to switch from Process 1 to Process 2 production? Was it the plan from the beginning to make a purer vaccine product for the initial trials, with the goal of getting the best results and the least adverse events, and then switch to Process 2 to save money and time?
The vax was produced and stored in 2019, maybe earlier. Hedley Rees talks about it, as does Sasha Latypova. To have 25m doses available the day after 'approval' answers your question (USA). To produce at scale they had to use process 2, that's a done deal. Among many concerns is the injected e coli that's anti biotic resistant cos it survived the processing and cleaning up procedures. Whichever way you look at it, it's God awful, done to us not for us. 🙏
I have been thinking about this since this whole thing started and tried to make a sense out of it. I am slowly coming to a conclusion that the main purpose of this experiment is to destroy people's immune system so that synthetic biology/networks they are trying to introduce into humans for transhumanism will not be detoxed and fought by the immune system. Maybe the goal is also to get it in the sperm and eggs and create a GMO offspring. And destroy different organs so that people will have no choice but to receive lab-grown organ transplants. I believe HIV was created for the same purpose but did not spread as they hoped it would. They needed the respiratory route or maybe they studied and perfected the "science" on the HIV and waited until mRNA technology was fully ready and then switched to the respiratory route. I think that increasing number of childhood vaccines are used for that purpose too. It goes without saying that billions will not be able to handle this level of assault and will succumb.
I got cancer from 1 Pfizer shot. I keep looking for 2022/2023 new cancer statistics but can't find anything past 2020. Does it really take 3 years to post results or are they afraid to post them? My cancer was a more rare type with high risk of metastasis, but I met 50+ people who got the same thing right after the Pfizer shot. My TP53 gene is normal but my tumor TP53 was mutated. Fortunately I felt so lousy after the first shot I never go the second. And I declined the standard of care 4 chemo/immunotherapy cocktail prior to surgery. Instead I did a ton of non-traditional treatments and the tumor was shrinking by the time it was removed. I'm at almost 2 years with no evidence of metastasis. This was my first vax in 25 years, since I got CFS/ME after my last one. Never again obviously.
I absolutely believe there is a cancer issue. In a two year period of time since 2021, I know 9 people with a cancer diagnosis. Never in my entire life Have I known 9 people over many decades with a cancer diagnosis.
A win for truth and masterful demolition of deceit, thank you Kevin. Such scam artists as Debunk the Funk are playing to an audience that lacks the ability to critically analyze the technology and science, and so they cause real damage to real victims. These scam artists have lately exploded out of the woodwork.
He hasn’t had any since dose 2. He considers himself not in a high risk group so hasn’t subjected his swimmers to it, likely because he still plans in starting a family. I guarantee you when he worked for Eurofins he was mandated to take the first series.
"It was like Simple Jack yelling at Einstein that his E=mc^2 equation was wrong and soon recognizing Simple Jack didn’t know what an exponent was." LOL
That dan dude made a fool of himself. His arrogance makes me think that he doesn't even need to be a paid shill: he just picked the wrong hill to go die upon in what he thought it would be a simple showcase story.
They were played like fiddles. I'm talking about the grass-roots, who previously would not allow gmo/glyphosate laden food within a million miles of their mouths, not the 'leadership'.
It seems obvious that TPBT (The People Behind This) knew, correctly, that they had to get the left on board to have any chance of success.
What did they do? Make damn sure that right-wing groups would oppose, especially the 'vaccines'. Then, using the full force of the MSM/Social Media, made the preposterous claim that anyone speaking up against the genetic injections was right-wing, anti-science, and probably racist. The last thing on the planet any of the aforementioned left-wingers want, is to be labelled racist (even by proxy).
The bottom line is, if we don't all come together left + right (maybe a temporary truce?), we will die together.
"Make damn sure that right-wing groups would oppose, especially the 'vaccines'." That one didn't stick. It is one of the more hollow charges leveled at those of us who didn't take the shot, total BS. Trump continued to take credit for the vaccines via "warp speed" and kept urging Americans to get vaxxed. If 75% of Americans got the shot, then a good 30-40% of them were right-wing. Which I have definitely noticed in my world. The right got the shots as much as the left I've found. Even so, I did take a particular glee in pointing out, to many intolerant lefties, that they took Trump's shot. I have always known, but now in recent years it's truly clear, that many on the left are truly "low information". It seems pretty much all they have are labels and insults, when confronted with a different opinion, idea, or, indeed, new facts. They need the mutton crew, desperately, to provide banky cover for them. Trying to not get attached via too much anger at what is happening, I hold the hope that the muttons, and like-minded/acting, have availed themselves of all possible shots and boosters, up-to-date. That seems to be an avenue of at least a minimum justice.
As a side note. McMaster University in Hamilton has received 8 million in funding from the Canadian Institute for health (CIHR) enabling them to proceed with phase 2 human trials for next generation aerosol new inhaled vaccines.
I don't how the muttons can justify their continued moving of the goal posts on what is deemed an acceptable risk. At what point do they double down their double downs and conclude that increasing your risk of cancer is actually a good thing didn't you know?
Kevin writes, "I don’t know what is going to happen in this circumstance. The folks that confidently assure you that nothing will happen lack humility on the complexity of this biology."
I wish that was the case but it almost certainly isn't. We aren't dealing with opinionated buffoons to proud to admit their ignorance and that they made a mistake. If only. These folks are tasked with disrupting anything that goes against pharma's narrative. When one talking point goes down, another is thrown up.
The best case scenario is that these tactics are intended to obfuscate their culpability in promoting this poison. It's likely much worse than that and it's motivated by money, just like everything else.
We really need to stop this benefit of the doubt that the critics are well-meaning but misinformed. They aren't.
Very well said:
"When science requires a restriction of information flow and a silencing of allowable questions under the banner of protecting the public from their own fear… you are dealing with scam artists, not scientists."
May I share that with my doctor? He needs a better understanding of those concepts.
I paused at that same sentence/concept. KM is absolutely correct. After living through the last three years, where most people blindly followed mindless rules (mask-up; stay six feet apart; one way in grocery aisles, etc) out of fear stirred in large part by gov’t, it is understandable why some would wonder if protecting the public from their own fear does not have some benefit. But any such benefit is, of course, fleeting; the truth will out. Had there been no “restriction of information flow,” i.e., censorship (by the same gov’t that instilled the fear), humanity would be in a better place on so many levels. Questioning must always be permitted; speaking as a lawyer, cross-examination (questioning) is considered an indispensable method for the discovery of truth. When critics of gov’t policy are silenced, suspicion is warranted.
Frank Herbert wrote that “fear is the mind-killer.” Indeed it is. What happens when the public’s fear turns to anger?
Funny you mention that line from Frank Herbert … I read Dune many, many, MANY years ago, and that line has stuck with me all these years. Whenever I experience pain or fear, that’s the line that pops in my head.
Things get very, very ugly.
Do they, in the case of vaccines though? I've seen multiple vaxophiles post that 'even if it turned out the vaccines are harmful', they would remain proud of themselves for "having done the right at the time'! Can you imagine the level of indoctrination these people underwent to reach such a conclusion?
No, not the level. But we have all been through similar indoctrination and I suspect many of us believed it at one time or another; Govts. have your best interests at heart; doctors will keep you healthy etc. etc.
Prior to turning 18 I did. It's like they know, but cannot just shatter their whole world-view overnight. It is a slow affair, but I believe many are getting there, and many more will. Once the tipping point is reached, things will likely move very quickly. And there will be a lot of anger; if the various governments continue along their present path, people will seek their own brand of justice.
This is a crucial point about anger. When one has shot himself in the foot with a gun he loudly recommended to everyone he knew, and is now suffering, the feeling of stupidity/being fooled is so deep that most will only feel shame. To transform that reaction to anger, you have to prove they were told BLATANT lies. (Not that they were not smart enough to assess the available science. That only makes the shame thing worse.) Because if they were directly ‘lied to’ then they can kind of psychologically get out of feeling so ashamed/feeling stupid.
A liar is someone people can get mad at.
A ‘well intentioned scientist who was trying to protect me but made a mistake’ is less likely to be charged and crucified.
In other words, prove there was intent.
Also - when they see thoroughly convincing evidence of what it has done to innocent children - that will get a lot of people mad. Parents especially.
This film covers children who died abruptly after their shots. No previous medical issues. If you tie this to evidence of CLEAR and ourposefully crafted LIES, anger shall blossom.
Shot Dead documentary: https://wethepatriotsusa.org/shot-dead-movie/
Even better, if some benevolent hacker can get internal documents showing them talking amongst themselves about the lies/acknowledging the lies being told to the public, THAT will get even more people VERY VERY MAD. Evidence from their own mouths that it was *intentional* would be the golden anger key here...
Fast Eddy, just want you to know that I’m both vaccine injured and a Canadian, also so fking angry. When I’m alone in the house I often scream out seething with hate and yelling at those fking bastards. I feel so impotent because there’s nothing I can do to change what has happened to me. And to add more insult to injury is the fact that pharma is ever so artful in their deception, and that governments and mainstream is silent. People don’t know that there is such a thing as vaccine injury from these toxic shots. I am totally frustrated and hate those manipulative bastards.
Fast Eddy, I hear you. But, that guy was in front of you. But, in my case, Pfizer isn’t standing in front of me. They’re well insulated and protected. Taking the one and only toxic shot is the biggest mistake of my life.
Share away
Not sure this is relevant, but Dan may want to read this 1993 paper before taking that next jab. Although it discuses hamsters and the whole virus, the jury is still out on what exactly is going on with the jibby jab contamination.
SV40 induces mesotheliomas in hamsters.
"... the small t protein plays an important role in the development of SV40-induced mesotheliomas."
Maybe time to get a new doctor?
Lol, we're working on that! Gonna see old Doc in a few days and plan to have a little talk. Maybe show him the plasmid map?
Lynn, I’m confused. You often refer to “we.” Do you work for Kevin?
No, I'm retired. Lol, guess I'm working as a student. Love science, but never studied microbiology - it's facinating.
The "we" is a custom from another forum. Will discontinue. Thanks.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I try and follow but must admit I haven’t a clue about what is being said. On twitter X Christie Laura Grace might as well be writing in German. As a vaccine injured person I have this hunger to understand what happened to me. But, I get down often because the mountain to climb against the power, influence and obscene wealth is spirit crushing.
Sounds like you already figured it out: Those with power, influence, and obscene wealth committed a crime.
Last night, I was reading FOIA info (on X) that was damming. It's clear the "regulators" knew what was in the jibby jabs, but they let it slide.
Microbiologists will sort this out, and then we'll see effective lawsuits against the Covid Criminals. May take time, but eventually the real science will speak. It always does.
You take care.
gato always nails it!
Except when he decided to demonize a whole generation of people because he is butthurt about political differences.
This is all so complicated. What I do know is that the last 3 + years have been so divisive. The government and pharma in an effort to control their narrative, have created an environment pitting one faction against the other. Hence the birth of these now ingrained weaponized terms, anti science, anti vaxxers, racists (lab leak), and the populace have no idea they’ve been brain washed, they are now the carriers of this particular brand of propaganda. In an ideal world, research would be done in a collaborative manner. However, instead it’s bomb the messenger, undermine the findings, belittle the intelligence and smear the reputations. Doctor’s have been threatened with license removal, penalized for not toeing the line. Who is this guy named Dan? Is he just a cog in the wheel of people hired to do damage? He’s comes across as insecure rabidly protecting the shell of himself.
Dan Wilson has a PhD in Molecular Biology and calls himself a science communicator. He likes to think has spent the Covid era "debunking anti vaxxers"
What a most distasteful way to spend one’s time. He must be a real joy to meet in person. He obviously thinks he’s an important person. It certainly would not surprise me if he was hired by pfizer.
True. I understand little of this but the big picture is firmly in place.
I’m just spit ballin, but I wonder if “Dan” is just fishing to find out what science Kevin has. Kevin is showing his hand. Who knows where this goes but it might be arming Dan.
Vivien, Dan is on X (@Debunk_the_Funk). He seems a bit rude and disrespectiful, and outright nasty at times. Lol, we don't do nasty. Don't really know Dan, or his work, but was aware of Kevin's work on The Human Genome Project after following the project real time and reading Jim Watson's book. Was working on the TCAS (Traffic Alert & Collison Avoidance System) Project at the time, and some of our EE's (who love all science) followed the gene news closely. Here's a good video: https://vimeo.com/460348191?utm_campaign=5250933&utm_source=affiliate&utm_channel=affiliate&cjevent=39174f107c1f11ee81a230c40a82b836&clickid=39174f107c1f11ee81a230c40a82b836
Don't mean to blather on, but how anyone (Dan) can be so disrespectful is beyond us. In the lab, we used to kid each other, "Your criticism of my work reveals an unsound technical background", so maybe that's what is going on with Dan - or maybe he's just a hater!
I did some looking into this Dan guy early on as his youtube videos were used by a lot of pro-vaxers against any valid suspicions. He was working at pharma in a lab that produced pcr tests. Only real PHD I could find was in "philosophy". He went to carnegie -melon, which as we know is corrupt since early 1900's. He is so annoying and I'm happy to see this take-down of his BS.
That’s why I wonder if he’s just a hired guy paid by pharma fishing for what Kevin has. Yes, I’ve seen his over the top rudeness on X which is curious. My life experience taught me that usually rude and attacking people are covering up and may have something to hide. In my younger years when faced with this type of person I’d think I’d said something to offend or try like heck to get back into their good graces. Later in life I’d learned they had something to hide or they were covering up for their own inadequacies. It’s a defence mechanism.
A tiny part of my mind is starting to wonder if the "contamination" wasn't motivated by penny pinching laziness, but rather by a desire to turn the public trials of the vaccine into an even grander experiment than we were led to believe. And after reading this article - https://medika.life/is-the-covid-vaccines-spike-protein-killing-us/ - I can't help but wonder what the thinking was that led them to pick the spike protein as the encoded viral element in the mRNA vaccines? As the article explains, the mechanism of ACE2 in regulating the RAS has been clearly understood by scientists for quite awhile, so how could they not be aware of the potential systemic danger it would create in the vaccinated? And while I hate to fall into anything that resembles a fringe conspiracy theorist, I can't help but draw the conclusion that the mRNA vaccines are as inadvertently as close to a biological weapon as it gets, especially if recent articles by Pierre Kory about shedding of spike protein are correct. Inject mRNA into host, mRNA gets transcribed into host DNA and starts endless production of spike protein, leading to ill health, shortened life and early death, vaccinated host spreads spike protein to community, including those who attempted to avoid vaccination to protect their health. This is a truly Malthusian nightmare in my mind. Be safe and take care!
Dr Mike Yeadon spoke a lot about this, there's no way competing companies would choose the same faulty approach, unless told to do so 🙏
The question that also bugs me is - when was the decision made to switch from Process 1 to Process 2 production? Was it the plan from the beginning to make a purer vaccine product for the initial trials, with the goal of getting the best results and the least adverse events, and then switch to Process 2 to save money and time?
The vax was produced and stored in 2019, maybe earlier. Hedley Rees talks about it, as does Sasha Latypova. To have 25m doses available the day after 'approval' answers your question (USA). To produce at scale they had to use process 2, that's a done deal. Among many concerns is the injected e coli that's anti biotic resistant cos it survived the processing and cleaning up procedures. Whichever way you look at it, it's God awful, done to us not for us. 🙏
Thank you for sharing that information with me. I hope you stay safe and healthy!
I have been thinking about this since this whole thing started and tried to make a sense out of it. I am slowly coming to a conclusion that the main purpose of this experiment is to destroy people's immune system so that synthetic biology/networks they are trying to introduce into humans for transhumanism will not be detoxed and fought by the immune system. Maybe the goal is also to get it in the sperm and eggs and create a GMO offspring. And destroy different organs so that people will have no choice but to receive lab-grown organ transplants. I believe HIV was created for the same purpose but did not spread as they hoped it would. They needed the respiratory route or maybe they studied and perfected the "science" on the HIV and waited until mRNA technology was fully ready and then switched to the respiratory route. I think that increasing number of childhood vaccines are used for that purpose too. It goes without saying that billions will not be able to handle this level of assault and will succumb.
I got cancer from 1 Pfizer shot. I keep looking for 2022/2023 new cancer statistics but can't find anything past 2020. Does it really take 3 years to post results or are they afraid to post them? My cancer was a more rare type with high risk of metastasis, but I met 50+ people who got the same thing right after the Pfizer shot. My TP53 gene is normal but my tumor TP53 was mutated. Fortunately I felt so lousy after the first shot I never go the second. And I declined the standard of care 4 chemo/immunotherapy cocktail prior to surgery. Instead I did a ton of non-traditional treatments and the tumor was shrinking by the time it was removed. I'm at almost 2 years with no evidence of metastasis. This was my first vax in 25 years, since I got CFS/ME after my last one. Never again obviously.
I absolutely believe there is a cancer issue. In a two year period of time since 2021, I know 9 people with a cancer diagnosis. Never in my entire life Have I known 9 people over many decades with a cancer diagnosis.
Four are now dead.
I am very happy you reported positive results with the nontrad approach. Did you use the Tippons protocol and no sugar?
A win for truth and masterful demolition of deceit, thank you Kevin. Such scam artists as Debunk the Funk are playing to an audience that lacks the ability to critically analyze the technology and science, and so they cause real damage to real victims. These scam artists have lately exploded out of the woodwork.
Maybe we should have this Funk guy volunteer to take a needle full of SV40 so he can show us how safe it is.
Let's hope he has had 7 jabs by now...
He hasn’t had any since dose 2. He considers himself not in a high risk group so hasn’t subjected his swimmers to it, likely because he still plans in starting a family. I guarantee you when he worked for Eurofins he was mandated to take the first series.
"It was like Simple Jack yelling at Einstein that his E=mc^2 equation was wrong and soon recognizing Simple Jack didn’t know what an exponent was." LOL
That dan dude made a fool of himself. His arrogance makes me think that he doesn't even need to be a paid shill: he just picked the wrong hill to go die upon in what he thought it would be a simple showcase story.
Well. GOOD.
Instead of apologizing for his stupidity, Dan doubles down like all liberals and starts throwing insults. Nah-nah-nah-boo-ooo!
.. like all liberals ...
They were played like fiddles. I'm talking about the grass-roots, who previously would not allow gmo/glyphosate laden food within a million miles of their mouths, not the 'leadership'.
It seems obvious that TPBT (The People Behind This) knew, correctly, that they had to get the left on board to have any chance of success.
What did they do? Make damn sure that right-wing groups would oppose, especially the 'vaccines'. Then, using the full force of the MSM/Social Media, made the preposterous claim that anyone speaking up against the genetic injections was right-wing, anti-science, and probably racist. The last thing on the planet any of the aforementioned left-wingers want, is to be labelled racist (even by proxy).
The bottom line is, if we don't all come together left + right (maybe a temporary truce?), we will die together.
"Make damn sure that right-wing groups would oppose, especially the 'vaccines'." That one didn't stick. It is one of the more hollow charges leveled at those of us who didn't take the shot, total BS. Trump continued to take credit for the vaccines via "warp speed" and kept urging Americans to get vaxxed. If 75% of Americans got the shot, then a good 30-40% of them were right-wing. Which I have definitely noticed in my world. The right got the shots as much as the left I've found. Even so, I did take a particular glee in pointing out, to many intolerant lefties, that they took Trump's shot. I have always known, but now in recent years it's truly clear, that many on the left are truly "low information". It seems pretty much all they have are labels and insults, when confronted with a different opinion, idea, or, indeed, new facts. They need the mutton crew, desperately, to provide banky cover for them. Trying to not get attached via too much anger at what is happening, I hold the hope that the muttons, and like-minded/acting, have availed themselves of all possible shots and boosters, up-to-date. That seems to be an avenue of at least a minimum justice.
“The Kill Shot”: New Documentary Exposes Covert Operations using SV40 as Bioweapon ........................................
As a side note. McMaster University in Hamilton has received 8 million in funding from the Canadian Institute for health (CIHR) enabling them to proceed with phase 2 human trials for next generation aerosol new inhaled vaccines.
What’s to stop them from herding us into a room, say in a TSA line, and spraying us with something. It’s been done before. 🤔. I can totally see it.
Even those evil standing X-rays but have doors momentarily close. Quick, deadly and hardly noticed until slow release kicks in.
I don't how the muttons can justify their continued moving of the goal posts on what is deemed an acceptable risk. At what point do they double down their double downs and conclude that increasing your risk of cancer is actually a good thing didn't you know?
Kevin writes, "I don’t know what is going to happen in this circumstance. The folks that confidently assure you that nothing will happen lack humility on the complexity of this biology."
I wish that was the case but it almost certainly isn't. We aren't dealing with opinionated buffoons to proud to admit their ignorance and that they made a mistake. If only. These folks are tasked with disrupting anything that goes against pharma's narrative. When one talking point goes down, another is thrown up.
The best case scenario is that these tactics are intended to obfuscate their culpability in promoting this poison. It's likely much worse than that and it's motivated by money, just like everything else.
We really need to stop this benefit of the doubt that the critics are well-meaning but misinformed. They aren't.
The gravity of this subject matter compelled me to compose a piece of music for it;
Ha! Thanks for posting on Twitter, I don't use any social media but I saw it on Nitter. Cheers from outback NSW Australia.
That's awesome, and it goes well with cabernet!
Blimey that was a lot for my lunch hour, will have to read it again later. Thanks for sharing your work and thoughts.
Innumerable pearls of wisdom on this strand. Thanks.