Oct 14Liked by Anandamide

“ If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, then we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given them with Pfizer vaccines.” omg

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It gets better:

"Small amounts of shedded plasmids could expand in the [shedding] recipient ..."

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Yeah. C19 was a "proof of concept" for samRNA. 😐😐😑🤦‍♀️

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I'm not yet understanding how this work is supporting the conclusion that Pfizer yields self-amplifying mRNA.

For this to happen we'd need evidence of reverse transcription into human genome, as well as expression of s-protein mRNA leading to actual production of s-protein.

(And I'm not uneducated in genetics and cell biology, and I've followed the heterodox plandemic research pretty closely.)

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It doesn’t have to make RNA to be a problem.

Self amplifying DNA will chronically trigger cGAS-STING.

SV40 promoters bind to P53.

Continually making more of these is a problem in and of itself.


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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

"If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, then we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given **them** with Pfizer vaccines."

I initially thought **them** referred to self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, but I finally realized that it could instead refer to the DNA.

The sentence contains a conditional clause ("If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells") and a main clause ("we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given them with Pfizer vaccines"). The ambiguity arises because the pronoun them can be interpreted as referring to either the direct object of the main clause (self-amplifying mRNA vaccines) or the subject of the conditional clause (DNA).

However, them is a plural pronoun, while "DNA" is singular. This grammatical number agreement suggests that **them** is more likely to refer to the plural "self-amplifying mRNA vaccines" rather than the singular "DNA."

It seems I had missed the context and intended meaning of the sentence and instead automatically parsed by grammatical agreement.

If other readers could confirm that they interpreted "them" in the sentence to refer to the DNA and not the self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, that might be interesting.

I apologize for my misunderstanding and any confusion I may have caused.

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I took it to mean the vaccines, as well, but, yeah, I think you are right. We can strip out the main clause and get "If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, [oh shit] the population was already given them with the Pfizer vaccines [because that crap was found floating around in them alongside the mRNA]."

Is that the gist of it?

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I also thought he was talking about the 'self-amplifying' vaccines but I think the real takeaway is the shedding from the vaxxed/infected to the 'unvaxxed' is Real and always has been, for over 3 years now.

And they dont really Need to release new self-amplifying jabs because the previous covid jabs already did that to us all.

As some of us tried to tell people for Years now... that not only they Could shed, but they Have shed.

There was and Is a ton of Evidence to support this fact but it was banned, censored, removed or mocked by the very people who refused to consider said evidence... like many Doctors.

The rest is quibbling about details... exactly What it is that is being shed or What it is doing to people, we dont know if they All shed or for how long or if they ever stop, but the fact is the Fact.

Shedding of the sars-cov2 'vaccines' is Real and always has been.

Coming to terms with that fact is a little cognitive dissonance inducing at first but sometimes you just have to rip the bandaid off.

Then you can focus on finding solutions. EDTA and Vitamin C seem to work well, as Dr Ana Mihalcea and others have shown.

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I guess I'm confused by what is meant by self-amplifying and what proof there is of some type of DNA mutation happening to people who did not take the shot. There will need to be real laboratory demonstrations of this as well as conclusive proof of the before and after effects before a lot of us are going to start repeating that out loud.

There's also a lot of cognitive dissonance around what is and is not possible by biologists. People tend to give them way too much credit and also mis-attribute things like cause of illness to things that fit their world view. That's very hard for people to come to terms with, as well.

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So, not only does it mute one cancer-defense pathway (P53) it also causes a large IgG4 class switch which makes your immune system less able to deal with cancer.

How many more of these will we find?

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This paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3735450/


P53 is Transported Into the Nucleus Via an Hsf1-Dependent Nuclear Localization Mechanism

Suggests to me that the SV40 ORI binding to P53 prevents its transport into the nucleus and this mutes the activity of P53.

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the technical content is way above my paygrade but the conclusions are not...

remains the question : was it an accident or was it on purpose???

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Moderna was developing mRNA for at least a decade and knew of the many problems. [See Unlimited Hangout and Whitney Webb article.] I don't think they KNEW of these specific ones necessarily, but they chose to turn away from the copious deaths and problems they saw and put the product on the market. It was put forth knowing it was deadly and damaging from the 10 years of previous study. Period. And the Pfizer trials showed unequivocally that major, serious problems were seen with this formulation in a variety of ways. [See Daily Clout and their massive study of the FOIA'd Pfizer trials that they wanted hidden for 75 years.] They knew it was deadly, but they also knew Vioxx was deadly and put it on the market. The Pharma industry is evil and causing death is a part of their game. As a final comment, see why the appeal by Brook Jackson's (whistleblower) case was dismissed. This is very critical to understanding the game here. Go and look, but basically they (Pfizer) were doing the whole thing for the DoD and were a hired hand. This is what the appeals court said. It was your government that designed and promoted this thing and Pfizer and Moderna, et al, were not responsible for the result as they were simply following orders for a "demonstration" product. This is where it gets even scarier. [See Sasha Latypova for more details.] There is no end to the deceit and evil at play. And it continues.

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Like the Nuremburg trials "crimes against humanity," when a participant chooses to go along with "an order" and in the process breaks God's Commandment(s) he is himself just as guilty as the one ordering the thing.


The above 11 part video series sheds some very disturbing light; (to ones worldview) personal and historical accounts that can be seen as at least partially parallel to what we have all been taught from history books and propagandized strategies. Keep in mind propaganda is widely used by BOTH contending sides. But facts are facts, and collections of testimonies are fairly conclusive.

Someday, when all lies and liars are eliminated, the picture which remains will become clear as noontide. Until then, we are reliant upon discernment of experiences of souls.


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Dr. David Martin who researched the patents on Moderna product regularly calls it a bioweapon. Sounds very purposeful to me.

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It is on purpose the data is there for everyone to see if you want to deep dive into the data like Dr

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Dispose of people then you have no shortage of housing more food for everyone but then they are getting rid of workers etc

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Agree 100%

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What data suggests companies were trying to kill people (mostly) in their 80`s or people under that age group who were metabolically unhealthy?

What would be the point of any company doing that?

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the bioweapon wasn't the virus.

it is the vaccine....

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They're doing as told by government. Reduce the cost of pensions, health care in the elderly, scare the other generations then remove pension rights in various ways. Youngsters are already hooked on a pill for every ill. 🙏

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Money, money, money

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Not about money - why poison people if the goal is money ...

Would you sell ice creamed flavoured with poison?


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Why do you ignore the data on viral and viral fragment persistence and its consequences? People in their 80s or below and who are metabolically unhealthy are just the ones most at risk from the prodrome. The prodrome is not the problem. It's the rapid biological aging, neurodegeneration and elevated cancer and heart disease risk years later following even a mild and quickly resolved prodrome.

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Because that was what was contracted for is the easy answer.

The upside for the sociopaths is the intergenerational explosion of income streams. Plus a weakening and reduction of the peasantry

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Dr David Martin is spot on bioweapon, with intent.

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And what was the secret "purpose" of killing elderly people or those that are metabolically ill?

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Budgetary reasons, too many old people, too many people in general. Turning a shortfall into a windfall if they can keep/steal the money these people paid into ss and ssi instead of paying it out. Neat trick if you can take money out of every paycheck but not pay out for retirement or disability. People diagnosed at stage 4 of cancer don’t last long and probably mostly receive palliative care. I have read of investors going long on care for adults with autism. Would be a to know if they are long on palliative care and cancer treatment.

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You're starting from a false premise. Elderly people and those who are metabolically ill are just the group most at risk from the prodrome. There are massive benefits from an oncogenic, cardiotoxic and neurotoxic virus that causes premature aging and destroys the immune system over a number of years which is what SARS-CoV-2 does.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15Liked by Anandamide

All the evidence of the crime scene - but you seem to have framed the wrong ‘man’. The villain was of course the ‘vaccine’. That was why we needed a ‘pandemic’. silly! Ordered to spec and delivered for profit by the Pharmakeia it was win win all round. They simply inverted the causal narrative and equally the outcome. Inversion seems to be their thing..

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Accidentally on purpose. Passive aggression. There are no accidents. They knew what they were doing. That's why they mandated it.

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Agree with ANW

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I don't think it is wise to forego any possible conclusions or fail to ask any questions, no matter how "edgy."

One question - off the mark but related... Was this originally a bioweapon? One that escaped prematurely?

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the virus was just a means to get the vaccine, the actual bioweapon, into the people

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Only a threat of a potential infection, that's all that was needed

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Never been a isolated virus

They have been experimenting on servicemen for decades

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1. Ask where seasonal flus and colds went. All their stats are a joke.

2. Nothing escaped prematurely!

The bioweapon products were made to order and administered on time to both willing and unwilling participants following an intense worldwide psychological campaign and coercive tactics. This is commonly known as Fifth Generation Warfare.

The real question is, just how it’s going to effect us and our loved ones both in the short and longer term?

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There's daily escapes of all sorts of junk from supposedly secure biolabs around the world that don't get publicity. Just pick one to suit your agenda and off you go to mega billions.

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If it was a bioweapon it wasn`t very good..and people here think its edgy to suggest its a bioweapon yet if you ask why anyone would bother to try and kill people in their 80`s or people younger than that who were metabolically unhealthy they just go mute..

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Author

Depends on your goal. If you want to cull the population you owe SS to in order to taper a ponzi scheme, taking out the elderly would buy them time for when the ponzi collapses. If you want to wreck the fertility of people who cherish a constitution and replace them people fleeing from a dictators, Vax your population while you don't demand such vaccination on the millions of people you allow to enter the country. It could also all be extreme incompetence, greed and an unholy confluence of interests. Woke mind virus happens to super charge a pharma initiative while politicians insider trade pandemic stocks. All concurrent with the Bioweapons industry needing to be the source of the solution to the problem that points back to them. You cant justify a GOF program if the GOF program leaked the risk.. unless you white knight the solution to your mess.

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Bottom line is depopulate all to do with raking in the money any which way

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Big Pharma has been the tool to generate more money for the DOD to create HAARP, DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS SATALITES

People go eagerly to the doctor and take medication/drugs because it is free if people had to pay for what it actually cost they woul give it a pass

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Has it occurred to you it wasn't finished?

First "truth:" Science is expensive. Always has been.

Second "truth:" Governments have lots of money and they spend lots of it on the military.

Third "truth:" Technologies have uniformly - with very few exceptions (the printing press) benefited the military first. That goes clear back to the stone ax. Anything can be "dual use."

I am in the sciences and I have followed this work for a couple of decades. Their safety record has always been spotty. Our people stopped this work because of the risk. Then they farmed it out...

The Wuhan lab had a terrible safety record. It was scheduled for major refits when the bug got loose.

Consider that.

Our people knew this sort of thing had weapons potential. So did everybody else with a working military establishment. The thing is, "everybody" ignored the risk.

And that was why the desperate coverup.

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Unfortunately I believe you're wrong in that it's not a desperate cover up but a play for time and that's a massive concern

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On purpose -- it is necessary

The Ultimate Extinction Plan (UEP)

Preventing the Gates of Hell from opening.


We are on Borrowed Time

China is gonna implode


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Oct 14Liked by Anandamide

If I could go back in time I would go through school to become a genetics expert, molecular biologist, immunologist and maybe a statistician. But, our lives just aren’t long enough so society functions by depending on other people who do gain the expertise. But right now society is broken. It has been proven that we cannot depend on our health agencies or government to help us out of this disaster now or in the future. Trust in our institutions has plummeted. This is no small issue. Interestingly, I don’t know Kevin but instinctively trust him. Besides who couldn’t trust someone who loves cats. These are discombobulating times but for the people who are standing up, working hard to solve the puzzle without the being paid. This is remarkable and so fucking appreciated. Thank you.

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I am not a scientist. I am still learning, so please excuse my ignorance. In my rudimentary knowledge, it looks like people are being poisoned.

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Wow. This is fire. Thank you Kevin!

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Oct 14Liked by Anandamide

Truly, a Crime Against Humanity.

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Oct 14Liked by Anandamide


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What concerns me is GAG proteins that affect our enteric retroviruses, up to 8% of our genome. My sister has just acquired RA, which may have come from her jabs interfering with her genomic viruses. Remember Venus Williams tested positive for HIV but she actually had Sjögren’s. The spike jabs gag proteins do the same thing, cause all sorts of autoimmune issues. Just horrific chimeral virus.

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SV40 was used in the polio vaccines and known about in 1956 by Rita Levi-Montalcini and Stanley Cohen in their nerve growth factor (NGF) and in 1986 epidermal growth factor (EGF).

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Janet, are you somewhat confused here? SV40 wasn't identified / named until 1960, though Bernice Eddy had known that "something" was in the polio vaccine by 1958. Perhaps there is a different thought train because if you look at what Montalcini and Cohen found really made NGF and EGF go rampant was snake toxin.


Now, if you look Cheng 2020 PMID: 32989130, her genetic analysis of the spike shows many toxins, including short sequences from Krait and two different cobras.

There are other sequences in there too, that might shoot your eyebrows through your hairline, but if you put the "superantigenic core" plus the rabies virus G protein and the HIV GP120 sequence, AND the many toxin sequences listed, together with 3 sequences of SV40, either DNA or RNA, then as the old star trek opening goes, they have made a genetic quilt that has gone where no man has gone before.

Not just in the DNA or RNA that is in the jab, but what happens when it "comes alive" and the body starts making all the GOF myriad of different inserts, which all use many different receptors, not just ACE2.

Because everyone is different immunologically, biochemically, nutritionally and socially , the outcomes are going to be different, which makes it the perfect bio weapon, with different end points for both symptoms and time of activation, for different people.

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Hurray! Thanks for writing about this Hilary.

This is my, @Janiesaysyay pinned theory on X!

The SARS2 spike protein has gene inserts of various lethal organisms including snake and cone snail venoms (another horrible one is the enterotoxin insert). It's my theory (later appropriated by Dr Brian Ardis w/o credit) that these gene inserts can, in some people, produce the same proteins and pathophysiological reactions in the body as the original lethal organisms do.

If you advance search my account and #snakes on X it should pull up some of these shared mechanisms ie. the Kinin Kallikrein System.

One of the most striking, common mechanisms produced in the bodies of Covid and Long Covid patients and envenomed people is, amyloid fibrin micro clots.

These are tiny fibrotic clots resistant to enzymatic breakdown.

In fact, that discoverer of micro clots in Covid patients, Resia Pretorius was doing imaging of clots for venom researchers for their papers years before she found similar clots in Covid patients. She doesn't talk about the connection, but they are the SAME CLOTS. These clots form quickly in the blood of envenomed prey and along with other mechanisms which act on the autonomic nervous system, converge to stop prey movements ASAP to prevent prey escape from the snake. This is what is happening in acute and long covid, the micro clots form in the blood and the autonomic nervous system depresses breathing and other bodily functions. This is just the venom inserts, I show you how the malaria and rabies inserts might also be causing similar mechanisms in Covid patients i.e. the virus moving along the nervous system. It's a bioweapon all right and a fascinating one which is producing heterogeneous symptoms in people.

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I read what you write, I don't understand it, but I know enough to know that you are brilliant.

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Oct 14Liked by Anandamide

A formidable fall-out from Operation WarpSpeed unfolds…

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Oct 14Liked by Anandamide

Ok WOW WOW WOW!! Now we’re talkin !!

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So considering the universal shedding, when an unvaccinated person says, “ I am a pure blood,” he is wrong. Is this correct?

It sounds like no one is escaping. I’m 72 and need to lose weight but the more I read, I think the hell with it.

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Keep in mind we are testing a tumor biopsy that is spike IHC positive before we embark on any work. There is a selection bias here. We dont know how much this is happening in general. It could be very specific to the lot this person got. All that said, there is no reason for Pfizer to have a mammalian origin of replication in their vaccine plasmid. It is all risk and no upside.

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Thank-you for the explanation

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Oct 14Liked by Anandamide

Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow is dire. :) Carry on.

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I know that myself and other pure souls feel ill after spending even a short time with the jabbed. So something happens, is transferred, is something but what? Shitty energy at least is abounding. Anything more? Probably, highly probable. A friend developed serious heart arrythmia, he works in close contact with the many jabbed and under a 5G tower, took awhile for us to get him clear.

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As an non-C-vaxxed house cleaner with 99% of my clients being C-vaxxed, I have experienced being severely sick with some unusual “virus” several times. Going into Fall, I am dreading what I’m going to experience since the push to get “your shots” has been abound. Even the Costco magazine had an ad-article geared to getting shots!🤦‍♀️

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Yep, when I saw the double jab roll out date early October I started planning to reduce my main contact with the masses - indoor supermarket shopping, go less, buy more. Not quite at the online grocery shop level as I enjoy a browse around for seasonal foods. But if it comes to it.... keeping doors and windows open helps.. 😕 challenging for sure in unexpected ways while watching the health decline and rapid aging. 🙏

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A really scary observation : "The very low CTs for these samples can only be explained by replication competency of the vaccine DNA or genome integration and amplification."

My mind just blew up a little. Probably shouldn't have read this before sleeping...

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Too technical for my background. I have and do vet my resources and a summary from Jessica would be appreciated. I read the "either way it's not good", but I'm sure you could elaborate a bit more w/o loosing me, perhaps us.

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Hi Kevin, great work! Am I correct in thinking you detected signal for the Kanamycin Gene, as used by TGA to measure residual Plasmid DNA ? Can that come from any other source than Pfizer Jab ?

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Where did you read he was detecting on the Kanamycin gene?

The kanamycin antibiotic resistance gene has been used in the development of many insecticidal GM crops. Possibly also a lot of gut bacteria.

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If you look at Kevin's large circular figure Kanamycin Resistance Gene is shown on the right. Kevin says "We started with an assay in Kanamycin but the Kan gene in Pfizer has a very different sequence than the Kan gene in Moderna so we scrapped the assay as it didnt work on both vaccines."

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We did not use the Kan assay in this study. Would probably result in high NTC signal as its found in alot of other things. This is targeting SV40 Promoter and ColE1. We have sequence back that already demonstrates other regions of the plasmid are present so this isnt a PCR contaminant. The NTCs are clean out to 35 Cycles.

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I'm not sure where that text is? I think they were using the F1 origin?

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The text in quotation marks is from email discussion ongoing with Kevin and friends.

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Actually, it might've been the other origin in the "read more" linked report.

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The text in quotation marks is from email discussion ongoing with Kevin and friends. Kevin just confirmed.

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