There are two recent critical reads that are required to know how deep this corruption goes. First start with
’s great investigative reporting that pulls in FOIA information regarding the unholy retraction of a paper demonstrating that spike protein inhibits p53 in 2021.This demonstrates that someone pressured one of the 2 authors to retract their own paper while the other author refused to go along with it. They were co-authors. The retraction argument given was an absurd questioning of the use of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in biological assays. To retract this paper over that assay will make 1000 other papers fall. It was clearly political to those of us watching closely but we didn’t have the proof until Rebekah Barnett FOIA’d their ass and revealed what had really gone on.
This highlights NIH researcher Eric Freed who used his influence at the journal to push the article into retraction without any disclosure of his conflict of interest being employed at an agency that has collected over $400M in royalty for these vaccines.
The NIH is still in a patent dispute with BioNtech attempting to collect and equal or likely even higher royalty for the firm that had twice the marketshare of Moderna.
Given the accelerating rates of Cancer seen post vaccination (See
latest NCI presentation on this), the corrupt retraction initiated by NIH employees is as big of a scandal as the Fauci GOF emails. I would argue its a bigger deal as COVID was relatively mild compared to the vaccines.Sometimes its important to underscore this clown world. NIH funded the WIV to make the virus. It was a great fear porn tool and while it delivered illness (usually secondary bacterial pneumonia) its contribution to excess mortality seems to be negligible once you back out all of the iatrogenic contributions (like denying people treatment). This same agency worked tirelessly to ensure the most toxic part of that virus became the vaccine as they had patents on the solution to the mess they created.
This is now getting exposed. What is less understood, is that any paper that challenged the safety of these vaccines was dog pilled by the NIH mob and their $42B/year circle of cronies.
As an example, turn your attention to Jeremy Hammonds dissection of the cover up on the DNA contamination in the vaccines. This cover up was orchestrated by another vaccine conflicted organization at UPENN.
Dr. Paul Offit is employed at UPENN and has been an overt fraud defending this DNA contamination. I cover this fraud in my NCI testimony: 40 minutes into this presentation. Paul is frequently cited by fackcheckers as the go to person to debunk anti-vaxxers. On the DNA contamination, he delivers 4 lies in one paragraph.
And he hilariously conflates eating food with injecting gene therapy sequences, that bind to p53 and are wrapped in LNPs.
Sadly, many scientists are suckers for boot licking as they have rarely found financing outside of government grants. They don’t understand how a ‘greedy’ free market can perform science without the NIH handing out ‘Pure’ merit based awards. Greed free utopian thinking is best on display with the recent twitter spat between Elon Musk and Yann LeCun.
Yann, spits this out concurrent to the Fauci/Morens skewering taking place in DC and previously more well known through Twitter. This topic was likely lumped into his ‘PizzaGate’ bucket and forgotten about until right now. Ironically, it was the very media he chalks up as truthful moderators that ran cover for the crime.
This all started by Yann Citation shaming Elon Musk and playing White Knight for Elons unappreciated scientists. Yes, Yann has over 300K citations in the AI space and now works for the beacon of free speech known as Meta (LOL). Elon has very few citations but actually has products on the market that work. Elons main academic citation has Elon as the 1st author and ‘Neuralink’ as the other authors. Yann is trying to shame Elon for not letting his scientists capture academic credit for their work but this is frankly none of Yann business.
This is the typical trope from an academic trapped in the hierarchy of peer review. Reproduction is all that matters and if you can reproducible launch rockets and land them 14 times a month, you have contributed more to science than having 3 of your buddies rubber stamp your unlikely to ever be reproduced manuscript.
He of course turns this into another Keynesian trope. The old psalm sung by those Fiat scientists who know they can only survive if money is stolen from people and redirected to what government deems is a more productive use. Raw (public) science comes first and is used by corporations. Insert Elons government subsidies as exhibit A.
The reality is that all government science is centralized science where a select group of people decide how to spend money they didn’t earn themselves nor will ever be held to account if they spend it incorrectly. Like Fauci handing out grants to Kristian Andersen after Kristian changed his tune on GOF vs Natural origins of C19. Or his funding of RICOhealth Alliance, dogs in flea cages, worthless mask studies etc.
The point you need to understand here is that any NIH study section that reviews a grant application is simply a statistical subsampling of the intelligence in a given field and it tends to be enriched with people that share the same narrative. This subsampling is never as informed as all actors competing in that market place. These grants often come with strings attached that force the recipient into government ESG and DEI behavior and by definition worsen the likelihood of success the money would have found in the free market.
As a result of this subsampling you get misallocation of resources. Recall, you stole the money from the market place where it was forced to compete with all ideas and be held to account with bankruptcies when applied science fails. You then took this money from a competitive market and asked a tiny portion of that most compliant and indoctrinated intelligence to weigh in on how it should be allocated to their peers. All types of ‘David Morens’ like kickbacks are expected and often delivered in underhanded manners as seen with Kristian Andersens $8.9M grant after he changed his tune on GOF.
This graft gets defended by the likes of Yann as being ‘Pure’ science that is outside of ‘Greedy’ public sector capitalism.
Oh, the irony. The thieves have donned Holy Cloth and are moralizing about their virtuous graft.
If Yann actually cared about scientific credit, he would be focused on, and outraged by Tony Fauci ghost writing the Proximal Origins paper while calling for the censorship of the Great Barrington Declaration. These were all topics that emerged on Twitter long before his sacred traditional vetted media came close to the topic.
He would be horrified that his sacred peer review process was easily intercepted by the Eric Freeds of the world to hide cancer risks in these vaccines… all performed and concealed by the very holy government agencies he sees as the bedrock of open science.
And he has the nerve to detest the real open media that called these things into question years before they emerged from the cobwebs of corruption on Capitol Hill.
Yes, open media will have quantum spaceball lunatics. You will need to use your brain to sift this. Its only your intellectual lethargy that desires the outsourcing of this filtering to be monopolized by the unaccountable class, who is currently recklessly flirting with nuclear war for shits and giggles.
And just to round out the story,
discovered that this Eric Freed also published with Zheng-Li Shi also known as ‘Bat Lady’ from the WIV.Last name ‘Freed’.
Meanwhile Pfizer has acquired multiple cancer companies for billions of dollars. $43B for Seagen and over 2B for Trillium Therapeutics. We can only guess how much government funding these startups received.
Post Script-
The vast majority of the people I meet who are opposed to this nonsense are people of faith. I apologize for comparing the hierarchy of Science to the Church as many of you Church goers were the first to say hell no and this is a grave insult.
People of faith don’t conflate their beliefs with facts. People of Science often want to force feed you their beliefs masquerading as facts. I use the term ‘Church’ in this title as I know that is what they proclaim NOT to be. That is ‘witchcraft’ to them and the ultimate insult to their image of a stoic fact finding mission. But like many things, they are wrong about people of faith and the value of humility in the face of uncertainty.
So to my peers of faith.. This is not meant to insult you but I know its the ultimate insult to them. They don’t understand what faith is yet they so desperately try to differentiate themselves from it and have never stopped to assess if they have become what they despise.
Good take Kevin. PhDarded is right. Love it.
The Offit quotes are insane. Is he unaware it standard procedure to transfect mammalian cells by basically exposing them to DNA (in my day using electroporation to cross the cell wall but obviously we have LNPs to do that better now).
Just outright lying.
Do you have a source for those quotes by the way? Seems like a receipt worth keeping..