I loved "Vaccidental Coinciditis." That’s going to find a happy home in my sarcastic vocabulary.

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I am sure you can refine these queries further, but in any case I hope you and others find the following tool useful ...

Searching matchyourbatch.org VAERS records for: ( Type: Covid19, Covid19-2 ) ( Manufacturer: Janssen, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Novavax, Unknown ) ( Symptoms includes (using OR): eye, visual, vision, blur, blind, retina, ocular, optic, ophthal, opthal, optom, diplopia, glaucoma, aura, photop )

48,590 events reported through April 21, 2023

NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)

Adding the condition to search for serious vision-related adverse events ...

VAERS records for: ( Type: Covid19, Covid19-2 ) ( Manufacturer: Janssen, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Novavax, Unknown ) ( Show only: died, life-threatening, permanently disabled, possible miscarriage or stillbirth ) ( Symptoms includes (using OR): eye, visual, vision, blur, blind, retina, ocular, optic, ophthal, opthal, optom, diplopia, glaucoma, aura, photop )

3,692 events reported through April 21, 2023 Of which: 392 died 10.6% | 989 life-threatening 26.8% | 2,618 permanently disabled 70.9% | 58 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 1.6%

Visualize the results by age, sex, batch number(s), location, days to death, vax date, and more. Read the individual reports.

See more about the tool at matchyourbatch.substack.com

MatchYourBatch.org is intended to provide visual exploration of the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data for individuals, clinicians, researchers, and scientists. At present, only COVID-19 related products can be searched, with the hope of adding all current data available from VAERS.

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Thanks for the Unsung Hero... It's GiraRdot!

You are not the first, and you won't be the last 🤣

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I am thankful you are in this fight.

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Good to see Marc Girardot getting the hat tip. There’s a lot to his perspective. He might overstate it at times, but the hazards of the delivery mechanisms are a huge problem.

Thank you!

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I think Elon Musk’s interest stems from his mother’s disability


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May 5, 2023
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His financial interests are tiny now. It’s bombed. I doubt he’s distracted by that.

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Good work - the doing and the finding. One of my most tragic early encounters of vaccine injury was a man on twitter whose wife had gone effectively blind (different in both eyes) after vaccination. He was hounded by trolls who were trying to stop him speaking, demanding he provide evidence, eventually making his account private. I subsequently followed many reports of blindness in people of all ages, and vaccine types, on the TGA adverse events database. Both forms of the vaccine in Australia, mRNA and AdV were implicated.

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Is it true that the majority of transfected cells are the endothelium on the blood vessel wall that are principally hit by the LNP, at least for 90%?

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I'm probably late to the party but is Anandamide also El Gato Malo?

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Brothers from another meowther.

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The cheese floweth over from that joke. I laughed anyway

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Kevin, I am a huge fan of your work. Your vaccine vial sequencing was great! However: what continues to happen is non-physicians who are not involved in actually treating patients do NOT appreciate the extent of well-documented spike-induced pathology. Last week in Ft Worth at the FLCCC conference various speakers presented an overwhelming amount of data of spike-induced damage. While there is no question that the LNPs have some toxicity qualities, the primary toxicity relates to their ability to deliver the mRNA all over the body.

I think Dr Paul Marik has summarized this well: the spike protein is the most toxic protein we have ever seen. Besides coagulapathy, pro-inflammatory effects, and the like, the prion-like qualities of this protein trigger marked amyloid formation. This is FAR more than just LNP toxicity.

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I wrote a paper about spike.


Many of the paper describing spike tox can’t tease it apart from LNP tox but spike may be just it’s canary.

When it’s expressed and tested in in vitro they use very high concentrations.

I don’t dispute it toxicity but if you swap this out for Nucleocapsid, id place money on many of the same symptoms being seen due to the delivery.

Amatoxin and botoxA I think have it beat on tox.

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What I believe you are missing, and forgive me as I have great respect for you, as you are not a clinician treating patients. Now let me be clear: I am NOT claiming to be the expert either. In the mass confusion of the Sars2 insanity & manipulation, Paul Marik is ONE MAN whom I have virtually ZERO DOUBTS ABOUT! The most published Critical Care Medicine expert in the world, a man who has already battled the status quo over ‘Ascorbic Acid 25g IV’ as a revolutionary treatment of sepsis (no money in Vit C!) and has to keep trying to teach people (who ought to already understand the mechanisms) that it is a PRO-OXIDANT at these levels ... which do pretty destructive things to bacteria in the blood saving COUNTLESS numbers of lives. In a world of pseudo-heroes, Dr Marik has my highest regard. He does not seek money, glory, or power (ahem: please pay attention Drs McCullough, Malone, et al). He gave up his career when confronted with RULES requiring him to NOT treat ICU patients.

That said, perhaps there is a bit of hyperbole. He is talking about the VAST NUMBER OF MECHANISMS of spike pathology. Kevin, I hope you will watch (and make a contribution; as a serious player in sequencing I’m assuming you have done well for yourself, deservedly so) the FLCCC conference videos when they come online - probably next week. It was absolutely astonishing what continues to be learned from everyone who is studying this, docs who are TREATING PEOPLE.

I’ve pissed off Mathew Crawford by repeatedly pointing out problems in his understanding, as he is not conversant in disease processes. He is a GREAT stats guy, but if I hear him conflate “pneumonia” to an array of differing diseases one more time I will scream! JJ Couey is someone I followed back when he had a job & a bike over 3 years ago. Again, like Crawford I have great respect for him, but he has shown repeatedly that his lack of medical/clinical knowledge impairs understanding of certain aspects of DISEASE.

Ryan Cole, who BTW discussed your sequencing findings & said that his lab seeks to replicate your work, presents material of his own and that of Arne Burkhardt. Spike protein stains show incredibly broad distribution in tissues with concomitant pathological findings. The diversity of pathology is truly staggering, and is consistent with the other presentations demonstrating different organ systems & symptoms.

In Long Covid I am not aware of nucleocapsid being demonstrated as severely pathological. Can you point out any prion-like function? Coagulapathic effects? Alteration of Z-potential? Cytokine activation & signaling? Just the neurotropic effects presented left the audience rather overwhelmed & subdued. The breadth of actions still amazes me. Okay, it does not have an instant death effect, but what I believe Paul was getting at was how many truly awful mechanisms of action are being seen, and this is something in a widespread illness. Sure botulinum is nasty, but it merely shuts down acetylcholine activity - and I seriously doubt ANYBODY will ever seek to inject spike as a THERAPEUTIC agent! Your point is well taken, but I think you miss his point.

Keep doing your tremendous work, you are a powerful force in this battle. Your analysis & clear demonstration of plasmids left me speechless. I haven’t read you until recently, I’m acquainted with your work mostly from interviews. I will definitely check out the paper you linked, much appreciated.

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When it comes to toxicity, anyone who believes that the spike protein is the most toxic has obviously never been infected with SOAD. You really need to listen and learn...


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My mate got sever clots in his eyes after the 2nd shot. I convinced him to have no more.

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Cool. Cannabidiol!

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There was a novel title "Essay on Blindness" by José Saramago (a huge socialist from Portugal.)

In the book, everyone becomes blind suddenly. That's the plot.

I think it's an allegory of the corruption of the capitalist world.

The novel was a bit boring, so they gave the author the Nobel Prize, as a consolation, I guess.

I comment this because this is one of a few Easter Eggs they have hidden everywhere. The predictive programming and other things.

It seems to me that the Global Predators like to mock people.

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