forwarded me more ATIPs from Canada that appear to be a document Pfizer gave (below X link) them assuring them that SV40 is safe.Link To Pfizer-Health_Canada_Report.
This is a bit exhausting as you will see various levels of deception and its unclear if HC endorses this excuse listing or if they are just forwarding what they have been sent and chose to redact large and odd portions of it.
There appear to be several independent reports in here as there are multiple citation listings and document indexes. Each report opens with the infamous “Billions of shots given” salvo and “14.4M lives saved” preamble. I feel like I’m in church and there are just things you repeat over and over again at certain times and no one questions them.
You can see they use Cigarette logic in these opening 2 preambles.
“Over 1 Billions doses have been administered worldwide for the last 3 years” so it must be safe!
They go on to state as fact that the DNA is non-infectious, non-oncogenic and is below the recommended limits set by the WHO. These assertions do not stand up to the literature they cite to support their claims. What is not cited but should be, is just as important.
For Example. There is one bombshell paper they will never address.
Beck et al demonstrates pcDNA3.1 (an SV40 plasmid) infecting lab staff and escaping to infect non-lab staff in 2022. pcDNA3.1 is the plasmid BNT162b2 was constructed from. Its fair to assume that if pcDNA3.1 recently escaped a vaccine research lab, that intact plasmids in the shots can do the same.
So they are lying when they say this DNA cannot replicate or spread in humans as it has already been documented to do that with people playing around with the same plasmid Pfizer is using.
Moderna’s own patents claim the DNA is oncogenic. Straight up citation free lie from Pfizer delivered by Health Canada as a proxy.
Multiple peer reviewed papers show it’s over the limit and now even an FDA lab has found this very recently. The Pfizer documents are dated in December of 2023 so this FDA lab cat was not out of the bag then.
After you tell 3 lies, its best to reinforce why the ends justify the means. 14.4 Million deaths were prevented by these shots? They actually believe these bogus modeling studies? No one else does which is why C19 vaccine adoption has collapsed. I will touch on the shortcomings of these modeling studies later in the thread as I think most people know them.
They also claim no other DNA (other than the plasmid) is introduced in the production process. This underscores that the regulators do not understand the process they are preaching. These plasmids cannot function unless propagated in a cell and that Host DNA is always in the background. When we qPCR these vials for E.coli gDNA, we in fact get signal. Its very late qPCR signal and not something I’m concerned about as its 15-20CTs behind the Vax DNA. 10CTs is 1000 fold, 20CTs is 1 Million fold so E.coli gDNA is not a significant issue but it does showcase the ineptitude of the people authoring this document.
The redacted Section 3 above points to Citation 7 when claiming non-carcinogenic DNA and non replication competent DNA. It actually says the opposite.
Citation 7- ironically points out that SV40 causes cancer! Did they not read this?
Moving on to section 4, They claim DNA integration risk are theoretical with citations 8 & 9. Do these support this statement? How about citations 10, 11, and 12?
Citations 8 & 9 are HHS and WHO documents. Citation 8 is ignored as its from 2007 and doesn’t contemplate LNP protected DNA.
Citation 9 is more current but wisely points out that plasmid DNA products needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The delivery system is highlighted as a key variable. Does this sound like “the safety concerns are theoretical in nature”?
The WHO study does cite a Salmon DNA plasmid vaccine where integation could not be found.
This vaccine does not have LNPs and its evident when you see the biodistribution of the plasmid. Its stuck in non-dividing muscle. Same Trick. Cite something that has plasmid vaccine in the name and fail to address the core concerns we have raised.
This is in an LNP. It has Nuclear targeting sequences and it hits dividing cells.
Citation 10. I have ignored this as extracellular DNA is not what is in debate. This is a strawman argument.
Citation 11. Here they attempt to claim DNA has a 50-90 minute half life in the cytosol by citing this meaningless editorial.
Citation 12- Lechardeur et al
The next paper cited is from 1999 and is outdated. Recall the human genome wasnt 90% complete until 2000. This makes proving integration isn’t happening a bit tricky. More importantly, since the time of this publication many DNA sequences (SV40 Enhancers) have been discovered that shuttle DNA directly to the nucleus where APOBEC3 is not active. These are sequences that are now commonly found in Gene Therapy vectors which do not disappear in 50-90 minutes.
They go on to cite papers that claim how hard it is to get DNA into the nucleus (in non-dividing cells), yet the very part of the sequence (SV40 enhancers/promoters) in this plasmid that they hid from the regulators escapes these concerns.
They Cite 13, 14, 15, 16 as papers that support their belief system. I will dig into each of these citations to demonstrate this is all smoke grenades and squid ink. Out of context irrelevant citation spam.
The first paper they cite (13- Durymanov et al) actually explains how SV40 Enhancers evades this! You just got citation smoke screened. They cite a paper they furiously google searched only to not realize it blows up their argument, specifically pointing out how good SV40 Enhancers are at getting into the nucleus. Thats an amateur-hour Fauci ouchie.
The paper also points out what Phillip Buckhaults has warned us about. Smaller DNA is more problematic as it can diffuse into the nucleus without the assistance of trafficking proteins.
Citation 14 is from David Dean who is an expert on SV40. This paper isn’t helping their argument.
The SV40 enhancer is in the BNT162b2 at 50-500 Billion copies per 30ug dose.
Can you believe they cited this paper? Just 50bp of the SV40 enhancer are required for nuclear entry. Remember how the ‘authorities’ keep claiming this DNA is too small to matter. Average fragment size from ONT sequencing is 214bp with some out to 3.5kb.
This is why Pfizer hid the SV40 Enhancer/Promoter. Its a known gene therapy tool.
There is a lot in David Deans work. Its worth a read and has been tortured over decades. Its unretractable work.
Citation 15. Another David Dean paper that blows up their argument.
Citation 16. This is a general paper discussing the properties of nuclear pores. The terms “SV40”, “plasmid” , nor “DNA” cannot be found in this article so its irrelevant citation clutter.
Now its important to take stock of how these references were utilized in their argument.
The papers they cite do not confer impedance from multiple biological mechanisms. They point out the SV40 Enhancer as the tools that ENABLE nuclear transport. This is 100% MISDIRECTION and lying about what the literature they cite is actually saying.
They then go on to use Citations 17, 18, 19 as evidence of no integration with plasmids
Citation 17 is from 2011. No mention of LNPs
This paper cites another 3 papers (28-30) about the safety of plasmid vaccines
This citation rabbit hole leads to more papers that either don’t look at LNPs or IN FACT FIND INTEGRATION
Citation 17 →Citation 28 paper again looks at Naked DNA IM injections. You can tell the study doesn’t apply because the DNA stays in the injection site which is not the case with these LNP modRNA vaccines now found to deliver nucleic acids to Heart (Krauson) Breast (Hanna), Plasma (Castruita), Lymph nodes (Roltgen), Placenta (Gonzalez).
Citation 17→Citation 29 appears to be an abstract with no Paper from Ledwith at Merck. From 2000. No LNPs and from a conflicted party without a methods section to review. If anyone can find it, Im happy to review it further.
Citation 17→Citation 30 is also from Merck and doesn’t address LNPs or SV40 NTS. Merck has a motivation to claim no integration. Nevertheless, they find integrations so this citation is actually refuting the Report and its use.
The word integration is only found once in this paper and its related to adenovirus vaccines. Utterly irrelevant to SV40 based LNP delivered plasmids
This is a WHO document. Nowhere in the document can you find Lipid or LNP and only once is integration mentioned claiming it’s not a concern without evidence.
The ATIP documents moves on to cite 3 clinical trials (20,21,22) to claim the plasmid DNA cant be found after vaccination.
Nowhere in this study do they monitor the DNA. You cannot find the terms PCR or Integration in the NIAID funded study. This is another mis-use of a citation that has no evidence for it’s claimed use.
This cites a needle free DNA vaccine known as ZyCoV-D?
The paper is funded by the manufacturer of the Needle-Free Vaccine. Nowhere in the paper do they assess DNA integration. How is a needle-free plasmid vaccine even relevant?
This is an IM Zika virus plasmid vaccine. No where in this publication can you find PCR or Integration. This study never looked at this question yet is cited to address it.
More citation biobabble and smoke grenades.
For a more relevant look at integration rates I would refer them to Duncan et al and Lim et al.
Duncan found 99% of patients being integrated with 10% getting cancer.
The document then goes on to describe the methods they use to quantitate this undisclosed DNA and that is where the document goes Dark!
So once again we have regulatory agencies just parroting what their sponsor tell them. No one in that agency even looked up these citations to see that they are all bullshit.
They just see a statement with a claim made and a citation number and say.. See.. Science says so!
They continue to hide behind the fact that they gave out billions of these doses so they must be safe, otherwise, we'll be accused of war crimes. And look, we’ll just hire ‘Neil Ferguson and cronies’ to bake us up a model that claims we saved 14.4M lives. This study was fabricated by the Imperial College of London cult which is the first place you turn to when you need a magic trick modeling paper justifying your actions.
This paper conjures up a death count for the virus that no one agrees with and assumes IVM, HCQ and monoclonal antibodies don’t exist. It also doesn’t account for the reduced IFR with Omicron.
And look who its funded by.
No mention of the deaths in the vaccine trials. No mention of VAERs. No Mention of the climbing excess mortality post vaccination. No mention of the impact of transfecting DNA into heart tissue and the impacts on myocarditis.
It’s not clear if Health Canada bought this cover up. I suspect they did which only underscores they are a bought and paid for marketing division for Pharma. Or, they economic morons and don’t recognize the behavior inspired by liability waivers.
This document reads like it was written by people who don’t give a sh$t. They have immunity. They can shovel slop over at the regulators who may or may not detect it, but are probably going to side with Pfizer anyway because that is far easier than admitting they were wrong before. Imagine being flat out deceived, having to admit to it publicly and then crawling back to the deceiver asking for help to understand the public complaints. It’s akin to a victim of abuse swearing “he hits me because he loves me”.
If you made it this far. congratulations. It takes a lot of time to dissect these lies but it has to be documented.
Bonnie Henry our BC so called head of health own leaked emails provide evidence that she new the covid jabs were causing a lot of deaths yet she kept tell the citizens it was safe and effective CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND TREASON!!!!!!!!
Really really great! Thank you for that❣️ I will have my court trial against BioNTech in September. I learned so much from you got so many arguments, that BioNTech/ Pfizer lied TO ME so they could hurt me badly. I will show up a lot of citings from you and your precious colleagues (for example Dr. Sabine Stebel) who had done so much work to give me the opportunity to accuse BioNTech/ Pfizer. I know this is a fight between David and Goliath but I‘ll go for it. When it will come to the point I guess I will call you as a witness for the worst crime against humans since the last WW. I hope it‘s not necessary but I will try to nail them down to truth.
I hope I will be successful and I hope sometimes in future I‘m able to say they hurt the wrong guy.
Myself I‘m a doctor of natural sciences (organic chemistry, pharmacology and microbiologie) Dr. rer. nat