Bonnie Henry our BC so called head of health own leaked emails provide evidence that she new the covid jabs were causing a lot of deaths yet she kept tell the citizens it was safe and effective CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND TREASON!!!!!!!!

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they all knew!

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They love to lie, and the sheep love hearing lies. One truth , spoken by enough lions, will topple them all.

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Really really great! Thank you for that❣️ I will have my court trial against BioNTech in September. I learned so much from you got so many arguments, that BioNTech/ Pfizer lied TO ME so they could hurt me badly. I will show up a lot of citings from you and your precious colleagues (for example Dr. Sabine Stebel) who had done so much work to give me the opportunity to accuse BioNTech/ Pfizer. I know this is a fight between David and Goliath but I‘ll go for it. When it will come to the point I guess I will call you as a witness for the worst crime against humans since the last WW. I hope it‘s not necessary but I will try to nail them down to truth.

I hope I will be successful and I hope sometimes in future I‘m able to say they hurt the wrong guy.

Myself I‘m a doctor of natural sciences (organic chemistry, pharmacology and microbiologie) Dr. rer. nat

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Prayers for your efforts and may you be a strong force to recon with.


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Lieber Herr Hauptreif,

Von Herzen alles Gute und die besten Erfolgswünsche für diesen Kampf gegen das komplette System.

In dem alle Karten gezinkt sind und die Leidtragenden auch noch mit ihren Steuern die Verteidigung dieses Packs tragen.

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Ja, besser kann man es nicht sagen❣️

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Thank you for the dissection of the document. I am a retired lawyer, and I am reminded of why I would go through an opposing counsel's citations in their briefs. I did that when I clerked for judges, as well. Too often cases are cited for things they do not stand for, because of hurry, pressure and then because they don't have any law on their side, so they deliberately misquote a finding. Makes me furious when it is done especially on purpose. It is tedious and time consuming, but I managed to always do it.

I got a lot out of this; I saved some of the papers. A lot of doctors and paraprofessionals have no idea about any of this, never mind patients and lay people. I do some "know-it-all" persuading/informing when there's an opening (I try to do it gently and squash my indignation), and I pass papers on to people in or around medicine. I'm running into more and more people who should not be sick, should not have cancer, myocarditis, etc. Reading the papers I am astonished at the recklessness and promotion pressuring. Very scary and infuriating.

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The PROBLEM, which confronts us all, is that the systems of the world have been fully infiltrated and corrupted by expertise second to none. They are most assuredly of the secret society named, "The Jesuits." There is NO doubt to this assertion. And is why EVERY thing seems to head in an evil direction over-all, and over time.

The spiritual battle ensues and is slated to worsen as time moves on. The Pagan SUN day will be the focus. Watch and see if this is so.


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Great job Kevin! I wonder if we can get any of our Indian colleagues to look into integration from their DNA plasmid vaccine— ZyCOvD. Apparently cancer rates are skyrocketing in India.

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Thank you for exposing the sloppy non-science posing as science and the shell game. I don’t have sufficient background to fully understand your paper, but overall I see the strategy of deceptions. I appreciate your analysis and courage for fighting the good fight against pharma harma.”

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The "strategy of deception" is the playbook of the secret society of the Jesuit Order. It is the "military arm" of the Roman Church, the "Mother of Harlots." They were given commission to destroy Protestants and the Godly influence it had and still has.

Study this truth of white-washed history and become enlightened so you will know.


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Will this be on the final exam?

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How to find your entry and way out of this jungle, and I’m talking as a layman? There must be many monkeys and ugly animals and the nights must be horrible, but as my father used to say, if you committed a little fraud just make it smaller so that it disappears, the same goes for a big fraud, make it so big it will disappear also. Thank you for bringing this complex matter, the smoke got into my eyes, and where there is smoke there is fire.

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Observant father!

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Another thing I have been wondering about: since the Pfizer plasmids have antibiotic resistance genes, is it possible that, via horizontal gene transfer, any bacteria co-occurring in the human recipient could obtain antibiotic resistance?

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That was my first thought when all of this e coli culturing came out. Back to the days of no antibiotics, very quickly and affecting us all. That's another fast way to reduce population. 😕

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They knew… and still want the jab in pregnant women’s arms.

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They're pushing the RSV, flu and covid on pregnant women. I met the partner of a woman in 6th month of pregnancy, he said the pressure is relentless. Luckily they've said no, continue to say no, then met me and I gave them every antivax website I could think of! Plus Dr James Thorpe and Dr Christiane Norrhrup. He now realises how onguard they're going to have to be for the next 18 years to keep their precious child safe from the madness.... All aside the last thing a young first time pregnant woman needs is this pressure and starting to doubt all other guidance given, the number of 'routine' scans and procedures based on, well, based on what exactly?

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Excellent Job

Thank so much.!!

If any Big Corps have any %$#@ Vaxx product..test it here in Australia!.

Even if a doctor or coroner says death by Vaxx....The TGA(paid for by big pharma what could go wrong) lies in the Senate and claims they don`t rewrite any death reports..then admit they do..luckily for them..the media will not report stuff like this because it can cause "vaccine Hesitancy"


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Thanks to you and Tamara of rebel news. As a disillusioned Canadian I can hardly believe the sheer audacity of HC. Black paged studies and irrelevant citations reveal much. What's clear to me is that HC is trying to shift blame and hide and obscure the relevant data. Nobody's critically analyzing the papers as you point out and instead are attempting to justify their failure, but in a incompetent way.

It feels like Canada is sinking in many ways. We're in a political storm here brought on by years of poor policies and globalist influence. Covid broke the spell for some especially the truckers convoy and the aftermath, but we're still on the path to chaos as the truth trickles out.

There's a large percentage of people still unaware and being harmed by the shots. Our leaders are frantically trying to stop the inevitable loss of credibility and legitimacy, but there's no way they can hide it much longer. I think a tidal wave of anger is coming and I hope it washes away the people and systems that brought us to this point.

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Thank you for this effort! Very useful for distillation and figuring out the bigger picture. It is obvious these public inquiries are forcing "them" to show at least part of their hand, and thus the core incompetence and lack of expertise (not to mention the corruption) just shines out..

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With every mirror? is a narrative-creator giving money to willing NGO's for the parroting and enforcement of the narrative.

Through the smoke is the vision of the hands with the passing of the bundles of the traceless-cash.

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What would it take to test what those so-called vaccines do or cannot do, as claimed?

You are a genetics expert who partook in one of the greatest and most expensive projects in human history… There were a lot of promises made with the human genome project… How many of the promises have actually materialized?

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Much like the "Mars missions"


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I’d say more Ike a mission through time…

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What's the hypothesis as to how the plasmids stayed in the nose for weeks?

"The nonviral SARS-CoV-2 DNA from the nasal specimens collected longitudinally from the coworker cases was amplified over weeks to months"

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Do you know what standard of PPE these workers use? Or is it full zutsuits? What is the method of plasmid transfer, do we know please? 🧐

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I have a German court dokument where Pfizer admints to the (not used) SV40 sequence, if you are interested: https://drbine.substack.com/p/pfizer-gibt-den-sv40-promotor-in


I got it from a lawyer who sues Pfizer.

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