Chakraborty had the curiosity most of our regulators lack.
He didn’t have to lift a pipette. Just had to know how to download data from the NCBI SRA and scan it for sequences that others don’t care to look for.
He covers 3 Studies.
One of the studies likely underrepresents the DNA as the study used a Qiagen protocol to capture RNA which selects against DNA. This would explain the high Spike to Vector sequencing ratio observed. In other words, the study favored capturing RNA and may have even used a DNaseI in that protocol. So its safe to assume the DNA loads, when measured with a kit designed to capture DNA would actually be much higher.
The list is much longer than this but see his paper for the full list of patients.
The second study also used this Qiagen kit.
The 3rd study also used Qiagen kits.
This one has some low numbers of SV40 reads in patients that received Moderna but notice the Vector reads are much higher than the SV40 reads. These should be the same in count.
Also notice the SRR ids are sequential and this was run on a sequencer that has such a large sequencing capacity that DNA barcodes were most likely used to pool all of these samples on the same run.
DNA barcodes are DNA tags you add to each library you want sequenced. Yes, you literally ligate a 8bp barcode to the DNA library and sequence that barcode as well as the library. So every library with ATGTGTAC-DNA library is sample 1. TGCGATAC-DNA is sample 2. Now you can mix sample 1 and 2 together and after reading the sequence of the barcodes you know their origin.
Its a way to multiplex samples, pool them all onto a large sequencing run, read the DNA barcodes and de-mux (De multiplex) the samples with the DNA barcodes that are read. But there can low percentage of error (<1% with MGC, <%4 with Illumina) )reading the barcodes and a small % of samples get demuxed incorrectly.
That means that index hopping (barcode error) is in play. Although the sequencing used is an MGI sequencer which is known to have lower index hopping rates than Illumina, they are not zero.
If I had to guess, based on the sequential SRR ids, there may be some index hopping from Pfizer samples on this run which get mistaken for samples that were Moderna vaxxed.
Important to keep an open mind as very few Pfizer and Moderna vials have actually been sequenced and its not safe to assume every lot used the same plasmid. They were in fact DNase-ing these lots and likely assumed no one would ever know if they swapped plasmids…and if they got caught, they would have a liability shield to protect them.
I have started to download these samples to see if they in fact have the same Sequencer Chip ID in the FastQ files. Its a lot of data and this may take some time to confirm.
Keep in mind these are studies looking at Blood which has a high turn over rate. I bet if you looked in Lymph nodes and other tissues like tumors, you would find persistence that lasted much longer than this.
In other news, Phillip Buckhaults treated human organoids with vaccines and found the DNA to be sticking around for a month across multiple cell divisions and washes.
This is similar to the results we saw with OvCar3 cell lines. We don’t know if this DNA is integrated or episomal but that probably doesn’t matter as Kwon et al teaches us that chronic stimulation of the cGAS-STING pathway can lead to oncogenesis.
So once again, the fact checkers are in retreat.
It’s not there!
You eat DNA all day long!
Fine, It’s there but it wont get into the cell!
So what if it gets into the cell, it will be destroyed!
It will never get into the nucleus even though there is no nucleus during cell division!
And Masks work!
Vaccines stop transmission!
Misinformation kills Grandma!
You have seen this movie before. It’s ending isn’t pretty and it is better not to pay any attention to these vaxophiles.