Many governments have turned on their people.

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and on birds, cattle, swine, worms(!) billions of SV40 and DNA contaminants mRNA vaccines ready to put in every arm, wing, shoulder, tail, even poor mosquitoes won’t be safe.

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No one is safe as long as Fauci and Collins have not been prosecuted and hanged for their crimes against humanity.

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They’re only stand in and innocent, good PR’s and salesmen, all danger now coming from above, drones and vaccines weapons.

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Pretty sure that Fauci was central to the creation of the virus and the push to mandate the poison injections:


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Ralph Baric, at the U of NC at Chaple Hill, created the C-19 in his lab (from the CoV-1) and then Collins/Fauci organised the shipment to Wuhan through Daszak of Eco Health Alliance for gain of function ... all funded by American taxpayers. Unfortunately, I doubt Trump has the where-with-all to bring them to justice. It's up to the people and the power of their numbers.

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Yes, that sounds right to me.

It's definitely up to all of us to keep publicly calling for justice. They're doing it again right now with "bird flu" because we failed to hang them last time.

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Why? Is it not because a massive eugenics program has captured their imaginations?

What's the cause of global warming (that terrible pseudoscience that one might say is a ruling ideology of the times)? It's too many people, at base.

Eugenics, they say, is necessary. There can be no other logic behind what they're doing other than that they want the great evil of eugenics to once again roam the earth.

So ask them: why, if you care about people and believe in the sanctity of human lives especially, why are you doing this? I think there can only be one answer: eugenics. If they deny this, then the only thing for them to do is to stop actions that execute a eugenics program. If they continue, then we know that they are supporting a eugenics program whether they admit it or not, or are even conscious of it.

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Government is organised crime.

Has little or nothing to do with the will or the welfare of the people.

We finance organised crime.

We can take accountability and act accordingly or go on suffering until we do.

Our choice.

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I agree that government is a crime syndicate.

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Good look/info folks on this Site with Much Love From Your UkRaianSlave2USA Corporate Grubberment and Many Other National Grubberments. The Russians Know Who Is Involved Including the Involvement of the Malthusiant Australian based Dough Faced Institute.


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Thank you Seeds. "We finance organised crime." by being belligerent and ignorant to:

1. Pay All Purported Owing Taxdollars to Parasitic Grubberments who Sends it Oversees or Gives to NGO's Under Nefarious Contracts. Example: Why are Australians Paying Land Tax when They Own their Land?

2. Voting for another Party that Is No Different To the Fascist Current Party who Operates on Behalf of An International Maffia Entity. Treasonist Politicians.

In Australia, everyone must vote or cop a fine. Play Treasonist Politicians Voting Games for Them the Politicians to Look Legitimate or Cop A Fine.

90% of Australians Must Stop Voting to Affirm Their Stance That They Do Not Trust the Corporate Australian Grubberment.

Otherwise, Dumb Ass Australians 'Stay On the Slave Merry-Go-Round' to the International Maffia Entity and Keep Lovingly Abiding By Their Masters of Deceit. Keep Licking Their Master's Boots, Suckers!

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Aussies do have to turn up and register to avoid a fine. They do not have to vote. National majorities worldwide need to refuse to vote for "governments" that are clearly not acting in their best interests. However, the democracy deception is very powerful and the nanny state very appealing to many. Far too many people are simply incapable of connecting the dots. They think that a different government will fix the problems and we will all live happily ever after! Hopium is a very potent addictive drug.

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I would agree that candidates do not run on a platform anymore. It is sad to say but most major candidates, regardless of party, run for the agenda.

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Well the UN/WHO agenda is to sexualise children - legalise pedophilia.

We need to nail our politicians down and force them to admit "the agenda" not being publicly disclosed.

Politicians are arguably criminals, if they know about this agenda and are not disclosing it; or criminally negligent if they are unaware.

Either way they are unfit for public servant leadership.

Not one politician known to be calling out this agenda.

Silence from the MSM - the expected cover-up.

We need to stop this agenda now, before it gets into our pre-schools and schools.

Otherwise we will be fighting an entrenched enemy, as parents in some places in Europe and the US are already being forced to do.

The writing on the wall was always clear to those with clear vision.

As soon as homosexuality was legalised, there were calls to lower the age of consent.

Objectors were labelled "homophobes" - standard propaganda tactic - discredit the opposition and charge on with the agenda.

Well now "the agenda" is clear and our children are in immanent danger.

There are plenty of politicians and educators supporting this agenda, as well as the others who were behind the scenes from the beginning.

Now we have to face the facts whether we like it or not.

We have to fight for our children or leave them to the wolves.

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I knew these agendas from the onset after going down the rabbit hole a few years ago.

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..which heralds an eventual end of submission, the withdrawal of the social license, and the cessation of consent to be governed.

They've blown it, and they haven't yet quite grasped the logical outcome and eventual application of justice written on the headstones of the legion of people they murdered.

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About time that the People Turn On Their Grubberments!

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From my perspective, the "useless eaters" accusation has been fomented by way of propaganda re the false science of global warming disaster. Too many mouths to feed that have been led down the wrong path of life.

Robotics have been able to replace a considerable slice of the work force (in usa) and modernized farming has been following the same course.

The "systems" that operate and influence the world have media as their helper. It's something that is very progressive and causative in the downward spiral of society, having Christian attributes become endangered on the list of necessities. We all can see this.

It's time to face the Truth, which is not pleasant in its present state, since this "Time of Trouble" will progressively increase so as to test the inhabitants of the world; to see if their worship is true and devoted to the Savior and Creator Jesus Christ. Most will reject the notion, and their names will be blotted out from the "The Lamb's Book of Life." But as long as probation lasts, there is hope for repentance.

There is NO HOPE for this world to do so, as a whole. The action is a personal one, associated with sorrow for having contributed to the Savior's suffering on Calvary, and then repentance, which will effect a change in the character through the work of the Holy Spirit.

That in a nutshell is what we all face. It is better to learn this for yourself, than to be surprised and constantly put off by the working of Satan in this wicked world.

Let's pray for each other fervently, in these turbulent times. And do not be fooled when the "false revival" takes place. That will be very difficult to recognize, unless we have a full understanding re the Ten Commandments, and especially the one most targeted, the Sabbath Day.

Please don't kill the messenger. Your best interest is at the center of these words.


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True that people have stopped trying to do what the Creator wants, to their own and everyone’s detriment. Change of heart and repentance is in order.

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Thank for the corroboration. Do remember, however, that ever since the "fall" that mankind has been set against the Government of heaven. It's been going on for over 6000 years now! But the time is now getting more fully ripe to bring into the view of the populous, that which is given us all as a warning to escape (or "come out of her") the devices and doctrines of Babylon. This is a warning for all people and time. The Commandments of the Most High God, the Creator, WILL be given full accommodation in the very near future, as we shall see. The "REST" which we are to enjoy during Sabbath Day (Saturday) will be a minor reflection of that which our Lord has intended to bestow on the saints after this world has been renewed by His Hand at the THIRD coming of Christ.


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so this suggest a means to test for sv40 transfection. which certainly would open the door for liability. This is now the biggest deal of this entire fiasco. before its was a possible thing that could happen. and now it is a real thing that does happen.

As far as my layperson trying to keep up with the science understanding goes... sv40 was or is implicated in AIDS.. and the covid aids symptoms may now make sense to explore in the manor of sv40 transfection.

now we know without question that everyone is going ape shit that took these shots

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We have primer sets for screening for SV40 , Spike and ColE1.

We have been using these on Tumor biopsies and get signal as far a year out from vaccination.

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Do you think this is enough to prove causality?

SV40 is thought to be only one of many mechanisms to alter p53. Although somatic mutations in p53 occur frequently in many tumor cells and many cancers i’m not sure it clear-cut if these genes or their products are primary or secondary causes of cancers. 85% plus of cancers have metabolic disorders of mitochondria at their roots.

P53 alone may not be enough to promote malignant cell growth but more likely p53-viral tumor antigen complex through its ability to activate the IGF-I.

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The people who would not be in my presence because I questioned my ability to handle the cocktail in the vac... those folks have taken it to a new level and do not talk to me at all. I suppose it is very tough on them to have been so wrong.

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I have 2 dead sisters a dead son and a dead friend in USA all due to the cocktail of poison

And the rest of my siblings up to their 6th jab

One sister has had a pacemaker installed another gone deaf

What next? Who knows

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Sorry for your loss, I hope one day there will be justice.

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I know two people whose cancer came back after taking the the vaccines. One took Pfizer and the other Moderna. So they both cause issues. There are a few others that I suspect, one a 31 year old died in 2023. She was going to nursing school so she was required to take it. She died of a rare cancer of the adrenals. Happened fast.

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There is purpose in the carnage.

Stay strong.

Stay free.

Be brave.

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My neighbor who was a great person but allowed his doctor to dictate to him re the jabs, took 5 and died of turbo cancer in October.

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Here in europe, many still believe they were right and nothing is amiss (yet). Patiently waiting for karma to visit or thunder and lightning to finally strike..

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Same here in the USA. I see zero signs of any great awakening among the jabbed.

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It is really scary to see people who are so easily gaslit. Sometimes I think that we do not get old-enough to not repeat our mistakes of bottom-line "where is the most money?" rather than how can I [we in a relationship perhaps is your case] be happiest by making others happy as well?" Say, in our jobs we do very well and our bosses are as cool as we and give us a raise. Win-win. I realize that I sound horribly consescending but I am not telling *you* this, you already know. It's late and I am venting, so thanks.

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Ive been thinking lately how we don't live long enough to make good use of what we learn. I knew the authorities couldn't be trusted, and most people are drone-like followers as a teen in the 60's. Still, it wasn't until the last 10 years or so I realized how bad it really is. Lucky for both of us it is "we".

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I know, I have family there. ugh.

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Yep, people just hate being wrong. One of my biggest complaints about people is very few know how to admit they were wrong and apologize. I don't get it as I have never had a problem doing either.

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I don't know if they are just brainwashed, or the consequences of what they have agreed to inject into their bodies is too horrifying. There are still more people out there who made the correct decision, and they need corroboration of data as to why the spike bioweapon was a non starter. For any of us.

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Yes, they are very, very wrong.

Whether they admit it or not is irrelevant to the fact they were and genocidally wrong to demand that people inject the deadly mRNA.

They cannot possibly admit it and live with themselves.

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"It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured." Tacitus

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They can't comprehend the evil that has happened. They're in denial.

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The Deaths have been well hidden on MSM from Idiot Box Viewers.

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These monsters (Big Pharma) enjoy ZERO LIABILITY which means they are untouchable!

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Doesn't fraud negate the liability protection?

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No because the fraud was ordered. The roll-out of injectables was a military operation. They were developed by the DoD too.....they only ordered pharma to slap their labels on it to make people believe this was about a medical product while in fact we're dealing with weapons. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/a-military-operation-is-not-a-public

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The writing on the wall is crystal clear.

This is open war.

First round - a percentage dead or dying.

Second round - another percentage dead or dying.

Third round - another percentage dead or dying.

And on, until the desired surviving percentage is reached.

Massive kill and the masses might catch on.

Incremental culling and the masses will volunteer to be saved (killed).

Evil plan.

Ancient playbook.

Doomed to fail because light inevitably overcomes darkness.

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Agreed! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Hi Justice! Apparently, Texas and another US State are taking Pfizer to court for misrepresentation and lies and 'false claims' about their deadly mRNA crap being "Safe & EFFECTIVE". I hope this could be a method of circumventing the most unreasonable and unfriendly rule ever allowed on any product ever made! It's lunacy, but Big Pharma know how to maximise profits at the expense of common sense and betraying the public's interests whilst maximising profits.

Let's hope so! Did you know that Biden's just extended this rule/'law' until 2030?

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I did not know this. Nor do I understand how someone in the U.S. executive branch, even the president, can de facto make laws, which appears to have been happening since this fiasco began, actually probably before that. Do you know if some action of Congress has transferred this power and responsibility to the executive branch, thus shirking the responsibility of the legislative branch? Executive orders, as I understand it anyway, apply to the functioning of the executive branch of the U.S. government, not to restricting the civil rights of citizens. However, I am not a lawyer, and so I'm likely missing something and would be interested in the legal justification used for what appears to me to fall outside of constitutional limits.

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Robert Malone explains what was happening behind the scenes in his book PsyWar. The DoD, NATO, CiA and other NGO's started using "5th generation warfare" to influence elections and outcomes in other countries, but after 2016 when Trump got in, and Brexit in Europe happened they decided they had to use these sophisticated techniques on their own people. They went rogue censoring, propagandizing, using fear, bribes, social media, de-banking, gaslighting, etc. Trump was rendered impotent and then robbed of the election in 2020. Biden was a fake president really, with no power and obvious dementia. The "deep state" and "new world order" took over and have enabled the plandemic measures and democracy killing measures. The big problem we all face is that they succeeded in brainwashing the population, to the point they will sacrifice their own children, and the future of humanity for this.

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I'm too impatient to read books = a low attention span! But I have a logical brain that helps me keep up with much of the B/S we've all become far more aware of since the creation of Covid and the (almost simultaneous) DEADLY INJECTIONS they call 'VACCINES'.

Most of the world knew that Sleepy Joe had lost it years ago and that others (Obasma Clinton, etc) were pulling the strings.

I totally agree on the surreptitious evil methods 'they' used to hoodwink the people and that around 75% of the civilized world accepted the DEADLY 'VAX' Experiment! I think next time (Bird Flu?) the uptake will be down to 60% of the dimwits that will take 'coolade'!

Hopefully, we can unite to some degree to agree strategy, although 'they will be monitoring our attempts to restrict the levels of control they intend to use = SLAVERY. Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Yes, the Biden Regime (= Obama & Co) introduced an extention of the nonsense ZERO LIABILITY rule to extend until the end of 2029 (= 2030)

2030 happens to be the magical number Adolf Schwab (WEF) declared that the New World Order should be in control. Coincidence - join the dots!

Sorry justice, but I have no idea about your levels of US Government and their structures for mandating such rules/laws. All I know is that Big Pharma NEVER mention the No LIABILITY RULE/Law because it's so ridiculous they want to keep it under the radar! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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The people who took the shots are not going ape shit, at least not in the USA. They have no idea any of this has come to light. And if they do eventually know, they'll think it's a minor issue because the regulators never would have allowed the jabs to be administered if they weren't safe. That's as far as they think.

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Some might go "ape shit" but others will sink even deeper into their denial. Let's hope this revelation will shock more victims into reality (and a future life of non-victimhood).

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I love the photos of your real kitty so much more than the AIs :)

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I recently learned that Shakespeare, Newton, and Beethoven had tuxedo cats.

Cato, my tuxedo cat, was very glad to hear this.

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Yeah, it takes some effort to actually take a photo and manipulate it into the post. Shows he likes his cat.

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How do you know the cat doesn't AI itself into Jess' photos? :)

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"...unelected bureaucrats can sell the freedom of their tax payers to the highest bidder while laundering the corporate accountability through government officials who often pay no price for being wrong." Wow, you said a mouthful - nicely put!!!

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Why? What is the end that motivates this? Sure, bureaucrats can be greedy but what's the big picture? What is the purpose that motivates everything that Covid revealed?

Is it not eugenics?

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A very very large proportion of people quite like to possess the latest gewgaws and shiny things. Others, being wimpy dumb-arses like to exert power over other people, others have 'proclivities' otherwise illegal or socially condemned that make them easy meat for the aforementioned dumb-arses to carry out their schemes (carrot- stick). And, as the UK retailer's moto has it "Every Little Helps". I'm certain the agenda of the "cabal" is easily enforced just by recruiting many many people to do "little things" - aka surely one little thing won't matter?Except, it does!

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Very well said. Thank you Mog.

Analogy: Q - How do you eat an elephant? A - A piece at a time.

The Parasites Planned this Many Years Ago.


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Both; Monetary Greed Through Psychopathic Narcissistic Eugenics Programs. I am sure Billy Goat Gruff is Protecting his Children Whilst They Are in Similar MKUltra Director Training Systems.

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If it were eugenics, would it not have to be targeted at some group or demographic? This was aimed at everybody.

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I'm reading a book "Poisoner in Chief" about MK-ULTRA, the CIA mind-control project of the 50s and 60s. What they did was so horrific - Mengele-like in every way. And now this. I used to wonder how the Nazis became so inured to human suffering, and what made them so different from us. It's sobering to realize how much our current leaders in government and public health resemble them.

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The accusations against Dr. Mengele were war time exaggerations, propaganda, and a whole lot of projection.

Covid should have taught everyone that "authorities" lie, and that the first casualty of war is the truth. The history of vaccination should also have shed a lot of light on who the real medical criminals were and are.

This ought to bring folks up to speed on "Mengele.":


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Everything about the World Wars was a PsyOp by the Bankers who fund both sides because War is Debt and Debt equals Money. Then they hijacked religion and used the Wars to establish Israel to brainwash Christians into accepting Second Best while "The Chosen People" were elevated above their Savior.

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Thank you.

I get tired of constantly having to reply to the HITLARR HITLARR HITLARR crowd that keeps pumping 20th century psyop talking points while posing as awake.

As for MK-ULTRA, one of the reasons CIA had that program was TO KEEP TABS ON WHAT ACADEMICS WERE ALREADY DOING.

Look up John Fulton at Yale, who trained Jose Delgado (developer of brain-controlling implants, Yale) and Jesuit Egaz Moniz (developer of frontal lobotomy, University of Lisbon).

Look up Donald Ewen Cameron (developer of torture methods, McGill University, who wanted to see the entire population of Germans psychologically re-engineered on behalf of his funders, the Rockefeller Foundation).

Not saying that there weren't dastardly efforts inside CIA.

But I'm weary to the point of tears of these kneejerk talking points that should be excised, given--as you well point out--that we're witnessing in real time how the operations function.

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Mengele operated on a local scale, now it’s global and…there are many Mengeles

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Because with a eugenics mindset, all cruelties become necessities for the good of the whole.

Eugenics is an ugly ideology, and it explains everything that has happened. They want to cull the population for the greater good, but we, the people, have had no say in what that greater good might be.

That "greater good" is, probably, rulers comfortable ruling with a population small enough to keep in check but large enough to keep things moving. And people with little means to resist.

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I'm ever curious why these people who are such big proponents of eugenics aren't killing themselves. Aren't they big enough to practice what they preach? Or are they cowards?

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The letter requesting that the Aussie Government regards the suggestion that "....SV40 contamination was not removed during manufacture ...." should read ".....the SV40 contamination was added during manufacture!" It's deliberate DEPOPULATION by poisonous injection!

My bet is the TGA will ignore this communication and eventually dismiss it all as 'drivel' composed by unhinged lunatic Conspiracy Theorists.

Why would any Government enter a Contract with Big Pharma when the 'EXPERIMENTAL injections carry a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE?

If they do this, they leave themselves open to the accusation that they ARE COMPLICIT in facilitating Premeditated Mass-Murder!

The UK Government has already qualified for this dubious award by dismissing one of our UK parliamentary ministers as a purveyor of Nazi Propaganda. Unbelievably unscrupulous tactics.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Living longer by avoiding Big Pharma's Poisons!

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It is eugenics, I believe. That is the end goal. Depopulation, yes, and that is ... eugenics, because someone somewhere decided that the population must be managed and culled, for the greater good. That is eugenics.

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It's insanity in my world! People who play god are beyond belief and must be unhinged!

I think the growing world population could and should be 'regulated' - not culled.

The easy way would be to financially motivate the population by rewarding and incentivising them to have less children. Perhaps paying those who agree not to have children and reducing this incentive more for each child they create!

There would be no need to murder us all with deadly injections and fairy stories about Scamdemics!

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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As an aside, your X fight with Alex Berenson is hilarious.

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I pray these people responsible are held accountable in Nuremberg

Style trails one day soon!

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The Nuremberg Trials were a sham. They only offered up a few sacrificial lambs for optics. They were probably shipped to Venezuela with new identities or went to work for NASA.

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Very informative interview you did with Bret Weinstein. Far more productive to discuss the issues face-to-face than this 5 years of slinging cow patties into the arena ( at least someone can gather them for fuel....elemental ...oh, but that might be additional methane release). I learn more biology and related fields from discussions presented by people with the ability to be calm. It is hard for the laymen to begin to absorb the points and digest them when the tract they pass through is made unhealthy. Pathetic we can no longer get a straight answer from the " trust me " crowd. ( Then again, it's not in their DNA...pun..but age 67 now, and the last 20 years returning to my roots ) . I work in a financial professional field where I have been guided since uni education in the late 70s to exercise professional skepticism at all times. When I don't, I betray my principles. There are medical professionals in my family who can get me by a terminology tie-up, but I find your presentations get down to it and I need less assistance. Thank you for your courage to wage a gentle war, and to push the front back at the opportunity. Keep at it !!

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Bret Weinstein is a Peter-Thiel-affiliated Designated Chattering Class puppet who couldn't hack freshman biology at Penn, dropped out, and took a BA in science studies at UC Santa Cruz in his 20s, then wrote a tissue-thin "doctoral thesis" to parlay into a Spousal Hire position at Evergreen State.

The following quote came from a video clip (memory holed in 2018) of him during the "troubles" at Evergreen State in 2017, which he helped foment, then ran away, leaving in his wake a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the taxpayers of WA state...because the young leftist cannibals he helped train to be viciously anti-white turned on him.

He claims that if you value your own relatives/family over strangers, you're a racist. But you can straighten out your racist genes by subjecting them to the Talking Cure.

"The squandering of human potential is disgusting and despicable. Racism squanders human potential. It takes people who could be anything and turns them into servants of society. …I am not in favor of that. I am very much in favor of true, deep, permanent equity. That is what I want. …I am NOT acting in the interest of white people. …My point to students for years, and years, and years has been, you have to be careful because evolution itself has set you up to prefer people who are more related to you than people who are more distantly related to you. And that means we all have latent racism waiting to emerge if we do not confront ourselves. THAT has been my message to students. That message is about ending racism permanently. It is about recognizing that your genes want something. What I say to my students is, what your genes want CANNOT be defended. Right? It is indefensible and therefore has to be confronted. That is the central message of this program, that is the central message of the program I taught in fall and winter, it was my central message last year as well. This is not something new. It did not emerge in response to this movement of people of color. My point is, we are in danger to ourselves if we do not recognize where these biases come from and learn to confront them. Now to the extent that people fear me as trying to advance the interests of one racial group over another or trying to protect some privilege that I know that I've benefited from, that is an error. That is not what I'm doing; it's not what I'm talking about. Now I don't think it would be very difficult at all if people were willing to listen to each other, to sit down and--fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, maybe an hour, and get to understand where each other are coming from."

Now compare his views on being jewish, and how jews are virtuous for preferring their own to outsiders.


However you feel about the topic, that's a pretty robust bit of anthropological observation.

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Thank you. Many "Brets & Others" in this game.

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Thank you!!

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I've got a wife and a grown kid who got this jab. And now I can't tell them about this because I don't want to freak them out.

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Isn't it horrifying knowing this and not wanting to tell people. I don't want to nocebo people.

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Thoroughly evil and by intent.

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Imagine reading this after getting 3 or 4 of those shots. Oh wait, those pp would refuse to read it.

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If I were vaccinated, I'd probably bury my head in the sand and be in denial as well.

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Or 4 couples I know who got their 8th.

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Does anyone know how long the presence persists in the bloodstreams?

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SV40 is still in my blood after 65 years thanks to the scam polio injections forced on kindergartners that my poor parents fell for....so I think it's a permanent feature now in all the covidiot injected "lab rats". 🤬

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Until they’re all petrified

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How ironic then that New Zealand's main medical school, Otago Medical school, is supposedly looking at TP53 mutations in cancer.... the question is whether or not they will even look at the obvious?


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Thank you 🤩

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