Hey Catman, thank you for keeping us posted on the continuing shitshow that is our society at present. Crossed fingers for tomorrow that some semblance of sanity prevails… bigly. Wink-wink.
Why do all those gainoffunction little.labs here and there go on and on? We have a few in Sweden too, inherited from Ukraine as it were. Why are they even allowed? A sane society would rule them out!
It would probably be very helpful for people who were injected to search https://howbadismybatch.com for the lot number(s) written on their injection card. At least they will have an idea about what "adverse events" have been reported with those lot numbers. That will also allow people to verify their own symptoms/responses (are they listed in the reports?) and provide an avenue to pursue regarding treatment. It is well-known and documented that the second shot was often the one that caused the adverse event. There could be many reasons for that, including accumulation of whatever toxin, as well as the reaction or interplay between them (Dr Bryan Ardis has some very good videos about that. I think he is correct about various venoms being used in some of the injections, and in fact that has been documented in a number of papers.) Venoms which are, btw, listed as possible ingredients in the patents. I HIGHLY recommend the new book "The Pfizer Papers" edited by Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly. I have downloaded the original material that Pfizer finally released, including the 770+ 'adverse events' listed, but Wolf & Kelly's book is well worth the cost.
I’m curious, how are the plasmids spread? Is it a case of shaking hands, kissing, does their have to be human touch to pass them along? They are absorbed through the skin or inhaled? Can the plasmids survive indefinitely on a lab counter? Wouldn’t a healthy immune system recognize them as alien? My understanding has long been that the spikes headed for ACE2 receptors primarily, although they have been found elsewhere, but ACE2 on skin are found quite deep and not on the surface. This of course raises the shedding question which has yet to be fully elaborated in a way that will help the unvaxxed stay clean.
This is for you Dr. J because your cross posting sent me here. You are such a SSS woman. (sweet, smart, superlative) There is a rock song from the sixties dear one, and I have it on vinyl and I am there in that moment as a young man living unto myself alone...you may well know that. It seems like last week now but you have brought me to memories still clear.
I clearly recall away back in 1974 I bought that record from a shop that featured recycled vinyl oldies but this album of various artists had that song on it I had never heard before. At that time I owned a 1200 cc HD "Night Train" motorcycle, a 1968 Corvette, a new Chevy van, a 1969 Chev Impala sport two door and an Enduro 250 cc Suzuki my son has rebuilt and drives.
I went home in the Impala, up to my room, shut the door, and played it. When that song came on (it now is playing in and WITH my mind in my memory) I was mesmorized. The words, "nothing can stop the shape of things to come" brought a focus" to my schooling in and of scriptures as I related this as almost an omen connected to my familiarity with "end time" prophecies I had read in Revelation. The music was eerie, and it ushered me into those scriptures. I have never, and will never forget that feeling I again feel now of a "semi fear" of what I believed the writer of the song meant. It was a reference to end times. So here I lie in bed awake having awoken with Dr. J suggesting I should go to her cross reference directed place.
The theme never left me and surfaced immediately, those same words. So now 50 years later here I am entering "The Twilight Zone" and "Outer Limits" of Rod Serling. No I am not a mystique but the scene is clear as a bell...I mean the "feeling" identical. FIFTY YEARS!
My interactions with expert scriptural sages has already validated my own belief we are in the end times. I truly believe it. It is true if those "sages" are right and it truly presents to me that "Nothing Can Stop The Shape of Things to Come!"
My comment to Dr. J on the cross post is I feel that things have already happened that have moved us onto the conveyor belt deeper into the end times. God has I believe punched the button and many signs prophesied have already occurred.
Weirder still is that I am at this time in a struggle, a personal struggle with temptation that would bode ill for me if I yielded. It has come as of late into my life and I am MORE sure I am over the peak and leaving it behind BUT what next?
Dr J, what prompted you to indicate this "road?" You knew I would go this way.
No, I am not reading anything into this. It is real unto me. It stops here for others but not me. Wow!
check out and rad carefully a petition at citizengo.org. defend your freedom NOW- stop the uns pandemic treaty before its signed..read it carfully to understand just how serious things really are its a worldwide petition it cam be signed and reshared widely worldide from any country in the world including yours.hat said dont bother using gestapo book/you tube/twitter who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 103000 signatures it urgently needs many more..dont allow yourself to be distracted by whats going on inthe states today
Was FASCINATED by your DarkHorse interview! My wife was an attorney high up in the Peruvian govt. Is there a Spanish-language transcript of your convo? The auto-generated DH transcript leaves a LOT (I enjoy puns, sorry) to be desired. If I were to copy-paste w/ Google Translate, it would render, say, Dr Drosten's name as Strawston (sigh). Is there a better way? Blessings & respect! Jon pilgrimlth@gmail.com
Jessica, you mentioned that you will be 50 tomorrow ( during your interview with Matt Ehret). So, happy belated birthday. I am certain that people are surprised to find out how young you are!!)
The Medical Profession As A Whole
Is In The Toilet.
Which Is Funny.
Because If You Wanted To Actually
Understand Human Biology
That’s Exactly Where They’d Start.
Hint: It’s all Sepsis.
Vaccines are just Turbo Sepsis.
My man.
Hey Catman, thank you for keeping us posted on the continuing shitshow that is our society at present. Crossed fingers for tomorrow that some semblance of sanity prevails… bigly. Wink-wink.
I still find it astonishing that we hear the term 'asymptomatic'.
People who are supposedly infected with a 'deadly virus' but are not sick?
How they get away with absurdities like this is beyond comprehension.
The dumbing down of America. A blaring TV in every home, abandonment of critical thinking, and basically Johnny Can't Read.
Welcome to 21st century Amerika.....you have reached a machine.....please deposit your saliva for identification purposes only...$$$$
It’s a Bioweapon to depopulate, they know the harms and yet did not stop jabbing pregnant women or military. There is nefarious intent. 🤬
Leadership in Washington forced to get it ?!!🧐🤨
Why do all those gainoffunction little.labs here and there go on and on? We have a few in Sweden too, inherited from Ukraine as it were. Why are they even allowed? A sane society would rule them out!
It would probably be very helpful for people who were injected to search https://howbadismybatch.com for the lot number(s) written on their injection card. At least they will have an idea about what "adverse events" have been reported with those lot numbers. That will also allow people to verify their own symptoms/responses (are they listed in the reports?) and provide an avenue to pursue regarding treatment. It is well-known and documented that the second shot was often the one that caused the adverse event. There could be many reasons for that, including accumulation of whatever toxin, as well as the reaction or interplay between them (Dr Bryan Ardis has some very good videos about that. I think he is correct about various venoms being used in some of the injections, and in fact that has been documented in a number of papers.) Venoms which are, btw, listed as possible ingredients in the patents. I HIGHLY recommend the new book "The Pfizer Papers" edited by Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly. I have downloaded the original material that Pfizer finally released, including the 770+ 'adverse events' listed, but Wolf & Kelly's book is well worth the cost.
I’m curious, how are the plasmids spread? Is it a case of shaking hands, kissing, does their have to be human touch to pass them along? They are absorbed through the skin or inhaled? Can the plasmids survive indefinitely on a lab counter? Wouldn’t a healthy immune system recognize them as alien? My understanding has long been that the spikes headed for ACE2 receptors primarily, although they have been found elsewhere, but ACE2 on skin are found quite deep and not on the surface. This of course raises the shedding question which has yet to be fully elaborated in a way that will help the unvaxxed stay clean.
Very important podcast , thank you .
And I believe that nothing good can come of this....
Great podcast. Any more details on the deep sequencing of the tumor biopsy?
This is for you Dr. J because your cross posting sent me here. You are such a SSS woman. (sweet, smart, superlative) There is a rock song from the sixties dear one, and I have it on vinyl and I am there in that moment as a young man living unto myself alone...you may well know that. It seems like last week now but you have brought me to memories still clear.
I clearly recall away back in 1974 I bought that record from a shop that featured recycled vinyl oldies but this album of various artists had that song on it I had never heard before. At that time I owned a 1200 cc HD "Night Train" motorcycle, a 1968 Corvette, a new Chevy van, a 1969 Chev Impala sport two door and an Enduro 250 cc Suzuki my son has rebuilt and drives.
I went home in the Impala, up to my room, shut the door, and played it. When that song came on (it now is playing in and WITH my mind in my memory) I was mesmorized. The words, "nothing can stop the shape of things to come" brought a focus" to my schooling in and of scriptures as I related this as almost an omen connected to my familiarity with "end time" prophecies I had read in Revelation. The music was eerie, and it ushered me into those scriptures. I have never, and will never forget that feeling I again feel now of a "semi fear" of what I believed the writer of the song meant. It was a reference to end times. So here I lie in bed awake having awoken with Dr. J suggesting I should go to her cross reference directed place.
The theme never left me and surfaced immediately, those same words. So now 50 years later here I am entering "The Twilight Zone" and "Outer Limits" of Rod Serling. No I am not a mystique but the scene is clear as a bell...I mean the "feeling" identical. FIFTY YEARS!
My interactions with expert scriptural sages has already validated my own belief we are in the end times. I truly believe it. It is true if those "sages" are right and it truly presents to me that "Nothing Can Stop The Shape of Things to Come!"
My comment to Dr. J on the cross post is I feel that things have already happened that have moved us onto the conveyor belt deeper into the end times. God has I believe punched the button and many signs prophesied have already occurred.
Weirder still is that I am at this time in a struggle, a personal struggle with temptation that would bode ill for me if I yielded. It has come as of late into my life and I am MORE sure I am over the peak and leaving it behind BUT what next?
Dr J, what prompted you to indicate this "road?" You knew I would go this way.
No, I am not reading anything into this. It is real unto me. It stops here for others but not me. Wow!
Always Edward
Well said and cohesive thoughts.
We have started the Days of Sorrows as outlined in both the books of Daniel & Revelations.
2/3's of the Israel population will be killed by attacks coming from the Gog/Magog war before God intervenes.
That means a nuclear detonation is coming very soon. Are you reading about anything remotely being mentioned in the news currently.
We are there people.
Start praying to Jesus now if you haven't already !!
check out and rad carefully a petition at citizengo.org. defend your freedom NOW- stop the uns pandemic treaty before its signed..read it carfully to understand just how serious things really are its a worldwide petition it cam be signed and reshared widely worldide from any country in the world including yours.hat said dont bother using gestapo book/you tube/twitter who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 103000 signatures it urgently needs many more..dont allow yourself to be distracted by whats going on inthe states today
Hi Dr McKernan,
Was FASCINATED by your DarkHorse interview! My wife was an attorney high up in the Peruvian govt. Is there a Spanish-language transcript of your convo? The auto-generated DH transcript leaves a LOT (I enjoy puns, sorry) to be desired. If I were to copy-paste w/ Google Translate, it would render, say, Dr Drosten's name as Strawston (sigh). Is there a better way? Blessings & respect! Jon pilgrimlth@gmail.com
Jessica, you mentioned that you will be 50 tomorrow ( during your interview with Matt Ehret). So, happy belated birthday. I am certain that people are surprised to find out how young you are!!)
The combination of human scientific research killing humans and A.I. replacing humans poses a disturbing future.