Kevin, great picture of 320 Charles St. production floor! I have been working there for the Human (and mouse) genome sequencing project. I also designed tiny small vector (less than 1kb) to carry chunks of DNA and improve the payload ratio. Still bothers me why would they use such large vectors for the C19 vaccines with lots of extra parts they didn’t need. Were they just inefficient, incompetent or just dumb? One has to wonder

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Exactly! The results of your study are only as good as the methodology you use. So often methods are not scrutinized closely enough during the peer review process.

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Great idea, coming form the old master of any DNA isolation method. So I will try to get that Ampure kit. We found whole Pfizer plasmids in Kanamycine selective agar plates form gut microbiome of freshly vaccinated, but also unvaccinated people, also form blood. Did anybody check this, whole Biontech vaccine plasmids in the gut microbiome and blood culture bacteria?? If whole plasmids get into B cells by indirect immunoglobuline mediated ingestion of whole blood bacteria alreadyy perforated by Sucharit Bhakdis complement cascade, and after digestion for antigen presentation, this would be a nightare. As pure plasmids from bacteria like gut E.coli could, thanks to SV 40 elemnet, be directly transferred into the B cells nucleus. During affinity maturation, they still can hypermutate, ask Matthias Wabl from UCSF. We also checked integration of plasmids or plasmid fragments in B cells , as thanks to EBV they even divide in blood, and can hypermutate due to integration of SV40 hypermutator elements. So better select B cells than PBMC or whole white blood cell fraction, while searching for blood plasmid integration. Thanks to Hb gene S/MAR elements on those vaccine vectors, and the 3 origins of replication, we can expect many plasmid integrates in wildly hypermutating EBV positive CD20+ B cells, that like in plasmacytoma cell could mimic primary tissue turbo cancers in any tissue, like bone, peyers plaques, spleen, as well as all lymphe nodes. I ask myself, if the whole Pfizer plasmid has to integrate, or only all short fragments are sufficient for accelerating carcinogenesis. Its hard to find out. We have to use this old fashioned PCR Ulrike Kaemmerer happily got peer reviewed now, so we can rely on this PCR method with 35 cycles, more old fashioned, compared to the very short qPCRs of all the other publications. As a swiss german geneticist I love the old fashioned, more transparent PCRs, as we are still all fishing in a blackbox. Thanks, Kevin for these very helpful suggestions.

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Am I understanding you right... you found evidence of the Pfizer vaccine in the gut of the unvaccinated? How could this be?

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Also interested in this

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Hallo Sadie, thats not a good name, sad and die, but now to your question. We have just to think differently. We have to think like an A.I., or like those people, who think that humans are too many. They think differently than we think. They think like Adolf Eichmann or Dr. Josef Mengele, or those guys who produce bioweapons today. They think not like normal humans. They think very functional and without any aspect of humanity. They think just like a robot, that has to destroy all humans very effectively, and without that humans can realize that. Then, the whole Corona story is different as normal humans would expect. So we learned, thanks to Kevin and other brave guys, that a bacterial extrachromosmal plasmid in huge amounts was inside the jabs. So this is leading to jail for those who have done it, independant of what is on that vector plasmid. Its just against all laws of genetic safety rules in any Safety level 2 lab, working with GMOs. But now, what is on that plasmids?? And why do they not stay inside the injected muscle, but can be found in ovaries and liver and blood the next day after injection in huge amounts? And why are the LNPs highly toxic?? Why are they not like all other LNPs for cosmetics, drug release and so on, why are they highly liver toxic and toxic to all cells ingesting them?? And why is LPS, a fever inducing pyogene, that is forbidden in traces in any injection and infusion solution, since 150 years, inside of these jabs in tons. LPS? While traces of it lead to jail for the pharmaceutical producer, since 150 years? And why are the amounts of modRNA, and LNPs 10.000 times higher than needed for a simple antibody resoponse??? And why are the mRNAs modified, so that the mRNA is stable for weeks or months, as has been shown now in studies? Why should all cells in then body produce spike, which induceses an immunological high dose tolerace against that antigen, against that whole virus?? We wanted immunity, not high dose tolerance, leading to no response against that corona virus family, leading to an evolution of new corona wild typ (not C19) virus mutants in all vaccinated people, what we could find after the vaccination, Omicron, Delta, all appearing only after vaccination, not before. All, appearing first in vaccinated long covid patients, infecting all the others with new mutans and variants, selected by not having the antigenic structure of the vaccinated antigen, but completely different naturally selected spike proteins??

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Exactly this mechanis was already known by evolution biologist Manfred Eigen, a "good german", who wanted to vaccinate people with HIV worldwide, as he believed, that if HIV would be as infective as Influenca virus, all people would get herd immunity against HIV, and would not get ill after HIV infection, would not get AIDS. Some HIV Gp120 seqeunces had been also in the new SARS-Cov-2 bioweapon, as HIV discoverer Luc Montagnier found out and published, just before he died in a US hospital in Paris. Such completely "ill" ideas about spreading HIV as a vaccine, come from the brain of "ill" people, having "ill" ideas about human evolution. The ideas are as "ill" as to be found in the book NEXUS. Psychopaths should not write books, but lots of them do.

Psychopaths should not get Nobel Prizes, buit lots of them do. Humans love to read psychopathic books and watch mainly psychopathic movies on Netflix. So, no wonder, if things happen. So, what happend, that a jab injected into the muscle of the arm flooded the whole body, mainly blood vessels` endothelial cells, can be found in all organs, as shown in the histological atlas of Ute Krüger, Walter Lang and Arne Burkhard. Organs are full of strange nail like structures, which could be a kind of amyloidosis of too many spike proteins, a "spikeoidosis", which we will soon see in Japan, where they vaccinate with self replicating Spike mRNA jabs. So this is mass murder, as mRNA never is self replicating, but is the most unstable polymer biomolecule ever, as genes are regulated by the amount of mRNA as the most critical step in genetic regulation of proteins, mainly enzymes. So, if mRNA does not degrade in seconds or minutes, as most mRNAs do this will lead to cellular damage and death, or in rare cases to protein storage diseases, like prion diseases (BSE), amyloidosis as in Alzheimers, or other storage diseases, as in phenylketonuria, hemochromatosis, theer are so many storage diseases. We will get annother one in Japan with "spikeoidosis", and I am not Casandra, the greek godess of bad predictions, but I am just a normal human geneticist, immunologist, and microbiologist, who can calculate that 1+1 = 2 and not zero or 3, or whatever. So this is not a prediction, it is a fact that we will expect, doing such stupid things. But are they really stupid, if you read Yuval Harari`s book. Is it not a good thing to kill all humans slowly, and to make as much money as possible, out of that slow death? Is that, after all, a legitimate question? I miss this kind of discussions all over in all comments I ever read. Humans tend to avoid painful communications. So, what about those human beings, who fuck little children, until they are dead, and then throw them into a litter box? There are lots of TV movies about that in Germany, since many years, and Sucharit Bhakdis club MWGFD in germany focusses on these people, because they are the same, killing humans in masses with vaccines, since so many years. And we have to stop them, and bring them to jail. For the rest of their life. All of them. As normal humans get ill just by thinking that such beings exist on this planet, we nevertheless have to understand them, why they do that unthinkable cruelty. And we have to know, that they exist, and do what they want with us, as the whole legal system in most states in the world is protecting them, and is dependant from them, and their actions. As soon as we clearly realize, what they do, they will stop doing that, and will be ashame about themselves. Just because they are also humans. So we just have to describe what they have done. This is very important. So what was in that plasmid vector?? There had been a viral antigen, that is not good for immunization, nucleocapsid of Corona virus is a much less mutating and much better vaccine. But the nucleaocapsid is harmless as a vaccine. Not the C19 spike protein.. George F. Gao already in 2004 knew, that the spike expressed in human cells will block p53 tumor suppressor gene function. p53 leads to cell cycle arrest and growth stop of all tumor cells, and it leads to a repair of DNA in cells, and it does so many good things to prevent cancer. p53 is mutated in any natural tumor cell, or absent, or blocked. There is not a single natural tumor cell with intact p53, and this is known since Bert Volgelstein and others described this first tumor suppressor gene. And its letal genetics in cancer families. So, all virologists and immunologists and oncologist know that since 40 years, but they also know, that all corona spike proteins can block this function of p53, thus causing cancer. This was the reason why spike proteins had been in this vector, not because of its stable immunogenicity. All good non-pedophilic judges have to keep that in mind for the law court meetings for all that responsable scientists, and their selective memory loss about those important things. A memory loss, that was supported with some billions of dollars from JP Morgan and other big investment companies, to let them forget important things, as Ughur Sahin forgot, after getting 200 million dollars for his company, just to make this very old plasmid vector pass through german authorities as a modRNA vaccine, that actually was a DNA vaccine with an into human chromosome integrating and replicating plasmid, that even can express spike proteins itself, over many generations, if integrated at the right side into human genome. So this plasmid really created GMOs now out of vaccinated humans. We all fight against GMO food full of pesticides, as Rovert F. Kennedy or Zen Honeycutt do, but now, we are vaccine induced GMOs ourselves, we are all transgenics. Made be transhumanists good ideas. Most people are not even clear about this fact. But how come? In case, that the DNAses in the jab production did not digest all plasmid vectors, and the intact vectors get packed into billions of LNPs in one injection, these billions of toxic LNPs have been shown in the liver after 24 hours in tons, after vaccination. From the liver they migrate to gall bladder into the intestine, and are eaten by the gut microbiome. Bacteria normally use these extra chromosomal plasmids for information exchange since billions of years. They also share the plasmids "interracially", so different bacterial species can share the same plasmid. In case of antibiotic resistance, this is well known. So, of these LNPs contain a single plasmid, a circular non digested plasmid in the middle of other DNA and RNA, it coud be eaten by bacteria in the intestine, and they get this plasmid, and replicate it. Not only E. coli bacteria in the bowl, but also others. This could happen. The chance is not low, it must happen, as bacteria are hungry, and might use these LNPs as food. Normal bacterial lipofection works very well with the same LNPs, but much less toxic version, since 1990. LNP mediated bacterial transfection is a standard method in molecular biology and genetics since 35 years. So this is to bee expected, that vaccine LNPs get into the gut microbiome, but nobody tested it, only we tested this ideas. So most geneticist have a selelective memory loss, or they had been stopped in publsihing these results. Both is the case. Because too many died after publishing such results. Too many police men died, and judges died after finding out too much about the baby fucking monsters and their well organized mafia structures. This is the main problem, not the selective memory loss of geneticists and molcular biologists. They all need more money, and fear to be killed or knocked out of our societies by mafia organized mobbing. This is the cause of selective memory loss. But if so, what happens with those plasmids replicating in some gut microbiome bacteria??? If these bacteria are typically eaten by gut endithelial cells, or by phagocytic M cells in the Peyer plaques of gut lining lymph nodes, this plasmid can enter immune cells, and can be expressed, also intestinal epithelial cells, and can be expressed inside these cells, making p53 blocking spike proteins, and can make alarm inside these affected tissues, but the T cells and the B cells cannot react to it again, because they had been set to high dose toleance, as the mod RNA ist expressing spikes in the whole body.

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Imagine, how develish this sounds?? But not enough. Inside the plasmid is a SV40 sequence, that can guide a so called hyper mutator mechanism, mainly known from affinity maturating B cells producing more and more specific antibodies, so binding antigens beter and better over 10 days, that can also mutate then not only the V gene segemnt of the antobody genes, but any gene sequenc flanked by this SV40 element. this means, that all chromosomes in B cells, that have integrated these hypermutator attraction sequence start to hypermutate their flanking sequences. Leading to cancer cells and leukemia cells. This was also on the Pfizer plasmid, but obviously not on the Moderna plasmid. So Moderna might not hypermutate. This is very bad for poor Germans, and BioNtech/Pfizer, but the Moderna vector is not much better. As it can also produce chromosmal instability and cancer in those human cells wher the vector integrated into chromosomes, and it also might produce spike proteins from human chromosomes, if after integration this DNA is not methylated and inactivated, as any integrated foreign DNA should be after one replication cycle. So, there is this S/MAR element on these vectors, that could prevent DNA epigenetic methylation and gene inactivation, and keep chromatine open for forbidden gene expression. So now it is clear, that such a vector never should have been inside a vaccine, and all the useless elements on this vector are not useless junk DNA of vector construction history and the hurry to get a fast track vaccine, but have the pure potential to cause cancer in all vaccinated people. And this vector is very old, its nothing new, that is unpredictable of what it can do. The question arises, why Moderna got 20 billion from "wharp speed", to just make a vaccine legal, that can kill slowly all vaccinated people?? Nothing new, a very old plasmid, that might be 25 years old construct?? And why in the same time a german competitor company of Moderna gets the same vector, and legalizes injections of this forbidden thing at the same time as Moderna, but with 100x less money? Moderna made 8000 billion (!!!!!!!) dollars in 2023, just with these C19 jabs. But Pfizer sold much more. Together they made 50 % of US BIP 2023. Stupid poor Germans. Since 80 years of US military occupation and Marshall plans, the Germans since today do what the CIA wants them to do. So they did what had to be done, with money from JP Morgan. But this 200 million would not have been enough, to get this forbidden vector into human mass jabs, there was paid much more to German states authoritis and polititians, to get this legalized. And also for all European parliament members. This is the fact now. But why?? You can read the reason in NEXUS, the WEF propaganda book. And other books of mad people, who really believe that humans are to many on earth. But humans are not too many. Tha are just btreated badly by those baby fuckers. Taking all humans together in a population density like in Tokyo, where people love to live, they would live well on an area as small as Austria, without problems. 8 billion in small Austria area. Enough water there, enough food, enough oxigen, and not too much of the CO2, a gas the plants need and love. So, do not forget these facts. Do not get selective memory loss, like so many 5G mobile phone radiation brain washed people. Switch off our phones and GPS navigators, and start thinking again.

"Not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone is learning from the past", Madonna was singing in June 2019 in TelAviv European Song Contest , where later 99 % of all Israeli had been jabbed with Moderna. At the end of Madonnas perfomance all protagonists perform suicide, exept the Palestinians and Israeli. So, lets start learning from the past.

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Thanks very much for this lengthy and informative reply! Substack did not notify me of this and I only just found it. So the vaccine parts are only found in the vaccinated. That's a relief of sorts.

SV40 keeps popping up... a good many were at the front of the line to get those contaminated vaccines decades ago. Do you think that there would be any interaction between that SV40 yrs ago and SARScov2? Such as, could the combination of the COVID infection and the SV40, if still present in the body, lead to cancer or more aggressive cancer? I'm seeing more people of the SV40 generation, unvaxxed for COVID, but getting these sudden and aggressive cancers. I know, it's a lot of surmising and guessing but it feels like we're still at the beginning of understanding this mess.

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They are just showing their ignorance. That's what great about free speech. We get to see and document the ignorance. But it is somewhat sad.

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Simply in awe!

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Has anyone done denaturing HPLC on the vaccine? That would put to rest the arguments about how much, how chopped up DNA is , and as a bonus will show all the incomplete and runoff RNA transcripts are there. By playing with the gradient one can get petty good separation and as a bonus- fractionation …

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Your expectations are not too high, and you better market your DNA isolation kits, as for people with higher expectations, like me. Thanks

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Ah, but did you exercise the "required scientific rigour"?

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The last picture is gorgeous, a link to this movie would be great. Laughing becomes SO needed.

Then oh boy: "piece of the human genome cloned into them." WHICH HUMAN GENOME, from WHOM??? For what purpose? That is becoming really interesting. All paid by Obama...

Also since you are dealing with circular/helical molecules, each absorbing in a very specific range, maybe it would be easier and faster to determine at least the character of the nucleotides via that type of spectroscopy??

A good source is at:


from the french SOLEIL synchrotron lab:


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