If I were devious and wanted to make a qPCR test that would be less sensitive to DNA <200bp in size, I would make a 250bp-300bp qPCR amplicon. All digested DNA is distribution and 300bp qPCR won't amplify many of the molecules in 200bp size ranges. So when they claim numbers of fp or pg detected, its meaningless for that size requirement without the PCR primers being disclosed.
If I were devious and wanted to make a qPCR test that would be less sensitive to DNA <200bp in size, I would make a 250bp-300bp qPCR amplicon. All digested DNA is distribution and 300bp qPCR won't amplify many of the molecules in 200bp size ranges. So when they claim numbers of fp or pg detected, its meaningless for that size requirement without the PCR primers being disclosed.
If I were devious and wanted to make a qPCR test that would be less sensitive to DNA <200bp in size, I would make a 250bp-300bp qPCR amplicon. All digested DNA is distribution and 300bp qPCR won't amplify many of the molecules in 200bp size ranges. So when they claim numbers of fp or pg detected, its meaningless for that size requirement without the PCR primers being disclosed.