At the Ribo-Club conference I met an Anna Blakely acolyte (from a no name Canadian university) who gave me a similar answer regarding the frameshifting protein found....'oh the body has a mechanism of getting rid of them...frameshifting has always happened and is handled by the body..."

I just said I want empirical evidence first given the findings of Mulrooney et al and other assumptions made regarding mRNA which turned out not to be true.

She got very quiet.

Told her a little more physiology and pharmacology would be beneficial to RNA researchers since we, on the drug side, find out all kinds of stuff years later about drugs no one predicted. Then I walked off.

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Thank you for defending health freedom Kevin.

Youngers are also exposed to massive amounts of wireless radiation, which then makes our gut and brain more permeable to toxic materials and metals from injections:


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What could now be done to help Dr. Patrick Philips (https://rumble.com/vnaf23-dr.-patrick-phillips-the-war-against-medical-tyrrany-full-interview.html?ysclid=m6wxnbh84w200848904) and other such victims who've been robbed of their careers by these witchhunts?

All of these ethical doctors should have recourse to restitution of their licenses if they want to recomence their interrupted careers, so that we the public are not stuck with only the most rigid order-followers of the medical establishment.

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The restored licenses should carry an identifiable distinction of honor, which could be dropped after an appropriate number of years.

(If/when ethics and credibility go

mainstream in Med Inc.)

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I wonder if we'll ever see anything like ethics in Medicine taken seriously again.

I guess only when enough people begin to face reality and realize and admit that over the last 4 years has been an applied program of depopulation via the use of the medical establishment... amongst other institutions.

I can't foresee a return to what we had a long time ago until such time as the global democide --that we are still living through as of now-- is recognized, openly discussed, and appropriately addressed.

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I shall NEVER TRUST Allopathic Medicine again.

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...."only when enough people".....

& doctors, nurses, executives, regulators, etc.

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Surely the above information in its totality could be used, "With a few personalising touches" such as Vaccine Names/descriptors rearranged to reflect the position in another location etc

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Thank you, Kevin.

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So grateful for you and your colleagues who helped Dr Hoffe….bless you for your work around the world!

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These people are Monsters. Of the worst sort.

Reminds me of the Doctors who refused to wash their hands to avoid contamination back then.

Anti Science


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Thank you very much Kevin! from a Canadain and Citizen of humanity I donated some $ to help financially for Dr. Hoff, a true hero and trying to protect humanity and his patience of his small town in BC Canada. Hopefully this happens worldwide soon and compensation is made to everybody that has been injured and financially hurt by these tyrannical evil people.

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I always ask that those responsible be identified, so, Heidi Oetter, Registrar, CPSBC.

Having dealt with the CPSBC's Australian marsupial hearing process, I am very impressed that Mr. McKernan and colleagues have managed to quell this malicious attack on Dr. Hoffe.

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Thank you Brave Soldier! This information is the arsenal of Truth and Knowledge and going forward our path to justice and medical freedom. This Stack is beautifully huge.

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Awesome. Thanks, Kevin, for putting all of this in a single source for ease of further distribution.

(I thought of adding, "Our experts are better than your experts," but figured that would be childish, eh ;)

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Thank you for meticulously exposing the sophistry and bureaupathology of these priests of the cult of coerced mass modRNA "vaccination' salvation hysteria at the regulatory pseudoauthorities who peddle their priests' drivel about the purported safety and efficacy of their sacrament without any regard for genuine informed consent for their sacrificial victims.

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Good news. Maybe defunding USAID helped?


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C Caught

P Perjuring,

S Stupid

B Bastards

C Capitulated


Thanks Dr. Hoffe!

Thanks, Dream Team!

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The lawyers on the boards of College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPS) role is to stand between the courts, of which many judges previously sat of CPS boards of provincial health services, and the bureaucratic woke "vaccine scientologists", protecting them from charges and arrest for knowingly ignoring risk assessments, and mandating prescribed therapies causing multiple and ongoing injuries and deaths. Health Canada, provincial health services and provincial CPS have been thoroughly corrupted and must be dismantled and reconstituted into accountable and transparent organizations.

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I was involved in a family law case where I lost my medical custody of my son because I identified from the beginning the risk of these products were profoundly greater than the disease, for a completely healthy 14 year old athlete.

While not an academic whatsoever, I read everything I could get my hands on, especially early citations and evidence of harm to my children. There was a lot of very early evidence pointing to so much immediate risk and even more long term risk to my perfectly healthy child. This was including the lack of efficacy against natural immunity.

I was not able to spare my son the experimental products, that had potential to damage his healthy heart at such a young age because he was 100 % propagandized, fear mongered as I was gaslit and crazy.

Regardless that my son was raised vaccine free, due to my personally held religious beliefs against poisonous neurotoxins, including the extremely limited safety studies and personal manufacture protections of these heavily untested products.

He was manipulated by our government health agencies, the media, the schools, coaches and teachers, his pediatrician, his father and the family court system to follow the crowd and to not trust his mother.

I would so love to be able to submit the testimony and it’s evidence you have provided here to my son but he won’t listen to me. The courts literally have banned me from being able to discuss these past or future concerns with him. The courts literally censored mom.

I don’t wish to share this with my son to be right and him wrong. I want to share it because of my continued concern for his safety if he was to continue to listen to CDC recommendations on these shots but also so we can both regain each others trust.

As parents we want to always prepare them for what’s to come. Not let them go blindly. They will go it without us but we hope, with all eyes open.

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