Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

This pucing tour is depressing but, nonetheless I pfind it pfascinating. Thank you for all you are doing. Miss being able to see soothing kitty pics on my feed to help me cope. When the world is melting down, there's nothing like a cat to reassure you life is still purrty great.

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Ben from USMortality failed to reproduce the genome of Wuhan-Hu-1 using MEGAHIT, but I think it might be because he didn't do any quality control or trimming or merging of the reads: https://usmortality.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-genome-assembly, https://github.com/USMortality/Megahit-SARS-CoV-2/blob/master/megahit.sh. Are you able to modify his shell script so it produces the correct result?

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