Seems to me that it doesn’t matter what slam dunk evidence is found on the skulduggery of pfizer, the fda, government will do zip about it. Too much corruption, too much money, too many Positioned people with a vested interest. We are on our own. We need a diagnostic test. But, not sure that will even help.

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I think some trials and executions would go a long way to straightening this situation out.

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But unfortunately, all the Normies still have their heads in the sand!

I can barely get any of the Doctor's in my family to even show any interest. My cousin's CMO at his hospital is on her 6th jab! The funny part is that his hospital is primarily a trauma hospital, but the Chief Medical Officer now wants to open an Oncology dept. due to the amount of cancer patients they are seeing! Coincidence? Nah!

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They will start to notice when this mass die off REALLY ramps up and everyone around them starts to die. Six injections is a ticket to a toe tag. No one can survive 6 injections. I don’t think that any of the MRNA injected folks will live past 5 years from their first injection. I hope I am wrong.

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You got to wonder if they got brain damage from all the shots and other poisons they come in contact with.

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Here is a great video to help you understand what is happening to the brains of the vaccinated. Prepare to be shocked. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/

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Not Shocked!

I witness this new phenomena amongst family and friends, first hand. Its straight out of a Sci-Fi movie! Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie comes to mind; the Pod People. "Dont Fall Asleep!"

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Yup - we are all seeing it. I see it as the sign that they are the walking dead. My fixation with the Twilight Zone when I was a kid makes sense to me now. I was preparing myself for the future.

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Just back from my family doctor about a new lump below my little finger on my left hand. She took it seriously feeling touching, probing questions. She requisitioned X-rays and ultrasound. She wanted to be thorough. I told her about knowing 9 people who in the last 2 years had a cancer diagnosis and now 4 of them are dead. Now, she could have just waved off my concern but she didn’t. The newspaper the Globe and Mail on line article about mortality rate in Canada up 15-20% but they don’t know why. I wonder if doctor’s are seeing more cancer diagnosis but have to stay quiet?

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They know what is happening, they just don't wan to admit it.

Even when it has caused harm to themselves and their own family.

But, when they lay their heads on their pillows at night before they fall asleep, the truth eats at their soul.

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"Suddenly and unexpectedly" fell into an active volcano, while wearing a helmet filled with Asian hornets.

That would be a fitting end for them.

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My vote is for a Woodchipper, feet 1st on slow speed!

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I like the slow speed woodchipper idea. Maybe stop it a few times to ask if it hurts?

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Thank you to all who are on this extraordinary investigation of this enormous crime which killed my 2 sisters our son and my friend

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That is a lot of loss. I am so sorry.

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I like this Jessica. Thanks for this tutorial!

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This is not Jessicas's substack. It's Kevin McKernan's substack.

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thank you Kevin,

will this be in the test?

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It seems science has become the God of medicine deliberately to deceive the people in order to make money when all the time Herbs have been around since beginning of time

All goes back to the elites desire to own the world to depopulate also includes the church whose whole focus is on money and not saving souls

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Hmmmm.... this article seriously makes me wonder if the people in charge don't test any products at all (insert sarcastic tone of voice)

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ThermoFisher Quant-iT™ Endotoxin Detection Assay Kit Catalog Number Q32892 also runs on a Fluorescent microplate reader. What is "Quant-iT™ Endotoxin Reagent (Component A)"

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An excellent solution to this problem is to never inject anything into the body.

(Excepting insulin for those who are diabetic, which said disease quite possibly resulted from a vaccine - the likliest culprit being the DPT shot or one including aluminum hydroxide)

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I just read an article by Dr David Nixon and another by Dr Ana this morning of what they are finding in different shots. It would appear that the makers of these jabs have something for everyone in them.

A bit like a blunderbuss of toxins and biotech aimed squarely at all of humanity.

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#mistakeswereNOTmade 😉

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Any papers from a "main stream acceptable source" for blood clots from Moderna and or Pfizer jabs? A friend who has poo poo'd EVERYTHING I've sent his way for over 2 yrs now. 2 family members of his within 1 week of one another have developed blood clots - one passed away. The other (his mother) has a massive clot in her one leg - Hospital said it is most likely from dental (teeth) removal surgery. His mother has had 4 (or) 5 jabs plus a natural infection this past summer. Aunt was in a care facility so presumably was "up to date" on her jabs. Thanks.

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The quickest way to access what you want is to put specific words in Google since pubmed is not censored. So if you put in > blood clots Moderna covid vaccine" you will come up with an assortment.

One of them is this one:


at that point you go and click on the PMID number in the middle-right

Which takes you to the abstract:


Scroll down and look at "Similar articles" and further down at "cited articles".

Start working through those looking at the ones that interest you.

From that point on, you should be able to continue looking directly in pubmed as you get to know your way around.

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Thank you!

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Kevin, have you seen mycoplasma DNA in your sequencing?

The linked paper suggests that mycoplasma is a common lab culture contaminant and that they have been found as contaminants in vaccines.

Just wondering if you saw evidence of mycoplasma contamination in the modRNA shots or if you know of such in other labs.


Thank you for your work.

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And now we are moving on from Mod RNA 'jabs' to saRNA (self amplifying or maybe that should be self assembling) ... and they say the jabs don't change the DNA, eh?

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Read your "I have now" X post => substack.

Have tried 2x this question on X, both Quote-X and respond to, to no avail:

Any chance to get hold of, & sequence, 2018 to 2020 vials of Barda sponsored MDCK cell line Flu vax produced in Holly Springs, by Seqirus? (re: CDC contamination, COV2 origin & dissemination).

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I would have no idea how to access those samples.

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Me neither, but

a) there should exist such a multi-year doses storage for traceability purposes;

b) if it exists, it can be found & you have the contacts/notoriety.

c) not to mention old stocks forgotten somewhere.

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Let the lawsuits begin! This article, and the others, will be great ammunition for prosecutors.

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To bad there is not a web site based wall of shame for the perps of this human catastrophe. Head and shoulder mugshots with name and last known address.

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