More FOIAs have arrived from Health Canada regarding SV40 and DNA contamination. You need to read these to see what ‘Hide the Ball’ looks like.
Publicly they have declared these sequences are of no consequence.
Privately they are scrambling to get Pfizer to remove this from their vaccines.
My comments on this are in this twitter thread.
In other news Dr. Phillip Buckhaults has made progress designing multiple qPCR assays to really nail down the quantitation with qPCR. We know this method underestimates the problem but he is interested in having more qPCR assays to better screen cancer samples worth sequencing. Use a single assay will miss samples that integrate with DNA not contained in that 100bp assay. The plasmid is 7810 bases long. A single qPCR assay will only pick up ~1/70 of the integration events.
Using many different primer sets he zeros in on earlier lots being over the limit and more recent ones being under 10ng/dose but still questions why this dose is acceptable with LNPs?
We are attempting a slightly different approach to capture integration events using Targeted enrichment and the verdict is still out on which one will perform better. Both parties are putting all of their sequences public pre-publication as that is what collaborative science looks like.
Its important to note that the Health Agencies don’t have any of this detail for the Pfizer qPCR process. Why are citizen scientists more open than the liability free company that enjoys political mandates? Why wont the NIH share the royalties they get from BioNtech for their patents? None of these people can be voted in or out of office. The most ethical ones left as Thomas Massie so eloquently pointed this week.
The temperature at which Liberal Tears sear.
Phillips thread below is an important public disclosure.
Link to Phillips primers and their performance here.
The timing couldn’t be more urgent.
Wafik El-Diery just published a bombshell. Recall that Eric Freed unholy retraction of the Jiang paper. Well, turns out they were right and Eric should answer some questions.
covered this story in great detail.Such irony that Eric’s last name is Freed.
Wafiks paper demonstrated without question that Spike protein interacts with P53 and DNA damage and response pathway. This exists in both the virus and vaccines but has much broader biodistribution and concentrations in the vaccines.
has made note of many more ‘Turbo Cancer’ papers emerging.A good interview of Dr. Makis is here.
At some point the agencies are going to have to start asking adversarial questions of Pfizer. Their emails read as if they are asking questions designed to assure them there is nothing to see here. They just need to debunk this concern to improve fall 2024 adoption! Since when are the Health authorities on the sales and marketing team of Pfizer? How is they cannot google ‘SV40 Promoter’ AND ‘P53’ and come to terms with the fact that this contaminant is known to bind P53? How many times do we need to emphasize Drayman et al and have fact checkers whistle past graveyards?
Who will they turn to to Pfact check Pfizer? Are they going to just take their word on it again? SV40 is not material to plasmid manufacturing? Really. Why is it in there?
As I mentioned in the tweet, if you dont have a promoter for your antibiotic selection gene, you cannot manufacture plasmids as you have no selectable marker. And once the DNA is contaminating the vaccines, it can replicate in mammalian cells.
The Health agency asked Pfizer to check for replication in bacterial cells. This is bonkers. They need to transform mammalian cell lines and watch it reproduce in those cells with qPCR and DNA sequencing.
We have done this and it looks to be replicating in mammalian cells as there are SNPs present in the plasmid that do not exist in the vaccines.
Removing contaminants will not reduce the danger of the mRNA injections, which consist of weaponized coronavirus RNA that attacks and disrupts the vascular endothelium throughout the body when abnormally introduced into the blood stream. This is a weapon of mass murder, not a vaccine. The immune mechanism is incapable of mounting a useful immune response to either DNA or RNA. All useful vaccines consist of purified bacterial or viral PROTEINS, and their development requires many years of careful trial and error and animal and human testing at great expense. The dirty secret is that RNA and DNA can be rapidly and cheaply replicated to produce vast quantities using enzyme technologies. The pharmaceutical companies are guilty of mass murder and should be treated accordingly.
I think they are using the SV40 promoter because it affects transcription in E Coli. While SV40 is commonly used as a promoter for eukaryotes/mammalian cells, it is known to act as a promoter in E Coli and other prokaryotes. Side note: The downstream gene, AmpR, does not do anything in mammalian cells anyways because mammalian cells are naturally resistant to ampicillin (Amp) and kanamycin (Kan).
Given the high level of engineering in the plasmid (both Pfizer and Moderna are well aware of the interaction between custom T7 polymerases and the T7 promoter in the plasmid), it is likely that the choice of and location of the SV40 promoter is very intentional. Pfizer has the experts in this field and know why it's in there. It also appears that they told regulations that it does nothing in the production process- that seems unlikely because they could simply remove it without affecting production.
Moderna uses an engineered T7 polymerase:
Politically, it seems that US regulators are operating by a new set of rules where they allow more unsafe products onto the market. This gives them leverage against pfizer, moderna, etc. It's like a mafia extortion racket where the mafia threatens to burn down your business unless you pay them; however, they need business owners to have businesses that are flammable.