'someone had to actively delete this region before handing this to regulators'

game, set, and match

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I hope your right but never underestimate your opponent.

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no, correct

i am in court right this instant listening to counsel for Pfizer and Moderna in our Australian GMO proceedings

.. they are trying everything on


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I actually took a break from a killer sudoku (check your spelling - no one gets this right - LOL) puzzle to read your article. I can't get away from those damned addictive puzzles and you mention it here. Argghhh. (or Arf Arf). I don't understand most of the gene stuff and microbiology, or I shy away from it for strategic reasons, but from what you wrote, there is evidence of "reckless" state of mind at the very least. Going along with the act and the resultant injury, we are in felony territory or 5 to life on the max side. I wonder if Chris has done his genealogy line.

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Kevin, this is nothing new. Two historical events are important to add into this discussion:.

1a) In the 60's and 70s, the then regulatory body, the Division of Biologics Standards in the NIH, knew that the SALK (and later Sabin) vaccines were contaminated with a vacuolating virus in 1957, but they shut down Dr Bernice Eddy's research down and silenced her until Sweet and Hilleman published their work on SV40 in 1960. So during all those years, the adenovirus vaccines, the early measles vaccines and the polio vaccines all had - at the very LEAST - a virus called SV 40. There were at least 56 SV40 viruses known by 1964, to have been identified by 1964.

1b) The Canadian vaccine company, Connaught, sent all their vaccine to New Zealand for a pittance fee, KNOWING from 1960, that it had SV40 in it, and from 1956 - 1964, New Zealand was knowingly saturated with SV40 contaminated vaccine, and the sent a letter to the government saying that it was easy to get rid of SV40 using baking soda.

That is the sentence version of that story though. There is so much more that could be said.

Regulatory capture and pharmaceutical company underhandedness has always existed, so this is tactic of information deletion, is nothing new.

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SV40 promoter and enhancer do not equal SV40 virus....not even close.

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"Something that should not be there in Green running from 11:30 to 6:00. This is a mystery ORF described by Beaudoin et al. No one knows what the hell this is" -- at the same time, embalmers report strange "clots", which are apparently liquid at normal temperature, and solidify when the cadaver cools down. Could there be a connection, perhaps this novel blood contaminant is related to whatever is produced from that frame?

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Just to mention, (assuming you're speaking of what I've been reading about,) it seems that surgeons have been pulling these huge white 'clots' out of people's hearts in surgery, and these do not appear to be liquid at body temps in live jabbed people.

But reading here that proteins from silk, fibroin and collagen were identified made me think of the above, as well, and I'll certainly be interested in any answer you might get!

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Wow! Great work here.

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Hi mate

I understand you'd be busy but I would like to pay a lab to look for any alterations and what I would ask for, I'm in Perth Australia.

Not to be paranoid but I sent samples of my blood overseas and the samples supposedly stolen by package thieves. How do we ensure the sample isn't passed on etc,

Any advice and/or a lab would be appreciated.

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What bothers me is that in Australian I know a man who got Covid (after being faxed and boosted), he ended up getting hospitalized. They told his family he had “Covid leukemia” and he died just a few weeks later in intensive care. His family seems to believe itwas Covid and not the vaccine but there are reports of post vaccination leukemia in the medical literature. Also Pfizer just invested $43 billion into battling cancer. This is predatory capitalism and justice needs to be settled.

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First time in my life I'm ashamed of my country. A disgrace of the highest order that the loses incurred, the scars that made Anzac day and most important day of the year and we smash the Nurenberg code with numbers that would make hitler blush.

To know that your fellow countrymen would have been pulling the gold teeth out of dead jews in ww2(for the greater good of course). Made much worse by the (supposed) much higher standards of education and the lessons from WW2 to have learnt from.

The only way i see justice being served is by waking people up. This is why I'm basically a resource sharing bot, hour's a day highlighting, sharing, debating all to reach one person at a time.

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Damon, there aren't too many aware people in any "western" country that isn't ashamed of their country.

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And we should be Hilary, as the saying goes you get the politicians you deserve.

Like most I spent my life just following the flow and i have as much a portion of the blame as anyone else, even the sociopaths. Afterall they are like a scorpion, and follow their nature slavishly.

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Damon, it wouldn't have mattered that much if you hadn't spent your life floating with the river. I've spent my life going against the flow - always voting for politicians with ethics, who are rarely part of any government..

When I first started publicly questioning vaccines, I was the only person in the country doing so, and it was, and still is, a brutal position to be in in terms of both the media and the provaccine follow-the-flow majority. I persisted, wrote two books, and a few doctors in this country started to see another side.

And most of those doctors lost their jobs and some their licenses, like this one who was turned around by my first book, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzZZt_COm1s

If you study the history of vaccines you know this. First, every single vaccine ever thought of right from the time of Jenner, has had disasters that most people have no idea about, because the very system that refuses to keep accurate data on vaccine reactions, is the system that benefits financially from not doing their jobs, and is the system that hides the information.

The medical system has always been fundamentally corrupt at the top levels, which is why the Lancet was started in 1823. Now, the Lancet is a lackey like most of the others.

In 100 years, the medical textbooks on covid will say that covid was vanquished by a miracle mRNA vaccine which was safe, effective, pure and had no side effects.

That has been the system's MO from 1800, and it's actually written into the Federal Register as the way it must be.

Every era has had loads of doctors and people who have woken up and who have fought against the current, and paid the price, and the result has been tiddly winks resulting in diddly-squat.

Why? Because the system makes sure that those fighting against the current are seen as outliers, who don't know what they are talking about, and are fruit-cakes and conspiracy theorists. It's always been the way.

Going against the flow is very very hard to do, and the stress of doing it, makes sure that many don't, Yes you will be the stronger for it in many ways, but the reality is that real progress is almost impossible, because it's the dead fish that go with the flow who determine who gets into power, and also keep everyone who thinks for themselves, "beyond the pale" as the irish would say....

Which is why many people look back and say, "oh to be of bovine ilk, to just chew the cud and make the milk".

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Sorry Hilary, your post was such an excellent piece I didn't want to reply while on night shift and not sharp.

I'm on rnr and still as blunt as evwr but if I have one strength its endurance and one at a time I'm waking people up.

Better late than never hey ;)

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Did you know the plaque at Auschwitz now only reads 1.5 million, all inclusive? Did you know that said camp had a swimming pool, soccer field, horse stables, maternity ward, daycare center, theater, brothel, and commissary? Did you know that over 3000 babies were birthed in Auschwitz with not a single mortality? Did you know that simply pointing any of these facts out will result in mandatory prison time in several countries in the EU? WWII was horrific enough without all the grotesque embellishments. https://twitter.com/uspakoise

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Its actually caused by the SARS2 spike RGD and ECD motifs- normally they would not show such dramatic physiological presentation, but the mRNA are giga LNP spike factories- so the blood coagulant presentation is a result of use of whole spike without scanning for potential pathological pathway triggers that show distinct homology in full genome alphafold scan with other viruses with these motifs that present such pathologies- Basically the vaccine companies did no assessment of the spike motifs for potential toxic effects and then rolled out spike factories where most of the mRNA plasmids do not even fucking target with high efficacy uptake the target cells for spike protein production- therefore the vaccine are just plain toxic as fuck- what this shows is just how shitty corporate medicine really is... I will not be surprised if Pfizer and Modern end up on the Bud light chopping block

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When you brought up the match to silk Fibrin protein in the Plasmid, my mind immediately went to the white calamari clots we are seeing. Has anyone sequenced those clots for evidence of Plasmid DNA sequences? (The only work I’ve seen done is Graphene related, so the kook’s have already pre-poisoned that well 🤦🙄)

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Kevin watched your Rumble interview with Chris M, BB and SK. Byram expressed surprise that Moderna's latest vaccine still had jetsum in it... and you said that because of the 1986 NVIC Act, there was no incentive to clean it up.

Would another rationale be, that to clean it up would be acknowledgement of their stuff up, and a potetial "legal weapon" against them?

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Brilliant sleuthing. Someone needs to transfect muscle cells (heck, try 293Ts while your at it) with this vector (alongside the one that Pfizer submitted), run supernatant and cell lysate on SDS and see if protein band predominates at the size predicted for this strange orf. Also run western and probe with anti-spidroin mAb.

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Kevin, might Dr Lee have any thoughts on the green line?

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> Maybe someone can predict the odds of this happening by chance as we dont see overlapping ORFs this long in humans?

There are 4^3 = 64 codons, three of which are stop codons. So p = 3/64 chance any given codon is a stop. The chance two in a row will *not* be a stop is then (1 - p)^2, for three it is (1 - p)^3 and so on. To go 1k codons without a stop would be (1 - p)^1000 = 1.4e-21.

However that assumes each nucleotide in the sequence is totally independent of the others, which is not at all true. It would be better to find data on the distribution of nucleotides between stop codons in various genomes

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How do I get my blood tested for dna contamination from Moderna shot? I was a participant in the Serimmune study, had my antibodies tested for 2 years, last one in August 2023. My antibody levels stayed pretty high even though it had been 2 years since vaccine in August 2021. Please contact me !

Serimmune just announced they are no longer acquiring more data for their study.

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Any thoughts on the argument presented at https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2023/10/21/vaers-and-plasmid-dna-contamination-of-covid-19-vaccines-the-nonsense-continues/ ?

How is the person without a scientific background to know who to trust?

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I've come across that site before. Putting their smug arrogance aside, and the fact they have a category called "ANTIVACCINE NONSENSE," and the character assassinations they do on people for whom we know better, the best a layperson can do is look at the results.

Have you ever heard of heart cancer? It used to be so rare, a cardiopulmonary doctor may never see one case in his entire career, now it's a thing. thecovidblog.com includes in every article they write a list of 20-40 unusual deaths, typically in young, healthy people, documenting their injection status wherever possible.


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That's the website of David Gorski, one of the biggest Big Pharma shills on God's green earth.

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Tried and confirmed (and now SnapGene sales ppl bugging me lol)! Also, Kevin: can you remind me, for the objectors, of how you got the Pbiv1_WM_k141_107.fa file? Is that from some FOIA of the documentation that Pfizer turned in? Thanks for your work!

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Perhaps that 1.2k AA unknown ORF was put there as negative feedback. Eg, at some point they added SV40 enhancer then wanted RNAi to limit the max production. Strange that its so dissimilar to all reported sequences.

Anyway, it doesn't need to be translated to be biologically active.

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I ran the sequence of that unknown ORF through some protein domain prediction algorithms.

Here a pore is predicted from residues 80-133, and top GO terms are for ion channel, nucleotide/side binding, and catalytic activity:


Then FUpred predicts a 7-domain protein:


Those links should stay good for a couple days at least.

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Also, have you tried asking Pfizer why its there?

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