Very expensive to do with humans, human subjects protocols, IRBs, therefore big bucks, draws the attention of bought off mole in the institutions, Big Pharma comes in and pays someone to shut it down, or 6 ways to Sunday , including having unhealthy things happen to you or your family,
Very expensive to do with humans, human subjects protocols, IRBs, therefore big bucks, draws the attention of bought off mole in the institutions, Big Pharma comes in and pays someone to shut it down, or 6 ways to Sunday , including having unhealthy things happen to you or your family,
Very expensive to do with humans, human subjects protocols, IRBs, therefore big bucks, draws the attention of bought off mole in the institutions, Big Pharma comes in and pays someone to shut it down, or 6 ways to Sunday , including having unhealthy things happen to you or your family,