thank you Kevin,

.. my disgust is overwhelming me tonight

many thanks to Rebekah Barnett and Dr Melissa McCann

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here's mine :) since added yours - it's awesome


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Here' mine. Published ahead of Rebekah's, but much shorter.


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The Truth cannot be contained.

They condemn themselves with their own words.

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I do hope Senator Rennik reads your substack.

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Thank you, for all you do !

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Great work again Kevin/Jess/Rebekah.

Just looked back at the plasmid map from the 2023 analysis and there is no CMV promoter labelled... but that was the bivalent (later) version. Could the CMV promoter be in the original plasmid, then they swapped it out for the bivalent run? Or have the TGA got something different in their records to what was actually used/declared?

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Not enough vials have been sequenced.

Maybe 5 at most.

So far the only CMV-spike plasmid was found in the colon cancer biopsy.

4X vaxxed with Pfizer.

2 of those lots were the earliest and highest adverse event E lots.

Need to get those sequenced.

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In response to my post below on Unacceptable Jessica substack, rjt posted:

"Have a close read of Mr. McKernan's posts.

My understanding is that the DNA contaminant may have been a result of the analytic technique. It will take at least an alternate analytic scheme to actually demonstrate the DNA contamination. (The long article is challenging and far beyond my ability!)"

Is this correct?

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi has reportedly said in an interview in Germany that German scientists have just discovered the bacterial DNA from the contaminants in the mRNA shots first reported on by Kevin McKernan inside the cells of a patient with hyperprogressive cancer. Thanks to you for alerting us to this Karsten. Waiting with bated breath for more on this, which nobody seems to be following up.


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Nobel prize (or some more meaningful recognition should go to the practical-genius founder of howbadismybatch.com which initially demonstrated to everyone that the COVID Jab batches were not uniform in content. And honors to the hero researchers who are finding out WHAT is not uniform.

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TGA lies on camera .

Both staff members claim the TGA does not overrule the cause of death from health professionals or coroners.

Then admit they do.

Media will not touch this as it “might cause vixx hesitancy”

Professor Rawler-1.13 "the TGA is not in the practise of overruling the causes of death determined by a coroner or a treating health professional"

Dr Larter-2.34 "we do not overrule the decisions of coroners or the cause of death.

What we do is consider the cause of death using the WHO causality assessment framework

Where a case is being causally linked to vaccination, we did publish those in our weekly reports.And where cases were considered by a vaccine safety investigation group and they were found not to be causally linked they are also published.

(An individual death related to the vaccine determined by a coroner or health practioner is brought in)

4.15 Using the WHO causality assessment framework it has not been assessed as being causally linked which is why it has not been published as one of the 14 deaths associated with the vaccination.


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Agree… wtf

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Thanks for this thread. Only the gullible lost souls and paid off believe what is coming out of the governments mouth. This is the silver lining of the Covid-19 era. The visibility of the weak and corrupt.

Reinstating all personal and corporate liability will help fix this mess. When any entity is not held responsible for their actions, their actions soon turn corrupt and greedy.

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Satan or Aliens? Or is Satan an Alien?

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Nope. But pretty good at impersonating an alien.

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Ding ding ding!

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ISO/IEC 17025 : General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories



The standard states that the laboratory ‘must keep confidential all information obtained or created during the performance of laboratory activities, except as required by law’.

It’s the responsibility of the lab to keep this information confidential. They should only use customer information for the purposes of communication or to assist in lab activities.

ISO/IEC 17025 defines confidentiality as ‘the protection of information to ensure that data is accessible only to authorized personnel and is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities or processes’.

Confidential information refers to all technical and non-technical information that a customer supplies to the lab. This can include procedures or methods shared by the customer, or their measurement results and reports. But it also includes things like contract documentation and any specifications provided to the lab.

So there.

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More on the use of CMV promoter in ONCEPT Melanoma DNA Plasmid treatment studied by TGA and approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to

create a new entry for plasmid DNA (rE. coli DH5α pINGhT) in Schedule 4 of the Poisons Standard, with no exemption cut-off.

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Frankly, I would expect a better sheen on the bullshit it if was done by undergrads. This is just woeful, and we haven't got to the germline stuff yet!

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