I might add, that they select which films to crowd source based on peer review of "guild members", so in similar function, scientists basically would have to present the study they're trying to conduct, and get a peer-based approval rating before financial support came. There's a bit of salesmanship involved, admittedly, but perhaps it would be a way to prioritize the kinds of studies that need to be done, as opposed to some of the studies that Rand Paul is so famous for disclosing to the world as an example of ridiculous studies. Having financial investors back the studies might be a worthwhile funding option, if results can be made profitable in terms of patents, etc.
We might find out how cheaply a really good study can be conducted, with innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. Just have to ensure that it's not blocked by a corrupt regulatory body (if one exists).
I would like to see more on 5G. I don't read the NY Times (which I don't trust anyway) nor do I read journals on molecular biology or the stuff that Anandamide writes about. But I do have a pretty good mind and loved medicine when I was working. I retired because I was worn out.
I am sure Anandamide can live with rejection. His story here is fascinating and it is awful what happened to this 22 year old man.
I have a good book on 5G and read papers on it. I don't know enough about 5G but I would like to avoid it. Sometimes when driving and the radio is on with an AM news show I get massive loud static when I enter certain areas. This might be from 4G as we do not have 5G towers where I live.
I will look up Mona Nilsson because you mentioned her. Thanks for the tip.
It is vital for everyone to know how captured and agendized the scientific literature is, not just medicine. It's constipating the discovery pipeline worse than cutting off all government and private grants could ever do. If there were no forum for pre-prints, we would be so hosed.
(The decentralized publishing idea that Kevin has brought up is a good solution if the interface would be easy enough for non-programmers.)
He knows and he knows more than we might think, but when he comes with it forward then…what you think? He’ll be parked somewhere in an underground shelter, maybe in one of the resisting Gaza tunnels.
They don’t care. I mean it’s been perfectly obvious they don’t care- wish we could make them but we can’t not! I myself admire everything you’ve done. I’m not smart but you prove the wrongs all the time. I appreciate you all. Thanks Doc~ Jessica
People subscribe to Substack. I would certainly imagine that a citizen research science platform would be viable option😉. Hell of a lot more interesting than a standard gofundme!😉 Direct donations of money, equipment, and or time, from interested independent parties and as long as all of it was meticulously detailed (as its all suppised to be anyway!), it would tick the no conflicts boxes. 🤗
Cambridge and Oxford have been doing the ultimate gate keeping every since they lost Newton to Einstein and Eddington. They were not about to lose Darwin after the Atheists and their religion of pseudo science Scientism co-opted Darwin. “Never, even in my wildest fluctuations, have I ever been an Atheist. In the sense of denying the existence of God.”
Even Uber Atheist Hawking proved the existence of Infinity. The Alpha&Omega. He just could not give up his Ego Worship Idolatry. And made him self the center of the universe. “When I die, all the lights will go out.” Yet, 🙃 he died, and all the lights are still on. Even the lights in our dreams. 🧐 But God respects the gift He gave us of free will. You may have your circular logical Black Hole of Ego Worship if that is your choice. Yet most school children can see there can’t be 8+ Billion human centers of our universe. But now we all know the earth, the sun and Atheists are Not the centers of our universe. In hind sight, as most cosmologists now agree, there is no real center. Just a rainbow chasing mirage caused by Relativity. Infinity has no boundaries with which to Define a center.
With out free will, True Love can’t exist. Just puppets. With out tests, free will is useless.
Repeating the harmonics in Ave Maria over and over in linear time the 100% success id the hard scientific evidence that God exists. And destroys the Clock Maker theory at the same time. A sample rate version of the whole Infinite can never = the whole. Ergo, science as the “God of the Gaps” is as silly as Hawking as the center of our universe.
The fact that linear tine only moves forwards, and is not randomized, proves God. In an atheist random universe, linear time would pause, jump backwards and forwards randomly. In a random atheist universe, harmonics in languages and music would just decay into random atheist gibberish.
Scientism has eclipsed critical thinking in most people. And this is by design. Here is something that will be required reading at the appropriate age of my homeschooled children.
Elsevier are deeply complicit in the crimes of the injectable BioWeapons programs - and have been all along.
I'm fairly certain that they inexplicably pulled a paper from Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jessica Rose (that they had already published/posted), early-on in the roll-out of the lethal injections.
I went looking for some papers on SV40 and Mesothelioma because it was pointed out that mesothelioma.net is run by litigation people (ambulance chasers was the imputation), and found this:
Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a DNA tumor virus capable of infecting and transforming human mesothelial (HM) cells in vitro. Hamsters injected intracardially to expose most tissue types to SV40 preferentially develop mesotheliomas. In humans, asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma, and asbestos and SV40 are co-carcinogens in transforming HM cells in tissue culture and in causing mesothelioma in hamsters. Laser microdissection experiments conducted in the laboratory of Adi Gazdar demonstrated that SV40 was present specifically in the malignant mesothelioma cells and not in nearby stromal cells. Further experiments demonstrated that SV40 remains episomal in HM cells and astrocytes because of the production of a long antisense RNA that represses viral capsid protein production. Thus, the potent SV40 oncoprotein, T-antigen (Tag), is expressed, but because the capsid proteins are not produced, the cells are not lysed and, instead, become transformed. Together this evidence suggests that SV40 may contribute to the development of mesotheliomas in humans. However ..."
the NAtional LIbrary of science lists 259 publications having the SV40 and mesothelioma keywords or in title or in abstract, or both. The oldest one from 1987 from NCI in MAryland! For so long the scientists knew, how important mRNA levels are and yet they steel it in artificial gene therapies.., Here that abstract, quote:
"Steady state mRNA levels for transforming growth factor beta, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A-chain, and PDGF B-chain were measured in normal human mesothelial cells, SV40 large T-antigen expressing human mesothelial cells, and human mesothelioma cell lines. The mRNA expression level for transforming growth factor beta was similar in all three types of culture while normal human mesothelial cells secrete more transforming growth factor beta than do mesothelioma cell lines or T-antigen expressing mesothelial cells. In contrast, both PDGF A- and B-chain mRNAs are expressed at higher levels in mesothelioma cell lines than in normal human mesothelial cells. PDGF-like mitogenic activity was readily detectable in medium conditioned by a mesothelioma cell line and was undetectable in conditioned medium from normal cells. These results suggest the hypothesis that PDGF may be an autocrine growth factor in mesothelioma. "
No doubt some will claim that it is only the whole SV40 virus and not the SV40 promoter that causes these problems so it is still safe and effective to inject people with lots of SV40 promoters.
from 1963 is referring all cancer growths to viruses, while saying the following abut the transmissible SV40:
The polyoma virus entity is a member of the "Papova" group of nuclear DNA viruses that includes the Shope papilloma and the vacuolating Simian virus 40. The Simian virus, after passage through tissue culture, has produced
sarcomas in hamsters at the site of injection (25).
The entire knowledge apparatus is corrupt and using people for nefarious gain. For example, Microsoft practically owns the access to information down here at my noxious ivy covered mudbrick university. If I want to download a paper I have to go through all the usual BS and at the very end, MS demands the passkey that unlocks my phone. Why the plook do they absolutely need that?
It's safe to assume that every company is scraping every electronic device one owns.
Unfortunately, for a permabroke mildly unsuccessful person such as myself, there's not a whole lot I can do about the intrusiveness of this current state of affairs.
There is so much online stuff about viruses and JN-1 that it all gets very confusing, added to which everything directs you towards vaccines as the only way out of the solution, vaccines which in turn injure and kill - if the medical establishment don't push vaccines, they are deregistered and not allowed to practice medicine.
We need stability, from which we can order our lives accordingly. My understanding of JN-1 is that it is natural to nature and no particular threat in itself and bird flu which has been around for millions of years, does not jump to Humans yet, just like viruses which have been around for millions of years too - they did not just happen - but because the vaccine makers have got everyone motivated to vaccinate from past forced Covid virus scares, there is a mad panic to get vaccinated for any and every new virus concocted, to make you even more gullible and maleable and vulnerable, it seems to me.
The best advice I saw on substack - the natural salt water cure, when you think you are coming down with something: 3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do this simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), the tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.
The author has been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and is never sick from viruses and I'm not either now,too.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.
Nobody has been injured or killed by the author's above salt water cure
It is what I do and continue to do now and always.
Say No to vaccines and do this instead, a nice, safe, natural cure, which the old people in India, where the Elephants are, have been doing for hundreds of years - and Alberta University in tests, gave it 100% effective. Better "something" than nothing, for your next virus.
I recently interviewed Mona Nilsson out of Sweden, one of the only scientists researching the health effects of 5G.
When I asked her why there were so few studies - she told me how much it costs!
If you're an independent scientist - you need decentralized options other than the mainstream model.
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" or the science.. A. Rothschild
Then in 1789 the French Revolution began exactly as the Rothschild wanted it.
Angel Studios distributes films based on a "crowd-sourcing" model. Perhaps the same could be done here?
I might add, that they select which films to crowd source based on peer review of "guild members", so in similar function, scientists basically would have to present the study they're trying to conduct, and get a peer-based approval rating before financial support came. There's a bit of salesmanship involved, admittedly, but perhaps it would be a way to prioritize the kinds of studies that need to be done, as opposed to some of the studies that Rand Paul is so famous for disclosing to the world as an example of ridiculous studies. Having financial investors back the studies might be a worthwhile funding option, if results can be made profitable in terms of patents, etc.
We might find out how cheaply a really good study can be conducted, with innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. Just have to ensure that it's not blocked by a corrupt regulatory body (if one exists).
I would like to see more on 5G. I don't read the NY Times (which I don't trust anyway) nor do I read journals on molecular biology or the stuff that Anandamide writes about. But I do have a pretty good mind and loved medicine when I was working. I retired because I was worn out.
I am sure Anandamide can live with rejection. His story here is fascinating and it is awful what happened to this 22 year old man.
I have a good book on 5G and read papers on it. I don't know enough about 5G but I would like to avoid it. Sometimes when driving and the radio is on with an AM news show I get massive loud static when I enter certain areas. This might be from 4G as we do not have 5G towers where I live.
I will look up Mona Nilsson because you mentioned her. Thanks for the tip.
It is vital for everyone to know how captured and agendized the scientific literature is, not just medicine. It's constipating the discovery pipeline worse than cutting off all government and private grants could ever do. If there were no forum for pre-prints, we would be so hosed.
(The decentralized publishing idea that Kevin has brought up is a good solution if the interface would be easy enough for non-programmers.)
Heart cancer? Yeah this is a bombshell.
Send it to Kennedy.
Are there other journals that are better at accepting this science?
He knows and he knows more than we might think, but when he comes with it forward then…what you think? He’ll be parked somewhere in an underground shelter, maybe in one of the resisting Gaza tunnels.
Cardiac mesothelioma, that is huge, and must be made known to cardiologists and oncologists, but will it?
Along with a generous $ix figure check
They don’t care. I mean it’s been perfectly obvious they don’t care- wish we could make them but we can’t not! I myself admire everything you’ve done. I’m not smart but you prove the wrongs all the time. I appreciate you all. Thanks Doc~ Jessica
We need to get rid of the mainstream model completely because it is thoroughly biased! Against HUMANITY!🥲
People subscribe to Substack. I would certainly imagine that a citizen research science platform would be viable option😉. Hell of a lot more interesting than a standard gofundme!😉 Direct donations of money, equipment, and or time, from interested independent parties and as long as all of it was meticulously detailed (as its all suppised to be anyway!), it would tick the no conflicts boxes. 🤗
Cambridge and Oxford have been doing the ultimate gate keeping every since they lost Newton to Einstein and Eddington. They were not about to lose Darwin after the Atheists and their religion of pseudo science Scientism co-opted Darwin. “Never, even in my wildest fluctuations, have I ever been an Atheist. In the sense of denying the existence of God.”
Even Uber Atheist Hawking proved the existence of Infinity. The Alpha&Omega. He just could not give up his Ego Worship Idolatry. And made him self the center of the universe. “When I die, all the lights will go out.” Yet, 🙃 he died, and all the lights are still on. Even the lights in our dreams. 🧐 But God respects the gift He gave us of free will. You may have your circular logical Black Hole of Ego Worship if that is your choice. Yet most school children can see there can’t be 8+ Billion human centers of our universe. But now we all know the earth, the sun and Atheists are Not the centers of our universe. In hind sight, as most cosmologists now agree, there is no real center. Just a rainbow chasing mirage caused by Relativity. Infinity has no boundaries with which to Define a center.
With out free will, True Love can’t exist. Just puppets. With out tests, free will is useless.
Repeating the harmonics in Ave Maria over and over in linear time the 100% success id the hard scientific evidence that God exists. And destroys the Clock Maker theory at the same time. A sample rate version of the whole Infinite can never = the whole. Ergo, science as the “God of the Gaps” is as silly as Hawking as the center of our universe.
The fact that linear tine only moves forwards, and is not randomized, proves God. In an atheist random universe, linear time would pause, jump backwards and forwards randomly. In a random atheist universe, harmonics in languages and music would just decay into random atheist gibberish.
Pray it forward, 🙏🙏🙏
Scientism has eclipsed critical thinking in most people. And this is by design. Here is something that will be required reading at the appropriate age of my homeschooled children.
Elsevier are deeply complicit in the crimes of the injectable BioWeapons programs - and have been all along.
I'm fairly certain that they inexplicably pulled a paper from Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jessica Rose (that they had already published/posted), early-on in the roll-out of the lethal injections.
Very well written!
Seems as though there is corruption everywhere we look these days. “May the force be with us”
"an expert in the field".
Is a nicer way of saying "we fact checked you".
I went looking for some papers on SV40 and Mesothelioma because it was pointed out that mesothelioma.net is run by litigation people (ambulance chasers was the imputation), and found this:
Are there any others?
Then there is this:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32206570/ (SV40 and human mesothelioma)
Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a DNA tumor virus capable of infecting and transforming human mesothelial (HM) cells in vitro. Hamsters injected intracardially to expose most tissue types to SV40 preferentially develop mesotheliomas. In humans, asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma, and asbestos and SV40 are co-carcinogens in transforming HM cells in tissue culture and in causing mesothelioma in hamsters. Laser microdissection experiments conducted in the laboratory of Adi Gazdar demonstrated that SV40 was present specifically in the malignant mesothelioma cells and not in nearby stromal cells. Further experiments demonstrated that SV40 remains episomal in HM cells and astrocytes because of the production of a long antisense RNA that represses viral capsid protein production. Thus, the potent SV40 oncoprotein, T-antigen (Tag), is expressed, but because the capsid proteins are not produced, the cells are not lysed and, instead, become transformed. Together this evidence suggests that SV40 may contribute to the development of mesotheliomas in humans. However ..."
the NAtional LIbrary of science lists 259 publications having the SV40 and mesothelioma keywords or in title or in abstract, or both. The oldest one from 1987 from NCI in MAryland! For so long the scientists knew, how important mRNA levels are and yet they steel it in artificial gene therapies.., Here that abstract, quote:
"Steady state mRNA levels for transforming growth factor beta, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A-chain, and PDGF B-chain were measured in normal human mesothelial cells, SV40 large T-antigen expressing human mesothelial cells, and human mesothelioma cell lines. The mRNA expression level for transforming growth factor beta was similar in all three types of culture while normal human mesothelial cells secrete more transforming growth factor beta than do mesothelioma cell lines or T-antigen expressing mesothelial cells. In contrast, both PDGF A- and B-chain mRNAs are expressed at higher levels in mesothelioma cell lines than in normal human mesothelial cells. PDGF-like mitogenic activity was readily detectable in medium conditioned by a mesothelioma cell line and was undetectable in conditioned medium from normal cells. These results suggest the hypothesis that PDGF may be an autocrine growth factor in mesothelioma. "
Thanks. I need to figure out how to search for those 259 publications.
at the same source just type: SV40 and mesothelioma
You can add more search options and then sort them...
No doubt some will claim that it is only the whole SV40 virus and not the SV40 promoter that causes these problems so it is still safe and effective to inject people with lots of SV40 promoters.
from 1963 is referring all cancer growths to viruses, while saying the following abut the transmissible SV40:
The polyoma virus entity is a member of the "Papova" group of nuclear DNA viruses that includes the Shope papilloma and the vacuolating Simian virus 40. The Simian virus, after passage through tissue culture, has produced
sarcomas in hamsters at the site of injection (25).
The entire knowledge apparatus is corrupt and using people for nefarious gain. For example, Microsoft practically owns the access to information down here at my noxious ivy covered mudbrick university. If I want to download a paper I have to go through all the usual BS and at the very end, MS demands the passkey that unlocks my phone. Why the plook do they absolutely need that?
Well that's horrifying. I would seriously get a phone just for that use if I absolutely needed to be in that situation/place. Privacy is worth money.
It's safe to assume that every company is scraping every electronic device one owns.
Unfortunately, for a permabroke mildly unsuccessful person such as myself, there's not a whole lot I can do about the intrusiveness of this current state of affairs.
There is so much online stuff about viruses and JN-1 that it all gets very confusing, added to which everything directs you towards vaccines as the only way out of the solution, vaccines which in turn injure and kill - if the medical establishment don't push vaccines, they are deregistered and not allowed to practice medicine.
We need stability, from which we can order our lives accordingly. My understanding of JN-1 is that it is natural to nature and no particular threat in itself and bird flu which has been around for millions of years, does not jump to Humans yet, just like viruses which have been around for millions of years too - they did not just happen - but because the vaccine makers have got everyone motivated to vaccinate from past forced Covid virus scares, there is a mad panic to get vaccinated for any and every new virus concocted, to make you even more gullible and maleable and vulnerable, it seems to me.
The best advice I saw on substack - the natural salt water cure, when you think you are coming down with something: 3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do this simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), the tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.
The author has been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and is never sick from viruses and I'm not either now,too.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.
Nobody has been injured or killed by the author's above salt water cure
It is what I do and continue to do now and always.
Say No to vaccines and do this instead, a nice, safe, natural cure, which the old people in India, where the Elephants are, have been doing for hundreds of years - and Alberta University in tests, gave it 100% effective. Better "something" than nothing, for your next virus.