Jul 17, 2023Liked by Anandamide

Thank you Kevin. The truth will prevail. We are fortunate that you are doing this work. Peace.

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I see this as a major upgrade. I wonder if it would be sensitive enough to detect the vaccine contaminants in the blood of recently-vaccinated patients (although many of them would probably rather not know).

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The problem we have here in the deep state of Australia is no one wants to touch this with a ten foot pole. We are struggling to get a long covid clinic let alone a vaccine injury clinic. These tests should be running across our country not only for “those worried” but for those INJURED! In fact they should be locked into a nation wide testing protocol! Thanks for all you amazing work! Keep it up!

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This is very very useful to those living in fear .

Although blood disorders and heart issues such as myocardial issues are huge , the recent spike in cancers is off the charts .

If we have a tool to do early intervention to those living with high susceptibility , then we at least have a fighting chance to save these people .

Moreover those diagnosed with cancer need better and more info on ALTERNATIVE CANCER TREATMENTS , because frankly chemo, radiation. are not nice and will fail in most cases while making big pharma rich


Simple safe and cheap orthomolecular Medicine supplements like high dose vitamin C, selenium, iodine NAC and a new better diet as well as induced autophagy ate far superior to listening to your oncologist who offers big pharma solutions.

There are fantastic resources for education on better ways to treat cancer .

The earlier you start treating and intervening the better.

The TRUTH ABOUT CANCER many docu series done by Ty and Charlene ate fantastic.

CHRIS CURED CANCER is another excellent program .

There is HOPE and real ways to improve health and MIRACLES happen .

Here is just one man's story.


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Is SV40 in the ModeRNA vaxx version as well? When you comment on the bottom that monocytes have the most persistent spike are you referring to the vaxx spike or the actual covid spike? Does the spike from the actual infection persist and replicate just like the vaxx? These are important questions for all of us I think. I’m not vaxxed but did have 2 bouts of what was probably covid; I wouldn’t test either- God knows what was on those swabs!!

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Kevin you say, "This assay may be helpful to track which tissues may have SV40 elements from the Pfizer vaccine still present."

So how would you test for this? If the SV40 is integrated in cellular tissues, what would you test? A blood sample?

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This is very important: the facts coming out showing the vaxx-protocols were “intentionally not made exactly the same.” It’s important to “understand” these bioweapons have varied ingredients—lab by lab, batch by batch, region by region, with a well-panned timeline of varied stages to be unleashed on the general public—which have varied differences and purpose. This includes the evolution of the common-cold-causing coronavirus harvested from nature that have been modified into what’s known as COVID-19 (starting prior to 2015 in the United States, Texas, then shipped to China, Ukraine…)

It’s important for all the researchers, worldwide, to start communicating and bringing all this data together, in full sunlight, so all the researchers, including the general public, “understand” that the ingredients of each vaxx within “some of the batches” were varied, including some batches containing empty banks (not placebos as most doctors & researchers use for legitimate scientific research & “understanding” of effectiveness).

This is a well planned bioweapons program with multiple purposes “they” still expect to deliver over many years, with the help of their very controlled media, politicians, directors of investigative agencies, judges, attorney generals, and many million high ranking police throughout the entire world. This Crime Against Humanity has been developing for centuries, not just the past three years. As AI science has evolved over the past few decades, they have been methodically building on their “understanding” of mRNA & microdot science being developed as well—not only for their mass genocide program—but also for organ harvesting, DNA manipulation and eventually complete control over the remaining sheeple, until they no longer need the less-than-human lab-rats they allowed to remain, and will kill them, too. Diabolical doesn’t even come close to describing what’s really going on, and right in plain sight.

This is not a conspiracy theory, but an ongoing, real conspiracy against humanity by just a slim few (less than one-tenth of one percent—of the one percent—at the very top of this very sick pyramid); Criminally-Insane, Eugenicist, money-junky, ultra-wealthy Trillionares—who control their complicit ultra-rich few billionaires—who control their rich, inhuman tool-assets of government and media talking-heads, who have done an exceptional job keeping their brainwashed, warring constituent-sheep (us, the people majority) psychologically-divergent to accept this madness for several generations.

We must wake up, now, peacefully resist, arrest these few monsters and stop pretending we can’t. If We the People majority do not stop believing in the more expensive, bloody wars against each-other and start believing in eliminating and liquidating just the very few ultra-rich monsters—humanity is dead.

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My dad was injured by the vaccine and got two of the worst lots according to how bad is my batch. He continues to have issues to this day. Do you know a doctor willing to do this assay? Thanks

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Anandamide, a question if I might: Why did Pfizer use the SV40 sequence? The covid cabal originally chose Moderna to be their vehicle for the vaccine. And BioNtech/Pfizer was added later. Probably to make it look less obvious. Bill Gates took a position in BioNtech only a month before the lab leak. Another way of asking that question. If SV40 is a promoter, what is it promoting to what?

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Let’s assume vaccines have plasmid DNA (which they don’t). The SV40 promoter has no potential to cause cancer. The SV40 large T antigen is how the virus transforms cells.

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Can you make an anti-N with a DNA sub-assembly that you can run qPCR on?

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