Tremendous write-up - Bravo!

All I'll say is my GP Surgery staff got uniformly sick starting the second week of March 2020 and it clearly was not a regular flu (neurological symptoms like losing the perception of breathing whilst actually breathing causing panic). I myself had very mild symptoms but they were also weird (nothing until the evening, then the feeling that my lungs were filled with trash).

Three got long Covid (never-vaxxed). Two younger women in their 30s have clearly developed auto-immune conditions that pre-date 2020 and go back to respiratory viral infections in December 2019. A friend nearly died with something similar in 2019, and a relative developed recurrent viral disease (including Covid) again since 2019.

So I'm convinced that Sars-Cov-2 exists, was a bio-weapon; was around before 2020 (the lack of illness in 2020 in some geographic regions suggests an Omicron predecessor providing protection to people in those regions); and that the scum that engineered it for profit, control and humanity-destroying motives must themselves be destroyed via a judicial crimes-against-humanity proceeding.

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Yea! In June of 2020, the virologist Luc Montagnier declared it to be gain of function and the perpetrators of this massive crime against humanity declared him to be senile and confused. They did a character assassination on one of the brightest minds we had! How else could they continue down the RNA route for profit! I had Covid first time for 21 days, without drug treatment except O2 and I am in the high-risk category because of age, but my immune system is strong because my Vitamin D level is 70 ng's. Second time around I got it from my son who didn't listen to me and got injected out of fear of losing me. Lasted only 7 days. Immune system kicked in big time. I never got vaxxed and my body is my temple, and you can't enter it without my permission! That is not what the corrupt medical man plan is for humans who are now considered to be free lab rat status! The Covid rats are already abandoning ship. Mia Culpa Mia Culpa. I was only following orders!

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There were two great Frenchmen I recall from the early days of the pandemic - Montagnier and Raoult. I was prescribing HCQ/ AZ off-label based on Raoult's work, tweets and publications from the early days of the pandemic to great effect (it would reverse declining SaO2s within 12h) in March 2020.

Montagnier published a paper on the risk of prion disease with a case series. I strongly suspect one of my patients developed it (but was diagnosed with Alzheimer's instead in her 50s - v different picture to typical Alzheimer's).

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We need the jabbers to abandon ship, please!!! Pharmacies, nurses, doctors. Lord, have mercy and help us!🙏♥️

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They are all just trying to kept their jobs and support their families! They have been caught between a rock and a hard place!

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“All”? I have family members who lost their job over the mandates. Your argument would excuse the Auschwitz camp guards.

Doing wrong is never doing right. We never know in advance when or under what circumstances our integrity will be tested. Integrity is not situational.

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Agree! I’m only expressing their mindset!

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Everyone of them who continued to give the jab with knowledge of the dangers is a violent criminal.

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I know this. I just want them to come to the realization that they just can’t do it anymore and say so, then just stop injecting.

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As long as the doctors are making money of those gene therapy injections, some of them will do it. There are too many greedy doctors without scruples. They just don't care any more.

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They'll probably only stop injecting when masses of people refuse to get injected.

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Very well said I like it

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They are killing people. That isn't a job, it's a capitol offense! If everyone who knew that ModRNA, LNP encased, toxic Spike Protien with prion coding genetic slop was a BAD idea from the start, stood up and said so, thins nightmare would not have, could not have, happened to humanity!

But they did not, just like the Germans during the rise of the Nazi party.

Going along to get along can get an entire world war and holocaust on your Karmic Debt card.

It isn't worth it, don't ya think?

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Agree.. I guess the deranged medicine man doesn't think much of it when they inject 250 Million Americans and less than 1% die. My estimate if the truth were know 600,000 there abouts! Between .2% and .3%. Who cares if 3.5 million were harmed in other ways.

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Yes. I feel there was “something” there. Things were not adding up. I am not a knowledgeable scientist or physician and am so thankful for Dr Malone and others who keep me informed on this entire COVID situation. I read as much as I can on this topic, trying hard to understand it all. I believe even if I can glean bits and pieces from the postings then I am helping my intelligence and understanding of all things worldly! So thank you to those of you who take the time to post your findings and beliefs so that others can read and learn!

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Definitely not a natural flu! It felt mechanical and heavy.

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A lot of it can be in the mind. When you are slightly afraid, your mind is slightly wavering. And then such slightly wavering mind can imagine all sorts of things. I think I recently had an adenovirus infecition but my colleague who underwent mRNA gene therapy treatment for five times and had Covid twice insisted that I had Covid. After all she had Covid recently and is now suffering from chronic sinusitis. So in her opinion I (the only unvaccinated) has to have Covid, too, even though I had neither cough nor a runny nose. That is utterly stupid.

In summer or autumn 2020, i. e. way into the Covid crisis, a friend of mine had a bad cold and so had her two nieces who had brought the infection from kindergarden. Nonetheless she invited me for dinner. Whilst she had the cold she was not at all thinking that she had Covid, otherwise she would have not invited me, her coughing and sneezing and all of them suffering from a head cold. But later she claimed she had a really bad infection, that it was worse than ANYTHING that she had EVER had until then, and that it was clearly Covid since she could not smell anything.

You can think up things a lot. She just had a very wild imagination.

Yet another colleague is sure that he got Covid despite having a negative PCR test, because he lost his smell and taste. That is also stupid. Do you believe in the test or do you not believe in the test? You have to make up your mind.

A lot comes down to imagination. Mind can think up all sorts of wild ideas especially when influenced by daily media fear porn.

Another 30 year old colleague got shingles not long after her third mRNA injection. Instead of suspecting that the shingles perhaps was a result of the mRNA injections affecting her immune system in a negative way (which probably was the case) she said at first that the shingles only got worse afterwards because she had Covid AFTER her shingles. And that the Covid infection was at fault for increasing her discomfort (nerve pain) from the shingles. No, no, no, in her opinion, because she was filled up with Covid vaccine propaganda (safe and effective), she could at first not believe that the vaccine could be the reason for both the shingles, and the subsequent Covid infection, as well as causing altogether more discomfort (neuropathy). She first had to blame Covid for her shingle neuropathy, even though her Covid infection happened AFTER her shingles.

This shows me that their weak minds cannot be trusted.

When you say that it felt mechanical and heavy. I mean I do not want to gaslight you. Your perception is your perception and you can own it and insist on it. But I can also see that imagination can be very strong.

Once I got at work a phone call from some young person who was sick with Covid. He imagined to be short of breath. At the same time he felt lonely and wanted to go back home to his home country. The mandatory isolation period was making him worried about his health. People were worrying far too much due to all the propaganda that was aimed at the general population on a daily basis. It does not mean that he was seriously sick. But he imagined that he could possibly be seriously sick because the media had instilled fear in people like him. Almost all people are very susceptible to fear propaganda. Fear of the unknown can have a strong effect on the psyche, and whether you believe it or not: It does not take much to feel that it all "felt mechanical and heavy". Not a lot at all. It is very, very simple and easy, having a little bit of propaganda in the background of your mind to feel "mechanical and heavy" and different from what one would usually feel when one does not know and is not too much worried what pathogen one has. Worrying a little bit for several days, or weeks, or months can really have a big impact.

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I agree. The mind is very powerful!

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I am the outlier amongst all jabbed family and 95% of friends. Went to a dinner in Sept. ‘22 and got sick along with all others at our table. Ten people in total. Was more fatigued than ever thought possible, lasted a week. I was more angry than anything because I never thought I would get IT since I knew IT was a scam. So hearing that I am weak minded or have a vivid Imagination is a bit insulting. I suspected some aerosol event could have taken place in the restaurant but will never know.

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Nocebo effect is much more powerful than the placebo, but most people have no idea about this. I wonder why... 🤔

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What's a natural flu?

Caused by dead viruses?

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Whatever people got sick from late 2019/ early 2020 was not nice . The jab is the Bioweapon though , thats what I saw kill babies . I had my share of stillbirths, miscarriages and placental abruptions . As a board certified OB/ Gyn , I am really angry the ACOG still recommends them to pregnant women.

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How do we stop these medical criminals who no longer respect life?

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Just keep doing what you're doing. Knowledge is power.

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Can I ask you how many of your staff tested positive for any of the influenzas after March 2020?

Let me take a wild guess: ZERO

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In the early days, the only people who got tested for Covid were those getting admitted to hospital in the UK. The flu panel is not commonly available to GPs for some reason. So yes zero. Two of the long-Covider's I mentioned earlier tested positive for Influenza-A in Dec 19 - I would not be surprised if there was some cross-reactivity in the diagnostic assays with Sars-Cov-2 at that time

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Have you ever heard of post influenza syndrome?

Here are some symptoms of influenza B or afebrile flu-like syndrome:

myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, multiple organ failure, severe respiratory distress leading to death.

Does it sound familiar?


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If the only people tested for covid were those admitted to the hospitals in UK, how did you know your GP surgery staff "clearly was not (affected by) a regular flu"?

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"The COVID-19 pandemic in UK was iatrogenic, as it did not originate from the SARS-CoV-2 virus but originated from Midazolam use in euthanasia and then likely later from mass vaccination."

- Wilson Sy


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Thank you for posting this article...

this verifies what no allopathic Dr. would, regarding horrifying illness contracted late October 2019 THRU to March 2020.

Experienced nothing like it or since, as the symptoms were debilitating, life altering...

-Allopathic diagnosis / remedy:

"...you have anxiety, get a dog."


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Same here - mild symptoms, but weird.

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I suspect that shedding of the spike protein from the vaxed to the unvaxed is real as my son also got long covid but not vaxed but the male nurse boarding with him was forced to take it and also got very sick in the end only able to work 2 days a week at a geriatric hospital. He had a fall and gashed his face on a rubbish bin at work spent time in hospital and is no longer working. He was only doing two nights a week at that time.

My sons story, before Covid did a lot of walking and was quite fit and healthy but after his male nurse boarder was vaxed, my son ended up with long covid symptoms he noticed that he could not do the long length of walks he once did. His Doctor diagnosed long covid and in the end he had to abandon his walks as he could not return home and would call his mother to pick him up. One day I went to collect him and he was only five mins from his home lying on the ground outside a strangers house.

Though he has improved since a year ago he still struggles, and his nurse boarder no longer works. Nothing but the biggest scam on Earth.

I am thankful that many of the poorer nations that could not afford the jabs ended up with the best alternatives that were banned such as (Iver) you know what. One South American country also introduced Chlorine Dioxide to good results. Bolivia if I remember correctly.

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Great article. I have been a big fan of Nick's / Panda's work but I like your explanation more. There was something moving through the world in 2020. I saw it affect my family and myself to varying degrees (minor) but also lost a few friends and some had close calls (no early treatment/ wrong early treatment). And I'd like to think I'm reasonably smart and open minded. Your essay fits my thinking on this perfectly. There was a thing. Mostly not too bad of a thing but for some it was devastating and I have sympathy with that as they were my friends. I am angry that they didn't get better information or treatment (one was blue before his wife called an ambulance). I am also very angry that governments provably caused more deaths due to over inflating numbers, paying for gain of function work, lying about origins, lying about vaccines.....lying about everything really. There wasn't a real pandemic on paper, Nick is right there. But there was most certainly 'something' and government and the masses "living the pandemic" made it all so much worse. We need to acknowledge this. No amount of actuarial proof takes away everyone's lived experience of it. It's only part of the overall puzzle and I'm grateful you've managed to build up more of that puzzle with the work you guys are doing. Nick if you read this, intellectually I can agree with your points completely and I know how much work has gone into it but there's a piece missing....🙏

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Confirmation bias is a very powerful force. The world was quite methodically and energetically marketed the plague of CV19. I maintain that if the media had focused mainly on the Kardashians and Hockey, then NO ONE would have noticed an extraordinary event and more people would be alive today. I believe all the GOF labs should have been incinerated decades ago, but this infatuation with Covid (people love to share their near death experiences) will serve only to prime people to submit faster to the next emergency power grab lockdown quarantine camp. I have an abiding revulsion that blooms again when I see a mask or when I remember how enthusiastically people closed their shops, closed their playgrounds, masked their kids, stood 6 feet apart on line, and imprisoned their family elders. Don't you see that this will happen again and more easily this time because of the bloody worship of scamdemics?

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I hope not. Many of us had no enthusiasm for mask, lock downs, distancing and the like. I happen to live in the Show Me state. The televised mayhem struck a bad cord - hospitals admissions and supposed deaths skyrocketing yet a sneak report that many were closing down, nurses without jobs. I thought bad flu I hope I don't get it and no nurse practitioner I will not take that jab.

My youngest brother could not wait until Biden took the helm and everything got back to normal He and wife got the jabs early on. We don't talk about that, or anything political anymore - my decision since he alluded to me being a flat-earther.

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Well I live in the woke "Con-Me" city of the rotten apple where the hospital systems and public health apparatchiks have been working overtime for 15 years to mandate flu jabs for day-care tots, health-care workers and pregnant women. I watched in disgust as the whole town fell in line with elbow bumping and "staying safe". Brave, savvy men fled to the burbs or moved into their basements and sent their wives out to bring back dinner and slip it through the door. My family has very quietly come around at last but in the beginning few of them believed me when I said it was a setup to shove a new shot down our throats. I quit my hospital gig 7 years ago before I would take their mandatory flu shot. I will never take any vaccine proffered by the DOD, CDC or WHO because they have no credibility whatsoever. I also hope I'm wrong about pandemic deja vu all over again, but when I read the nostalgic recollections of "before covid", "during covid", quarantine, lockdown and faux heroism against the superbug then I have my doubts about NY and similar states. Maybe not Missouri.

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Have your doubts if some are doubling down on the heroic efforts that saved millions (while taking ever codified law of freeman away). Incredible means not credible. Why would people enjoying their life stop to think their government was not looking out for their interests when the air and radio waves were spewing 24/7 this virus could kill 30 or more million if we don't do something. So what did gov do - nothing for 12 months waiting for the jab.

Only the skeptic, who over time had determined gov had long abandoned its free and thinking public, was saying wait just one minute. What was truth in the past cannot be a lie today. But, what were all those people thinking when confronted with one lie after the other by the USG and media? There we have it. They were not 'thinking' but reacting to fear porn.

My brothers all live, as do their children, in CA. I left there in 1970. I feel sorry for those who, for whatever reason, feel they can't move to a state that at least tries to uphold freedom for citizens. Our schools only closed for a little while, and our AG was fight the schools in Dem controlled areas to open and quit the masking. Teacher Unions are powerful in the hand of the Dems.

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Although I've never lived in CA, I've visited many times in my life. Just as is the case with America's once-great cities, I arrived too late (1960s) to enjoy these at their peak, perhaps. But one could often see glimmers of the old America, what was arguably the pinnacle of our civilization, in the not so distant past (but before my time). The deterioration in our overall quality of life is startling, and sadly I don’t think it’s over.

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Read only 4 states have a Surgeon General. Texas was not one. And we have some public health agency headed by someone who never uttered a peep from whay II can tell. Wrote my state rep. proposing we appoint one free of political baggage, transparent and accountable. If well intentioned state SGs were to bond during this type of insanity maybe sanity could prevail.

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Also Missourian, but I did not have time to think about it. I got c19 in hospital or office visit in early Jan. 2020. After a gall bladder op I was recovering at home and came down with aches and fevers so I stopped eating and went to bed. 2 rough nights and on the third morning I awakened in very good shape, but a day or two later I was cooking eggs, potatoes and bacon and I could neither smell nor taste the food. I chalked it up to old age until March, when I came upon a list of symptoms that fit me to a tee. Could not convince any friend nor relative not to vax tho. Sad, as to this day all of them are sick all the time.

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In my practice I have more than a few 80+ years old patients who shunned the jab against family pressure to take it. These individuals are all alive and well today. I admit that many others wanted the slick panacea and sought another physician who supported their misjudgement.

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Being fortunately retired and living in one of the freer areas (Florida), the pandemic's impact upon me was minimal. Even so, the relatively light-handed emergency regulations closed the non-profit I volunteer at for about two months. A community group I belong to didn’t meet for over a year, not due to government edit, rather (I’m assuming) the liability insurer for the church where we meet prohibited it. We had the usual silly marked floors in stores, exhortations to remain six feet apart, etc.

To some degree I’m a pessimist. The public is a vast herd of sheep. Especially in times of perceived (marketed!) crisis, they are especially grateful for some usually self-appointed Good Shepherd to lead them – even if it’s to the abattoir.

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This is probably the best, most cogent, and most uplifting Covid article that I have read since this whole nightmare began. Thank you Kevin! I’ve been intently watching from the sidelines since the very beginning of the C19 mess(as I felt instinctively something was amiss), trying to understand the genesis and implications of all that has unfolded over the last several years. I’ve been an admirer of those courageous few that have emerged as thought leaders against the official narrative and their efforts to inform and educate. Those leaders (yourself included in the forefront, Kevin) that have acted as voices for us voiceless in the fight for truth and medical freedom — and against the tyranny that was foisted upon us — have my eternal gratitude.

Of late, it has been distressing for me to see so many of the incredibly intelligent,dedicated, and experienced individuals contributing to this fight begin to squabble about who was first to see this or that and who is the “most“ correct. You summed this up so eloquently and considerately in your article. It would’ve been easier for you to point your shotgun and pull the trigger, but you painted an incredibly cogent picture. Hopefully all of the wonderful and intelligent freedom fighters will take your message to heart and reconsider their unproductive participation in the Spiderman meme. There is so much more to be accomplished and you expressed many salient points that I hope will be seriously considered by those in this important community going forward.

I was tremendously moved by this article. You’ve given me great hope by 1) explaining the “smoking gun“ conclusion and 2) outlining a path forward to work together so that we can rally the "normies" & "side liners" like myself to snuff out any nefarious pandemic preparedness operations and be prepared to drive back any future tyrannical advances made in the name of global health or other Trojan horses. Many things to you for this fantastic Article!

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Kevin McKernan, of the guys with the greatest understanding of this COVID debacle is hanging out here at SubStack, exhorting all those who are discovering and uncovering the truths and crimes to AVOID forming a circular firing squad. And he presents super strong evidence that SARS CoV2 has artificial (man made) genome elements.

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Thank you for these thoughts. To grasp what is going on, it is necessary to juggle many topics at the same time; we need people digging as deep as they can regarding a singular topic and at the same time media ambiguity tolerance and decentralisation of focus that enables all relevant topics to unfold on a level playing field for NPCs like myself. People holding the view that one has to »put all wood behind one arrow« are still embedded in legacy media thinking that can only feature on one hot topic at the time.

The following quote captures this nicely: »So I support the people chipping away at the GOF recklessness as much as I support those trying to end the Pandemic Preparedness narrative as much as I support frontline physicians and vax contamination investigations as much as I support those chipping away at the free speech violations that enabled all of this hoodwinking.«

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Although compartmentalization and specialization have their caveats as well.

Plausible deniability of the work of others in other fields for one.

How to balance the human ego.

As Tears For Fears sang : Everybody wants to rule the world.

True humility is an acquired skill that needs constant practice. It doesn't come naturally for any of us.

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Re the Tears for Fears quote. I read a lot of Nietzsche. He writes in (I think) Beyond Good and Evil, that man is a collection of instincts or drives, each of which would be the dominant one. So to paraphrase him: Every drive wants to rule the man.

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Only one thing seems to be certain almost 100% of the time:

Divide and Conquer.

A huge dose of humility and kindness and attempts to listen and heal seem badly needed. Thank you for your clarity

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Bang on the money Kevin as usual.

I did explain to Nick that attacking those on broadly the same page with the "no pandemic" line was likely counter productive. I also explained that our problem is not one of definitions / semantics but one of captured institutions and corrupt individuals.

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So many confused people trying to outdo each other in cleverness. The proof of lab release seems irrefutable at this point.

S2 induces a significantly higher rate of myocarditis than any other flu and will probably cause turbo cancers, prions, and other issues over time. It was novel, as McCullough and the VAERS data said early on.

It was a pandemic according to the definition. Just because S2 has a low proximate IFR, doesn't mean it can't qualify.

I really don't know what the no virus/no pandemic crowd are trying to prove. That the vaxxes and NPIs caused all the problems? Why leave out the virus and the fabricated-but-real pandemic?

They were all the work of the same evil people who are trying to take over the world.

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The IFR for the prodrome is misleading. The work of Walter M Chesnut, who predicted a looming heart failure "pandemic" due to SARS-coV-2, and explained the mechanism

Of the heart failure before l Murata et al corroborated it, points to SARS-CoV-2 being not merely cardiotoxic but to it also having, after the prodrome, a diverse range of immunocompromising, neurodegenenerative, diabetogenic, and oncogenic effects. Nathan Wolfe and his colleagues and backers knew exactly what they were doing when they created the pathogen.

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According to Dr. McCullough the cardiotoxic effects of the virus only lasts a few weeks. Unlike the 'vaccine'.

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So the viral spike is cool? No need to detox from it? Natto is just for the jabbed?

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If unjabbed and did not get a serious infection then it is unlikely too much spike got into the body. It might be man-made but the body does not care about that, just that it is a foreign protein. We are very good at getting rid of (non-misfolded) foreign proteins, so no I would not be too concerned about taking natto. Anyway, it costs a fortune - long-term fasting or wet blood cupping would be the therapies I use to get rid of spike.

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This new variant looks interesting

Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’ mice: ‘Surprisingly’ rapid death


It looks like the answer to the new variant will be more of what has already been done.

Hospital Measures Prevented COVID Transmission

Study: Infection-control measures stemmed COVID spread in hospitals from 2020 to 2022. A new study finds that hospital measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 worked, and we probably should keep them.


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That link should be www.cidCRAP.....

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I think it's the same mental desire that leads people to claim there were no deaths on 911 or at Sandy Hook, etc., and no virus. Every event is a hoax.

Because it isn't easy for the mind to NOT find an answer it can grasp and file for future reference. To believe 911 resulted in 3000 deaths and was also a "hoax" is too much and very inconvenient. Since that likely means it is a far more complex event than the mind can find an answer to and will forever swirl at loose ends in thought.

So people adhere to "that's my story and I'm sticking to it", regardless of veracity.

Once the mind has found it's "answer" it's very difficult to persuade it to reconsider.

I remember a survey about roasting a turkey and people were asked to recount what they believed to be the best way to roast a turkey. When asked why they believed it was the best way, by far the greatest answer was, "because that's the way mom did it.' End of story.

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Like firearm combat. The double tap for the confirmed kill.

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Jan 19, 2024
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Well said.

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Pandemics are supposed to be rare and far apart. Another TRUE pandemic cannot arrive this fall!

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Jan 22, 2024Edited
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Thank you for this stance. I have been increasingly distressed by the fragmentation and name-calling of late. It does not move the ball forward.

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If you learned that almost all of the prominent docs in the medical freedom movement were linked to intelligence agencies, how distressed would you feel? Time to grow up. This is war.



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The article speaks of one physician. How does this implicate all of them?

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Great article Kevin. I am of the opinion that an all hands on deck approach to expose the entire covid catastrophe is appropriate. IMO the web of lies will be exposed in it's entirely over this year to the general public. I think the biggest horrifying scandal is this; they (*allegedly)let people die. I cannot express my gratitude for your work and more importantly your voice. Thank you Kevin.

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I know many good people that truly believe the lockdowns, mandates and unscientific mitigation measures were justified, I lost many family and personal relationships trying to show them their hypocrisy and illogical rationale to no avail. They don't see the big picture and they likely never will. I certainly don't understand how they can be so blind and have lost some respect for them but I don't think their bad judgment makes them bad people.

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It does if they coerced/encouraged others to get it.

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Meanwhile, over at David Gorski's " Science-Based Medicine"

Hospital Measures Prevented COVID Transmission

A new study finds that hospital measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 worked, and we probably should keep them.

Steven Novella on January 17, 2024


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Stay away from hospitals, they will surely kill you.

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My friend contracted COVID in the ICU in 2022. What caused it - was it the hospital's lack of rigor in enforcement, the specific policy in place, being twice jabbed and on anti-rejection meds, the many-many-times-greater transmissibility of Omicron, or something else?

The study you refer to says the measures worked much better in a newer facility than an older one, and did not separate out the effectiveness of masking vs other measures. The study contains at least one glaring error: they said people were protected from infection by vaccination. Consequently, what was the effect on results of testing the unvaccinated staff twice as often?

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I find it most irritating when astroturfers comment “Covid doesn’t exist” or “there was no pandemic” under posts that of themselves are unrelated. Eg: demonstrating that the government was caught in a cover up, or revealing the extent of foul play over blocking medications (whether or not you think they were necessary), or lockdown and masking policies etc.

In most cases, it undermines the important point being made, and simply creates chaos and division - even if the commenter believes they’re right, even if they ARE right.

I think we need to get better, as a community, at focusing on what we agree on and picking and choosing time and place for voicing disagreements - which are good and welcome, but unhelpful when aggressively sprayed in comments under posts to which there is no relevant link. Not talking about Nick Hudson, like you I respect him and he is not who I’m thinking of with the astroturfing behaviour.

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Thoughtful post. I hope folks can agree to disagree and stop the splintering. One thing I will say, though, is that there’s money for some of the big names in the early treatment/vitamin detox group, so there is an element of protecting their rice bowl and I think that’s why this schism is getting particularly nasty. Blessed are the peacemakers.

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Dr. McKernan, are you referring to this article by Emily Kopp (U.S. Right to Know)?


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Thanks for pointing out the RE paper. I remember seeing a couple years back a study that did something like a power analysis that considered all REs, showing that it was engineered. Do you know of this paper? (or maybe it was not allowed into a journal at the time, but I cannot find it).

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Tell the 96% of this year's Argentinian elephant seal pups, who just died of H5N1, that pandemics aren't a real threat. Virologist Robert Webster warned in 2005 that with some adaptation mutations it could potentially kill half the human race (https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/AvianFlu/story?id=1724801). And don't forget to keep ignorning Geert Vanden Bossche and the people who take him seriously (https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/potential-clinical-implications-of), no discussion of his analysis is needed.

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I've come to think of Geert Vanden Bosche in the same way that I think of the guys who write that the stock market will have a huge crash (and have been predicting this since 2009.) I love to read them, I really do, but eventually I have to ask, where is the crash and where is the super deadly escape variant?

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I agree with this sentiment. You cant be a builder of society while donning the "The end is near" cape. Skeptical Optimism is required. Particularly in state funded fields that are heavily distorted by Fiat princes like Fauci.

At the same time, I don't think giving Fauci et al a hall pass on tinkering with small pox in downtown Boston is the right message. Many of the "No Pandemic crowd" are critical of any protest against GOF as they believe it plays into the pandemic prep narrative. Its as if in their mind, transmissible diseases can never be engineered. I dont think they understand how easy this stuff is to tinker with. Most of the people with these beliefs don't actually have any lab experience to know how quickly a modified C19 could be reconstructed today (dozens of strains in weeks).

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You may like this recently lab created new SARS-CoV-2 related Coronavirus. 100% kill rate in humanized mice.

Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)


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@moderndiscontent did an analysis of this article on SubStack.

A less unsettling experience, looking at various animal and cell culture studies.


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That's a good analysis. Thanks for sharing.

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YW. I've been reading @moderndiscontent since joining SubStack.

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