Very recently Canadian citizen and journalist Scoops McGoo struck gold with a FOIA request (X handle = @sco0psmcgoo).
Tamara Ugolini from Rebel News began to dig into this topic. She has also submitted FOIAs and questions to the regulators regarding SV40 promoters and DNA contamination.
I’ve collected a few of the parts of the Scoops Scoop for comment.
Pfizer does not seem to care? Really, called me shocked. They have their $100B, the liability waiver and now they don’t call you back?
“The regulatory sequence elements in question were non-functional with respect to the manufacturing process”.
I think Im going to etch this moronic citation-free comment into Bitcoin’s OP_RETURN so it echos forever in time. You cannot manufacture a plasmid without a selectable marker. No antibiotic selection, no plasmid. No promoter for the antibiotic resistance gene, no plasmid. No plasmid, no mRNA.
Not only are these sequences required for plasmid manufacturing, but they are active in mammalian cells.
Perhaps Pfizer and their ‘regulators’ haven’t thought about where these shots ends up (hint- Humans are mammals).
In their 1st sentence they repeat the cultish psalm that these are ‘Non-Functional’.
In the very next sentence, HC is pushing Pfizer to remove these sequences from future vaccines.. because they are so ‘Non-Functional’.
Well shiver me kittens. Its like Newton getting struck on the head with an apple and declaring gravity doesn’t exist.
“No peer reviewed scientific evidence that would raise any safety concerns”
If you choose not to look you won’t find any. But if you just google SV40 Promoter AND P53 you’ll find Drayman et al which demonstrates this very sequence binds to P53 (an important tumor suppressor gene).
I wonder what they redacted?
The next bullet point is an absolute bombshell.
They ask Pfizer to provide evidence of the fragment sizes of the DNA in the vaccines. This is something various regulators have assured the public was not an issue. They have a 200bp size limit and they assured everyone the DNA was under this size without having any evidence on hand of it being so!
We know the size distribution from Oxford Nanopore sequencing. In just an 856 read survey we found 2.5kb and 3.4kb reads (2500-3400 base pairs) that encode the entire antibiotic resistance gene and its SV40 promoter and Origin of replication. I have no doubt that deeper sequencing of vaccine lots with CT scores of 13-14 will find 7kb fragments (full length).
Their request to look at bacterial transformation is less urgent than the need for them to look at activity in mammalian cells.
We have done this and the Origins of replication appear to be active in OvCar3 cell lines.
We can help them here. There is NO JUSTIFICATION for SV40 regulatory elements as Modern doesn’t have any.
More reiteration of the previous psalms.
FDA, EMA and HC walk into a bar-
Here Health Canada is attempting to get all of the regulatory agencies on the same page to communicate a unified message to the public regarding SV40. The terms collusion and RICO come to mind.
Not used in plasmid manufacturing?
Here they admit the SV40 promoter is active in mammalian cells but they attempt to weasel out of this by claiming its not relevant to bacterial manufacturing. They seem to show no interest that their shots are aimed at transfecting mammals.
Shockingly, the documents they already gave to the EMA show the exact opposite.
Here Pfizer admits to using the Kanamycin resistance gene to manufacture the plasmid. This gene cannot be expressed without its SV40 promoter.
Try to resolve that mobius strip of illogical illusions.
Below Pfizer attempts to confuse people over SV40 viruses which are oncogenic. They try to make the claim that Fragments of SV40 DNA are not oncogenic despite Moderna’s own patents on these vaccines stating clearly otherwise.
Why all the redactions?
Moderna’s patent below. There are many like this covered by @Patent_Sun on X.
Drayman et al work demonstrating that this sequence binds to P53 should alarm them. Likewise Dean et al work demonstrating its use in gene therapy for nuclear targeting is hard to miss in the literature.
And now for the bombshell-
This is an overt lie. qPCR doesn’t measure ALL of the DNA in the shots and Modernas patents once again showcase this. It is incapable of measuring the vast majority of the DNA which is smaller than the PCR amplicon size. For this, Fluorometry is required and it demonstrates orders of magnitude more DNA than qPCR finds.
While the WHO and FDA guidelines like to dismiss DNA under 200bp in size, they came to those conclusions with naked injected DNA which does indeed have a 5 minute half life upon injection and the smaller pieces are more easily digested. But once these DNA are inside a LNP that size range is irrelevant as it will be protected from degradation.
They make reference to a 330ng/mg of DNA/RNA but leave out the part where they measure the RNA with Fluorometry which measures everything and the DNA with qPCR which measures only a fraction of the contamination. The ‘cherry picking tools’ fraud is covered here.
The biggest bombshell in the FOIA is that Pfizer admits to not even having an assay to measure the fragment lengths!
Wait What?
Regulators assured us this DNA was under 200bp and of no consequence, yet the manufacturing doesn’t even have an assay to measure it???
Talk about regulatory capture. They are willing to lie to safeguard the manufacturer, not safeguard the public?
Again, the review of this in bacteria is a misdirect of peoples attention. They should be looking at this DNA’s ability to replicate in mammalian cells and when they do that they will find SNPs in the origins of replication that indicate it is active and replicating in mammalian cells. So once again the 10ng limit is somewhat irrelevant if the DNA introduced can amplify post transfection.
This 200bp assumption is flawed once LNPs are in the picture. The LNPs actually invert the problem. The smaller DNA fragments become, the more likely it is to integrate as it has more sticky ends. As Phillip Buckhaults said, smaller DNA becomes buckshot against the genome once inside the cell. Keith Pedens own work at the FDA confirms this. Nanograms of smaller DNAs are much higher in copy number of 5 prime phosphates and 3’ hydroxyls (sticky ends) than nanograms of host cell chromosomes. Billions of sticky ends in the former versus thousands of sticky ends in the later.
“Aligned” = Collusion/RICO. The regulators are working with Pfizer to come up with pacifying language for the Plebs.
Tamara second part of this report is below.
This all needs to be taken into context of Wafik El-Diery’s recent publication which sailed through Peer review in 2 weeks.
To quote from Zhang et al conclusions
Our findings have implications for the natural history of prolonged or repeated SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as design of anti-COVID-19 vaccines that are administered repeatedly as booster shots. Further studies are needed to unravel and clarify issues raised to minimize various risks.
A goal would be to understand the structural basis for maximal anti-viral immunity while minimizing suppression of host defenses including the p53 DNA damage response and tumor suppression pathway. Such directions are relevant and important including not only in the context of viral infection and mRNA vaccines in general but also for patients with cancer who may be receiving cytotoxic or other cancer treatments.
Much attention has been placed on the nuclear targeting of this residual DNA. What isn’t getting enough attention is that even cytosolic DNA can lead to tumorogenesis as described by He et al.
Phillip Buckhaults has suggested this inflammatory pathway maybe what is leading to myocarditis.
They will induce an immune-suppressive microenvironment if chronically activated.
There is no doubt in my mind this is the exact type of ‘misinformation’ these bureaucrats wish to censor with the recent trend in restriction of free speech on social media.
The specific science is way above my pay grade or understanding. However, I definitely understand the "political science" and how easily studies can be rigged, manipulated and ignored (via censorship, etc.) - especially when gargantuan amounts of money are at stake and the "authorized" program might be at risk.
I also understand that 100 percent of the world's important scientific and political organizations are completely captured. Lastly, I understand that you could have 100 witnesses that saw somebody pull the trigger and murder someone ... but that evidence or testimony doesn't matter a hill of beans if the Powers that Be have already decided what the verdict is going to be ... Or what FOIA evidence won't carry any weight ... Sigh.
Still, I appreciate the few real citizen journalists, who do understand all the science, and are telling us what really happened ... and how.
and the LNPs cause and promote inflammation as well...