There is a nasty trend infiltrating science. It’s an ideological poisoning of reason and logic.
It is pleotropic but derived from the same mind virus.
It has a tendency to infer the consequences of the discovery into the methods and results such that the Abstract and Conclusions read like scripture.
Often the line between woke and meme-meat is elusive.
hyper expression of the woke mind virus has more camouflaged penetrance in scientific manuscripts, which makes them that much more fun to detect.
It is time to initiate the weekly TNTA Award.
The Nerfing The Abstract award.
Example #1
It’s amazing that fit in the same paragraph and the author didn’t croak from the foot lodged in their mouth while penning it.
Add your favorite examples in the comments sections and initiate the meme lords.
It has been also happening over in the geosciences for some time. I looked at a paper by someone I used to know -- really boring Quarternary cores samples from Siberia. And when the data veered to looking like it might contradict some aspect of 'climate emergency' or CO2 narrative, the authors suddenly fell all over themselves trying to explain and reasserting their loyalty to 'climate change'. And then there's the hydrology paper that has the apologetic mandatory preamble about the west being in a severe drought with increasing temps, but the paper is about a area in the west that is on trend this century for falling temps and increased precipitation.
Nasty. But I bet that the second part was what got the paper published and not retracted.
You see that last minute "but all is well" all too often now.
It"s the price thee authors pay while having the foot in their mouth.